Gleb feat. Luna, Fobia Kid, Big Horse & Kaput - Vypadni z mojho gauču - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb feat. Luna, Fobia Kid, Big Horse & Kaput - Vypadni z mojho gauču

Vypadni z mojho gauču
Get off my couch
mám skill ako dostať tvoj mozog do varu
I've got the skill to get your brain boiling
Na majku ťa zničím jak víkend na Orave
On the mic, I'll destroy you like a weekend in Orava
A otvára sa mi vo vačku veľká dýka
And a big knife opens up in my pocket
Keď biletári mlátia mojich fanúšikov
When ticket collectors beat up my fans
Mám skill ako dostať tvoj mozog do varu
I've got the skill to get your brain boiling
Na majku ťa zničím jak víkend na Orave
On the mic, I'll destroy you like a weekend in Orava
A otvára sa mi vo vačku veľká dýka
And a big knife opens up in my pocket
Keď biletári mlátia mojich fanúšikov
When ticket collectors beat up my fans
To som ja a moje debilné stories
It's me and my stupid stories
Ktorých je veľa, ale tie najlepšie si asi zoberiem so sebou do hrobu
There are many, but I'll probably take the best ones to the grave with me
Alebo na tretí album
Or until the third album
Zatiaľ sa maj a vypadni z môjho gauču
In the meantime, take care and get off my couch
To som ja a moje debilné stories
It's me and my stupid stories
Ktorých je veľa, ale tie najlepšie si asi zoberiem so sebou do hrobu
There are many, but I'll probably take the best ones to the grave with me
Alebo na tretí album
Or until the third album
Zatiaľ sa maj a vypadni z môjho gauču
In the meantime, take care and get off my couch
Silvester, dom, čakáme, kedy to skončí
New Year's Eve, home, we're waiting for it to end
Bighorse-ovi padá na zem vianočný stromček
Bighorse's Christmas tree is falling to the ground
Začínam byť odpálený ako zombie
I'm starting to get stoned like a zombie
Fobiovi zachvíľu napálim bombu, jee
I'm about to hit Fabio with a bomb, yeah
Dekel vybité baterky
Dekel's batteries are dead
Nahrávame nové hovno v Ružomberku
We're recording new shit in Ružomberok
A začínam byť taký lenivý dick
And I'm starting to become such a lazy dick
Že som si musel zavolať fellákov na feat
That I had to call the fellas for a feat
Naša parta na kalbách je one love
Our party on pills is one love
Dymer Madafaker v klube taguje po dverách, jak farár
Dymer Madafaker in the club tags the doors like a priest
Na Instagrame mi píše ďalšia šlapka
Another chick is writing to me on Instagram
No ja nie som Maťo Glváč, nebudem jej maznák
Well, I'm not Maťo Glváč, I won't be her boytoy
Po showkach som behal v maturitnom ročníku
I've been running around after shows since my senior year of high school
Jedného dňa mi to spočíta môj organizmus
One day my body will count it all up
Prejebeme ti na bare tvoju vkladnú knižku
We'll blow your savings account at the bar
Glebiak a Dogma, užívaj si hymnu
Glebiak and Dogma, enjoy the anthem
Stále som nováčík, nové Najky, nová chick
I'm still a rookie, new Nikes, new chick
Ja som nový zákon - hovor mi Biblia Kid
I'm the new law - call me Bible Kid
V nonstopke do seba tankujeme čapáky
We're pumping beers into ourselves at the non-stop
Biggiemu som rozjebal polku obývačky
I trashed half of Biggie's living room
Od nového roka nejdem asi vážne piť
I'm probably not going to drink seriously from the new year
Urobím si vodičák a zariadím si byt
I'll get my driver's license and get myself an apartment
Urobil som mixtape za mesiac ako king
I made a mixtape in a month like a king
V autobuse napísal slohu na nový Glebov shit
Wrote a verse for a new Gleb shit on the bus
Zobudil som sa po kalbe, ožratý a idem von
I woke up after a party, drunk, and I'm going out
Nechcem sa najebať no a zasa mi to nevyšlo
I don't want to get drunk, but it didn't work out again
Je nedeľa večer a ja s veľkou radosťou
It's Sunday night and I'm with great pleasure
Počúvam nové tracky od napiču rapperov
Listening to new tracks by shitty rappers
Dobre sa vám vy kokoti šaškuje pred kamerou
You guys are good at clowning around in front of the camera
Nevadí, že nemáte bars ale máte barberov
It doesn't matter that you don't have bars, but you have barbers
Bighorse je pripravený rozpútať teror
Bighorse is ready to unleash terror
Ste bez šance, ja vás rozjebem Sarajevo
You don't stand a chance, I'll crush you like Sarajevo
Kaput MT majk idem fast rap live
Kaput MT mic, I'm going fast rap live
Opäť do rána v štúdiu lebo neviem spať
