Gleb - Streetstory - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - Streetstory

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Za streetstory s Glebom
For the street story with Gleb
Keď došiel nácek do parku
When the Nazi came to the park
Dostal po hlave skateom.
He got hit in the head with a skateboard.
Moji starí fellas stále fúkajú
My old fellas are still blowing
Viac jak vietor
More than the wind
Mohol som ostať s nimi vonku
I could have stayed with them outside
No mám v ruke jackpot.
But I have a jackpot in my hand.
Odpálim to, baseball.
I'll hit it, baseball.
Minulosť zahodím cez plot.
I'll throw the past over the fence.
Musím to hrať jak Lebron
I have to play it like Lebron
A páliť po nich jak Vietcong.
And shoot at them like the Vietcong.
Pod pódiom teplo, vreskot
Under the stage, heat, roar
Headshot, peklo
Headshot, hell
Udávam tempo do setov
I set the pace for the sets
špinavá hudba je ghetto
Dirty music is ghetto
Tvrdá ako beton.
Hard as concrete.
Včera v noci ma preplo
Last night I got flipped
A nechcem vidieť fotoreport.
And I don't want to see a photo report.
Špinavé tracky jako staničné depo.
Dirty tracks like a station depot.
Bŕŕ. Nosím nové dávky deťom
Brrr. I'm carrying new doses for the kids
ZOO shit, ZOO shit, nikto nejde detox.
ZOO shit, ZOO shit, no one is going detox.
A stretneme sa pred večierkou áái
And we'll meet before the party áái
V ruke vodka, Spriite
Vodka, Spriite in hand
čumí na nás policajt
A cop is staring at us
žereme studený pizza slice.
We're eating cold pizza slices.
Jazdím po ulici jak bike
I'm riding down the street like a bike
Na sluchátkach UK grime.
With UK grime on my headphones.
Londýnski MC's za zamračený vibe.
London MCs for a cloudy vibe.
Ideme streetstory, streetstory
We're going street story, street story
Gin, tonic, speed, drogy, chceme byť chorý.
Gin, tonic, speed, drugs, we want to be sick.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Beat horí, rým, slohy to je to čo robím.
Beat is on fire, rhyme, verses, that's what I do.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Gin, tonic, speed, drogy, chceme byť chorý.
Gin, tonic, speed, drugs, we want to be sick.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Beat horí, rým, slohy to je to čo robím.
Beat is on fire, rhyme, verses, that's what I do.
Na stole bongo, na vozenie s bandou
Bongo on the table, riding with the gang
Na zadnom žiadne Lambo.
No Lambo in the back.
Jazdíme vanbox, nadomnou satan a pán boh.
We're riding a vanbox, Satan and God above me.
Pošlem fotku ako žerem mango
I'll send a photo of me eating mango
Letím na Srí Lanku, zobudím susedu Magdu
I'm flying to Sri Lanka, I'll wake up my neighbor Magda
Pustím punk-rock.
I'll play punk-rock.
A som divoký, Jango.
And I'm wild, Jango.
Mám hangover, Bangkok.
I have a hangover, Bangkok.
Bankovky, na stôl lebo mám na ne nárok.
Banknotes, on the table because I'm entitled to them.
Vlasy, cez tvár, outfit ako bezďák
Hair, over my face, outfit like a homeless person
Kto viac love jak ten kár?
Who has more love than that card?
Keď nemáš nič to je facepalm.
When you have nothing, that's a facepalm.
Hustle hard jak Ace Hood
Hustle hard like Ace Hood
Predávam to cez Facebook
I'm selling it through Facebook
Predávam to z rúk do rúk
I'm selling it hand to hand
Vitaj na stanici ZOO.
Welcome to ZOO station.
Boli sme vonku v špine
We were out in the dirt
V zime, no dnes ideme dnu.
In winter, but today we're going inside.
V noci hore, ráno naše tváre vyblednú.
Up at night, our faces fade in the morning.
Príbeh ulice, ale ne divadlo.
Story of the street, but not the theatre.
V hlave iba zlo
Only evil in my head
Dávno som vychladol jak mizantrop.
I've been cold for a long time like a misanthrope.
A spitujem to ako Harry Shot
And I spit it out like Harry Shot
A oni chcú chodiť v mojich botách
And they want to walk in my shoes
Vyradím každého idiota
I'll take out every idiot
Moja crew to je 9. rota.
My crew is the 9th rota.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Gin, tonic, speed, drogy, chceme byť chorý.
Gin, tonic, speed, drugs, we want to be sick.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Beat horí, rým, slohy to je to čo robím.
Beat is on fire, rhyme, verses, that's what I do.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Gin, tonic, speed, drogy, chceme byť chorý.
Gin, tonic, speed, drugs, we want to be sick.
Streetstory, streetstory
Streetstory, streetstory
Beat horí, rým, slohy to je to čo robím.
Beat is on fire, rhyme, verses, that's what I do.
A moje nové EP je ZLOO
And my new EP is ZLOO
Smejem sa na tebe jak kok.
I'm laughing at you like a jerk.
Nehovor nič, buď ticho ako Bob.
Don't say anything, be quiet like Bob.
Nechytíte Gleba, bez debát
You won't catch Gleb, no debate
šak to sa nedá, šlapem ako pedál
Because it's impossible, I'm stepping on the pedal
Heavymetal, na majku idem Metal Shot.
Heavy metal, on the mic I'm going Metal Shot.
A pálim na nich, ako guny
And I'm firing at them, like guns
Na jeden nádych, maník
In one breath, man
Podzemný flow jak Baník
Underground flow like Baník
Zažívajú zánik, zarábam money
They are experiencing demise, I'm making money
Vy ste lamy, v ruke kalich
You are lame, with a goblet in your hand
Stále slavím, každý môj track ti kazí plány.
I'm still celebrating, every track of mine ruins your plans.
MC's mrtví, čierne vrany!
MCs are dead, black ravens!

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