Gleb - Zešlach Crunk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - Zešlach Crunk

Zešlach Crunk
Tendon Crunk
Keď si to vypočul môj syn, povedal že to je zvláštny rap
When my son listened to this, he said it was some weird rap
Yo, what's up mama, som na Bahamách
Yo, what's up mama, I'm in the Bahamas
Žeriem ananás, oranžový sunrise padá na nás
Eating pineapple, orange sunrise falling on us
Big boy Gleb na tekvici bucket hat a bandana
Big boy Gleb in a pumpkin bucket hat and bandana
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Yo, what's up mama, som na Bahamách
Yo, what's up mama, I'm in the Bahamas
Žeriem ananás, oranžový sunrise padá na nás
Eating pineapple, orange sunrise falling on us
Big boy Gleb na tekvici bucket hat a bandana
Big boy Gleb in a pumpkin bucket hat and bandana
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
No chýba mi môj motherfuckin' balkón a výhľad na hrad
Well, I miss my motherfuckin' balcony and the view of the castle
Parky, parkoviska, rap spopod nočných lámp
Parks, parking lots, rap under the night lamps
Opilecké debaty pred Istanbul kebabom
Drunken debates in front of Istanbul kebab
Na sebe bandana, bucket hat, merch a long-sleeve
Wearing a bandana, bucket hat, merch, and a long-sleeve
Freestyle z kufra, letná búrka
Freestyle from the suitcase, summer storm
Zaparkovaná sedma, reprák a podzemná hudba
Parked seven series, boombox and underground music
Púšťam New York boom bap, ako cez starý boombox
Playing New York boom bap, like through an old boombox
V mojom meste treba vediet kedy máš zaradiť moonwalk
In my city, you need to know when to moonwalk
A nedeľa vždy býva taká bolestivá
And Sunday is always so painful
Preto radšej nechodíme spať a v potravinách bereme vína
That's why we prefer not to go to sleep and grab some wine at the grocery store
A nedeľa vždy býva taká bolestivá
And Sunday is always so painful
Preto radšej v mojej pamäti ta sviňa chýba, Lil Wigga, ah
That's why that swine is missing from my memory, Lil Wigga, ah
Brotha' from another motha' mi rozpráva
Brotha' from another motha' is telling me
Že sa mu rozpadá jeho dlhoročný vzťah
That his long-term relationship is falling apart
Smoking RAW, OCB, vodky, gin, bol si zlý
Smoking RAW, OCB, vodka, gin, you were bad
No a čo, dal si leto ako pubertiak
So what, you spent your summer like a teenager
Yo, what's up mama, som na Bahamách
Yo, what's up mama, I'm in the Bahamas
Žeriem ananás, oranžový sunrise padá na nás
Eating pineapple, orange sunrise falling on us
Big boy Gleb na tekvici bucket hat a bandana
Big boy Gleb in a pumpkin bucket hat and bandana
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Yo, what's up mama, som na Bahamách
Yo, what's up mama, I'm in the Bahamas
Žeriem ananás, oranžový sunrise padá na nás
Eating pineapple, orange sunrise falling on us
Big boy Gleb na tekvici bucket hat a bandana
Big boy Gleb in a pumpkin bucket hat and bandana
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Wu-Tang Clan - dolla, dolla
Mám rád rap, Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens a Bronx
I love rap, Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx
Cypress Hill - Hits from the Bong
Cypress Hill - Hits from the Bong
Zmrdi vonku do seba tlačili ganju ako Snoop
Motherfuckers outside were pushing ganja into each other like Snoop
Kým som to spittoval v štúdiu, Fire in the booth, tu, tu, tu
While I was spitting it in the studio, Fire in the booth, here, here, here
Vďaka takým ako ty vravia, že rap je primitívny
Thanks to people like you they say that rap is primitive
Vo svojom texte povieš a nepovieš z, you feel me
In your text, you say and don't say z, you feel me
Tvoja skupina je nulová, no nemyslím tu krvnú
Your group is zero, but I don't mean the blood type
No stále máme radi hudbu, hnusnú, špinavú a tvrdú
But we still love music, nasty, dirty, and hard
Gauč n Bass, to neni copy and paste
Couch n Bass, it's not copy and paste
Supa' freak, supa' freak - Rick James, ah
Supa' freak, supa' freak - Rick James, ah
Velké disky vystriedali street a skate, ah
Big wheels replaced street and skate, ah
Ice Cube shit, it was a good day, ah
Ice Cube shit, it was a good day, ah
Juicy J, UGK, Hurricane Chris, southside bay
Juicy J, UGK, Hurricane Chris, southside bay
All they play in, v mojom aute
All they play in, in my car
Supa dupa fly astronauti, grr
Supa dupa fly astronauts, grr
Supa dupa fly astronauti, yeah
Supa dupa fly astronauts, yeah
Big boy Gleb, bandana a bucket hat
Big boy Gleb, bandana and bucket hat
Bolo to studené leto a pod stage-om wall of death
It was a cold summer and a wall of death under the stage
Ja som big boy Gleb, bandana a bucket hat
I am big boy Gleb, bandana and bucket hat
Zavolaj ma na feat, to nebude tvoj track
Call me for a feat, it won't be your track anymore
Yo kek boy Gleb, bandana a bucket hat
Yo kek boy Gleb, bandana and bucket hat
Bolo to studené leto a pod stage-om wall of death
It was a cold summer and a wall of death under the stage
Ja som big boy Gleb, bandana a bucket hat
I am big boy Gleb, bandana and bucket hat
Večer výjsť von, parkovisko a rap
Go out in the evening, parking lot and rap
Urob crip walk, urob crip walk
Do the crip walk, do the crip walk
Šušťákový weirdo back on the block, ya, ya
Nylon weirdo back on the block, ya, ya
Urob crip walk, urob crip walk
Do the crip walk, do the crip walk
Šušťákový weirdo back on the block
Nylon weirdo back on the block
A nenavidím tracky o lete
And I hate tracks about summer
No keď piše pero za mňa, tak to musí byť pravda, true
But when the pen writes for me, it must be true, true
Ra-ra-rapperi zmrdi, ktorí nestárnu
Ra-ra-rappers are motherfuckers who don't age
O-o-o mesiac vyrážáme späť na tour
In a-a-a month we're going back on tour
Čas na zešlach crunk
Time for tendon crunk
Čas na zešlach crunk
Time for tendon crunk
Čas na zešlach crunk
Time for tendon crunk
Čas na zešlach crunk
Time for tendon crunk
Buď freak, buď freak
Be a freak, be a freak
Buď freak, buď freak
Be a freak, be a freak
Buď freak, buď freak
Be a freak, be a freak
Buď freak
Be a freak
Urob hluk, urob hluk
Make some noise, make some noise
Urob hluk, urob hluk
Make some noise, make some noise
Urob hluk, urob hluk
Make some noise, make some noise
Urob hluk, urob hluk
Make some noise, make some noise

Writer(s): Peter Bitter, Gleb Veselov

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