Up again until morning in the studio because I can't sleep
Pijem tretí Spark a nahrávam svoj part
Drinking my third Spark and recording my part
V Ružomberku to bolo party-hard
It was a party-hard in Ružomberok
Idem ako Sonic Hedgehog
I'm going like Sonic Hedgehog
Zdravím Šlukáša500 s ktorým som prežil detstvo
Greetings to Šlukáša500 with whom I spent my childhood
Na sluchátkách Deftones
Deftones on the headphones
Ružinovskí psi in the house
Ružinov dogs in the house
Moje mesto
My city
Rýchly život, rýchle BPM
Fast life, fast BPM
Moje heslo
My motto
6 koncertov za víkend je na mňa veľký hardcore
6 gigs in a weekend is hardcore for me
Pýtam sa Mareka, kde je organizátor
I ask Marek, where is the organizer
Hm, kto je tento pomalý magor?
Hmm, who is this slow dude?
nervózny ksicht, keď mi hovorí "Ahoj."
He has a nervous face when he says "Hi" to me
Aah, Gleb, super set, ale vieš, celá vec sa takto
Aah, Gleb, great set, but you know, the whole thing is like this
Nemám pri sebe dostatok prachov
I don't have enough cash on me
Musel som dačím platiť svojich opitých fellákov
I had to pay my drunk fellas with something
(Oh shit) zvukára a sekuriťákov
(Oh shit) sound engineer and security guards
Bla bla, okej dobre, mi povedz, kde je hotel
Blah blah, okay good, just tell me where the hotel is
Rád by som si ľahol, ospalý jak dement
I'd like to lie down, sleepy as a fool
Berem z backstage-u svoj Pereg
I'm taking my Pereg from backstage
A štartujeme auto
And we're starting the car
Ščipo za volantom, mi hovorí, že musíme skratkou
Ščipo at the wheel, he tells me we have to take a shortcut
Skrz celý festival a ja sedím na zadnom
Through the whole festival and I'm sitting in the back
Počas toho telefonujem s Yakshom
While on the phone with Yaksh
Čumieť na vás z okna je také funny
Looking at you from the window is so funny
Vidím rozbité stany
I see broken tents
Vidím fanúšikov v mojom merchi
I see fans in my merch
Ako skáču na dnb stage-i
Jumping on the dnb stage
Vidím Toi-Toi-ky a týpka, ako pri nich leží
I see Toi-Toi-s and a dude lying by them
Opúšťame areál a vonku padá dážď
We're leaving the area and it's raining outside
Ja mám v ruke fľašku a začínam spať
I have a bottle in my hand and I'm starting to sleep
Aaa, cítim sa ako v tom opustenom supermarkete
Aaa, I feel like in that abandoned supermarket
V ktorom sme sedávali ako malí na streche
Where we used to sit on the roof as kids
Pozerali odtiaľ na stanice, vlaky
We watched the stations, trains from there
Opustené továrne a paneláky
Abandoned factories and blocks of flats
V ktorých som zažil nejednu debilnú after-party
Where I experienced more than one stupid after-party
si nepamätám s kým, ani okolnosti
I don't remember with whom, nor the circumstances
Ale podľa všetkého sme boli mega sprostí
But apparently we were mega stupid
A predomnou mesto, v ktorom sa zrodil môj štýl
And before me is the city where my style was born
mám skill ako dostať tvoj mozog do varu
I've got the skill to get your brain boiling
Na majku ťa zničím jak víkend na Orave
On the mic, I'll destroy you like a weekend in Orava
A otvára sa mi vo vačku veľká dýka
And a big knife opens up in my pocket
Keď biletári mlátia mojich fanúšikov
When ticket collectors beat up my fans
Mám skill ako dostať tvoj mozog do varu
I've got the skill to get your brain boiling
Na majku ťa zničím jak víkend na Orave
On the mic, I'll destroy you like a weekend in Orava
A otvára sa mi vo vačku veľká dýka
And a big knife opens up in my pocket
Keď biletári mlátia mojich fanúšikov
When ticket collectors beat up my fans
To som ja a moje debilné stories
It's me and my stupid stories
Ktorých je veľa, ale tie najlepšie si asi zoberiem so sebou do hrobu
There are many, but I'll probably take the best ones to the grave with me
Alebo na tretí album
Or until the third album
Zatiaľ sa maj a vypadni z môjho gauču
In the meantime, take care and get off my couch
To som ja a moje debilné stories
It's me and my stupid stories
Ktorých je veľa, ale tie najlepšie si asi zoberiem so sebou do hrobu
There are many, but I'll probably take the best ones to the grave with me
Alebo na tretí album
Or until the third album
Zatiaľ sa maj a vypadni z môjho gauču
In the meantime, take care and get off my couch

Writer(s): Big Horse, Fobia Kid, Gleb, Kaput, Komander Ground, Luna

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