Gleb - RAPINBOX Vol.1 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - RAPINBOX Vol.1

Iči, ni, san, ši, lil' bitch
Go, one, three, four, five, lil' bitch
Som, som som zeš, som zlý
I'm, I'm, I'm crazy, I'm bad
Som, som so fresh, so clean
I'm, I'm so fresh, so clean
Vždy som hrával za záporný tím
I've always played for the bad guys
Ale vieš ako to chodí man, terrorist win
But you know how it goes, man, terrorist win
Som, som som zeš, som zlý
I'm, I'm, I'm crazy, I'm bad
Som, som so fresh, so clean
I'm, I'm so fresh, so clean
Vždy som hrával za záporný tím
I've always played for the bad guys
Ale vieš ako to chodí man, terrorist win
But you know how it goes, man, terrorist win
Keď sa flákam, tak sa flákam iba s tvorivými ľuďmi
When I'm chilling, I'm chilling only with creative people
Každý jeden pofel vonku sa točí okolo hudby
Every single vibe outside revolves around music
Pomaly cruizin' s Dalybom a Cruizom
Slowly cruisin' with Dalyb and Cruiz
Veľký bass, šedé bloky vyfarbíme zvukom
Big bass, gray blocks, we color them with sound
Kým ďalší Jozef Mak znásilňoval majk
While another Jozef Mak was raping the mic
Ja som prehodnotil celý movement anti-hype
I rethought the whole anti-hype movement
Nerád to priznávam, no z anti-hypu sa stal paradoxne hype
I hate to admit it, but anti-hype paradoxically became hype
A keď sa z niečoho stane hype, tak to vždy nechám tak
And when something becomes hype, I always leave it like that
Chcú starého Gleba, okay
They want the old Gleb, okay
Podľa mňa som dostatočne starý na to, aby som bral vážne podobné vety
I think I'm old enough to take such sentences seriously
Nehľadáme predsa s Komanderom hodinami nový sound
Komander and I aren't looking for a new sound for hours
Len prеto, aby som znel ako dva roky predtým
Just to sound like two years ago
V tomto mestе ešte spravím veľa chýb
I will make many more mistakes in this city
Kvôli hudbe som nechal tak veľa ľudí ísť
I let so many people go because of music
Nemám čas na melodrámy a medziľudské vzťahy
I don't have time for melodramas and interpersonal relationships
Moje renesančné plány pochopí len Mikuláš Kopernik
Only Nicolaus Copernicus will understand my Renaissance plans
A čo to meleš? Aký marketing?
What are you talking about? What marketing?
Robím presne to isté čo ty, hodím debilný klip na YouTube
I do exactly the same thing as you, I upload a stupid video on YouTube
Vo vašich životoch sa nič nezmenilo
Nothing has changed in your lives
Ani pred covidom ste nemali shows a nikto vám nepodával ruku
You didn't have shows before covid, and no one shook your hand
Svoj najväčší hejter budem navždy ja sám
I will always be my biggest hater
Takže malí smutní bitchmeni ma neurazia (A-a)
So little sad bitches won't offend me (A-a)
nie som youngster, no ešte nie som OG
I'm not a youngster anymore, but I'm not an OG yet
Skúsený MC je viac jak traja noví
An experienced MC is worth more than three new ones
Ja som, som som zeš, som zlý
I'm, I'm, I'm crazy, I'm bad
Som, som so fresh, so clean
I'm, I'm so fresh, so clean
Vždy som hrával za záporný tím
I've always played for the bad guys
Ale vieš ako to chodí man, terrorist win
But you know how it goes, man, terrorist win
Som, som som zeš, som zlý
I'm, I'm, I'm crazy, I'm bad
Som, som so fresh, so clean
I'm, I'm so fresh, so clean
Vždy som hrával za záporný tím
I've always played for the bad guys
Ale vieš ako to chodí man, terrorist win
But you know how it goes, man, terrorist win
Fuj to je stok, fuj fuj to je stok
Ugh, that's stock, ugh ugh, that's stock
Fuj to je stok, fuj fuj to je stok
Ugh, that's stock, ugh ugh, that's stock
Tvoj shit ľudí nudí, tvoj shit ľudí nudí
Your shit bores people, your shit bores people
Tvoj shit ľudí nudí, tvoj shit ľudí nudí
Your shit bores people, your shit bores people
Balkón, sunset
Balcony, sunset
Vo vnútrobloku hrajú basket
Playing basketball in the inner block
Dávam streetový pofel pri aute
Giving street vibe by the car
Scéna ako z filmu
A scene from a movie
Homeboyi happy
Homeboys are happy
Púšťam obľúbené tapy
Playing my favorite tunes
Nad nami je veľa dymu
There's a lot of smoke above us
Potom centrum (Grrr), opúšťam podzemnú garáž
