Gleb feat. DYMER - Felicia (feat. Dymer) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb feat. DYMER - Felicia (feat. Dymer)

Felicia (feat. Dymer)
Felicia (feat. Dymer)
Za sebou len ďalší prúser
Another screw-up behind me,
Pred sebou len neistota stanice a ďalšie kupé
Ahead of me, only the uncertainty of the station and another compartment.
Robím antisound, žijem antilife ale vy po tom netúžte
I'm making antisound, living an antilife, but you don't crave that.
Neni to tak super
It's not that great.
Strácame pudy sebazáchovy
We're losing our self-preservation instincts.
Zákony neplatia, neplatím grázlovi
Laws don't apply, I don't pay the bastard.
Fízli, revízori, som anti
Cops, ticket inspectors, I'm anti.
Splálil som zákonník
I burned the law book.
Z flowov mi tečie krv jak z vane Bathory
Blood flows from my flows like from Bathory's bathtub.
Mám také flowy, že dovi
I got flows, so see ya.
Napíš o mne do novín
Write about me in the newspapers.
Suseda Magda prestane nadávať na to, že keď tvorím
Neighbor Magda will stop complaining that when I create
Nové bomby, sa to ozýva do chodby
New bombs, it echoes into the hallway.
Predsa nevadí, že búcham dverami, keď sa vraciam z mesta jak zombík
It doesn't matter that I slam the door when I come back from the city like a zombie.
A stále sedím vo foot courte v novej bunde
And I still sit in the food court in a new jacket.
Žerem burger, volám Uber
I'm eating a burger, calling an Uber.
Hotel, kľúče, minibar, účet
Hotel, keys, minibar, bill.
Chceme mať love jak 2 Chainz
We wanna have love like 2 Chainz.
Nový snapback, nový účes
New snapback, new haircut.
Nová hudba a subwoofer
New music and a subwoofer.
Keď to dupe v tvojom klube
When it's thumping in your club,
Tak je hlúpe ma mať v hube
It's stupid to talk shit about me.
Že vraj sa musím prospôsobiť, ah
They say I gotta adapt, ah.
Mám vlastné spôsoby, lyrický notorik
I have my own ways, lyrical engine.
Zašitý zlámaný, showky s barlami, a vy...
Broken, stitched up, shows on crutches, and you...
Mi nehovorte nič pokiaľ ste tam neskákali
Don't tell me anything unless you jumped there.
Nie, nie som zlatý klinec
No, I'm not the golden nail.
Som to kladivo z pivnice
I'm that hammer from the basement
Ktoré ho zabije
That will kill it.
Nepýtaj sa ma, či pijem
Don't ask me if I'm drinking.
Daj tu fľašu sem a...
Give me that bottle of rum and...
Vypadni do piče
Get the hell out.
Máme antikoncept jak zabiť koncepcie
We have an anti-concept of how to kill conceptions.
A vadí ti že moji selectori hrajú na konzole
And you mind that my selectors play on a console.
No sám si videl prechod iba na ceste pri semafore
Well, you yourself only saw the transition on the road at a traffic light.
Moj rap, ti prejde hrdzavým kľúčom po aute
My rap will go over your car with a rusty wrench.
Vybuchneš a zhoríš zaživa keď pohneš volantom
You'll explode and burn alive when you turn the steering wheel.
Môj flow, je tvoj najväčší hater na svete
My flow is your biggest hater in the world.
Dávam dislike a vypínam predtým ako sa ti započíta pozretie
I dislike and turn it off before you get a view count.
Moje bary, ako šedé mraky nad mestom
My bars are like grey clouds over the city.
Sedíme s Dymerom za Tescom
We're sitting with Dymer behind Tesco
A pijeme neviem čo
And drinking I don't know what.
Ty mi nemáš čo povedať ako novinový stánok
You got nothing to say to me, like a newsstand.
Blízko smrti každý deň no stále mi je málo
Close to death every day, but it's still not enough for me.
Som tmavá škvrna v dejinách ľudstva, fuck off
I'm a dark stain in the history of mankind, fuck off.
Netvoríme hip hop kurva máš v tom neporiadok
We're not making hip hop, bitch, you got it messed up.
Antisound je náš sound ty kokot tak choď na bok
Antisound is our sound, you dickhead, so step aside.
Som ohrozený druh hlavne pri SBS-karoch
I'm an endangered species, especially around security guards.
Vy dostávate pruh, tieto bary majú váhu
You're getting stripes, these bars have weight.
Tak ma nechytajte za slová jak za piču svoju starú
So don't grab me by the words like you grab your old lady by the pussy.
Tie debilné drogy mi nepíšu ale kreslia
Those stupid drugs don't write to me, but they draw.
Sadám do kresla
I sit in the chair.
Gleb čo si miešal
Gleb, what did you mix?
Hentam a tamto
That and that.
Tak to si mentál
So you're mental.
Tak teda dík
Well, thanks.
A kto si ty
And who are you?
Kto som ja
Who am I?
Ja som ty
I am you.
Budem ta sprevádzať
I will accompany you.
Je to ťažké, dík
It's hard, thanks.
Nebude to prebiehať podľa tvoji predstáv
It's not gonna go the way you imagine
Pretože mám heslá
Because I have passwords
Od všetkých tvojich schýz
From all your schizos.
Tento stav je taký zlý
This state is so bad
že by som ho nedoprial ani tomu najhoršiemu nepriateľovi
That I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Tomu sa hovorí bad dream
That's what they call a bad dream.
Depky afterka v nebíčku
After-party blues in heaven.
Ideme antihype, antifame
We're going antihype, antifame.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Gitara o zem, Kurt Cobain
Guitar on the ground, Kurt Cobain.
Žijeme bez pravidiel
We live without rules.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Gitara o zem, Kurt Cobain
Guitar on the ground, Kurt Cobain.
Žijeme bez pravidiel
We live without rules.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Gitara o zem, Kurt Cobain
Guitar on the ground, Kurt Cobain.
Žijeme bez pravidiel
We live without rules.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Antihype, antifame
Antihype, antifame.
Gitara o zem Kurt Cobain
Guitar on the ground, Kurt Cobain.
Žijeme bez pravidiel
We live without rules.

Writer(s): Gleb Veselov

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