Then downtown (Grrr), I'm leaving the underground garage
Checkerom vadí hudba, okay, pustím ju nahlas
Checker doesn't like the music, okay, I'll turn it up loud
Zvoní telefón "Hey G, dneska je kalba"
The phone rings "Hey G, there's a party tonight"
Sorry neprídem, som v štúdiu, ozvem sa zajtra
Sorry, I can't come, I'm in the studio, I'll call you tomorrow
A big up každému, kto tam so mnou sedel do rána
And big up to everyone who sat there with me until the morning
Nahrávam moje tracky hardwork, potom sranda
Recording my tracks, hard work, then fun
Kvôli vám som rád, že to nebola strata času
I'm glad it wasn't a waste of time, because of you
Môžte byť na seba hrdí, lebo výsledky jasné
You can be proud of yourselves, because the results are clear
A posielame faker každému kto nepomohol
And we're sending a faker to everyone who didn't help
Nepriložil ruku k dielu, iba prišiel na hotové
Didn't put their hand to the work, just came for the finished product
No nie som sklamaný, ani urazený, tak to neni
But I'm not disappointed or offended, it's not like that
Zvykol som si na všetko, na západe nič nové
I'm used to everything, nothing new in the west
Každý raper vidí svet trocha inak
Every rapper sees the world a little differently
Ja som musel vykopnúť dvere, aby sa veci začali hýbať
I had to kick down the doors to get things moving
Keď sa dvaja bijú, tretí vyhrá, to je pičovina
When two fight, the third wins, that's bullshit
Tretí bude vždy iba za zbabelého primitíva
The third will always only be for a cowardly primitive
Z MCs ako ty som sa vždycky smial
I've always laughed at MCs like you
Nikto ťa nechváli, preto sa na nete chváliš sám
No one praises you, so you praise yourself on the Internet
nie som youngster, no ešte nie som OG
I'm not a youngster anymore, but I'm not an OG yet
Skúsený MC je viac jak traja noví
An experienced MC is worth more than three new ones
Ja som, som som zeš, som zlý
I'm, I'm, I'm crazy, I'm bad
Som, som so fresh, so clean
I'm, I'm so fresh, so clean
Vždy som hrával za ...
I've always played for ...
Okay fuck that shit
Okay, fuck that shit
Mám ešte nejaké bary
I've got some more bars
Keď vchádzam do banky takí, že "Pán Veselov poďte za mnou"
When I walk into a bank, they're like, "Mr. Veselov, come with me"
Keď som v reštike takí, že "Yo, mám pre vás stôl"
When I'm in a restaurant, they're like, "Yo, I've got a table for you"
Keď vchádzam do klubu, biletár je taký, že "Kto je tento potkan?"
When I walk into the club, the ticket collector is like, "Who is this rat?"
Keď zistí kto som je taký, že "Oh no!
When he finds out who I am, he's like, "Oh no!
Panebože to som dosral"
Oh my God, I messed up"
Veľká hlavohruď sa zrazu správa ako socka
The big head suddenly acts like a sock
Kvôli mne ten zmrd, yo, príde o prácu
Because of me that motherfucker, yo, is gonna lose his job
Bez problémov nasnitchujem zlého zamestnanca
I'll snitch on a bad employee without any problem
Hey, počúvaj ma sem ty malý wanksta
Hey, listen to me, you little wanksta
Ukážem ti temnú stranu mesta
I'll show you the dark side of town
Každé druhé slovenské sídlisko je zlé
Every other Slovak housing estate is bad
Prestaň si myslieť, že tvoja bolesť tam vonku bola väčšia
Stop thinking your pain out there was bigger
Fuj to je stok, fuj fuj to je stok
Ugh, that's stock, ugh ugh, that's stock
Fuj to je stok, fuj fuj to je stok
Ugh, that's stock, ugh ugh, that's stock
Tvoj shit ľudí nudí, tvoj shit ľudí nudí
Your shit bores people, your shit bores people
Tvoj shit ľudí nudí, tvoj shit ľudí nudí
Your shit bores people, your shit bores people
A som, som som zeš, som zlý
And I'm, I'm, I'm crazy, I'm bad
Som, som so fresh, so clean
I'm, I'm so fresh, so clean
Vždy som hrával za záporný tím
I've always played for the bad guys
Ale vieš ako to chodí man, terrorist win
But you know how it goes, man, terrorist win
No čiapka
No cap
Každý je frajer kým sa nezjaví frajer
Everyone's a tough guy until a tough guy shows up
Moje meno je BBG
My name is BBG
Nepotrebujem psychológa
I don't need a psychologist
Porozprávam sa s mikrofónom
I'll talk to the microphone

Writer(s): Gleb

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