Gleb - Gauč n Bass - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - Gauč n Bass

Gauč n Bass
Couch and Bass
Yo wassup now partner
Yo wassup now partner
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass, naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass, piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass, naser susedov, okej
Couch and bass, couch and bass, piss off the neighbors, okay
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass, naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass, piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass
Couch and bass, couch and bass
V štúdiu, v ktorom nahrávam
In the studio where I record
Skoro nikdy nič nefunguje, basa rezonuje
Almost nothing ever works, the bass resonates
Čekuj môj prepálený vokál na tisíc ročný mic
Check out my blown-out vocals on a thousand-year-old mic
Z jednej strany petržalský les
On one side, the Petržalka forest
Z druhej strany starý šenk,
On the other side, the old pub,
Mám to tu rád
I like it here
Pripomína mi to teenagerskú klubovňu
It reminds me of a teenage clubhouse
Ideálne miesto pre prácu na novom albume
The perfect place to work on a new album
Napálené softvéry, všade prázdne plechovky a zima.
Pirated software, empty cans everywhere, and winter.
Yeah boy,
Yeah boy,
Tak to je antihype jak sviňa.
This is anti-hype as hell.
Keď sme tu naposledy pili s Oliverom Frickom,
When we last drank here with Oliver Frick,
Delikom a Fobikom
Delik and Fobik,
Tak niekto ogrcal gauč, what the fuck
Someone threw up on the couch, what the fuck
Vyvetral som million krát
I aired it out a million times
Tak mi vysvetlite prečo ešte dodnes citím pach
So explain to me why I can still smell it today
Niekto vkladá tisíce, iný si
Someone invests thousands, others
Vystačí s nápadom
Make do with an idea
Ževraj mám pekné klipy, díky
They say I have nice videos, thanks
30% záberov som
30% of the shots I
Natáčal na iPhone
Shot on iPhone
Boys in the hood
Boys in the hood
Boys in the hood, Eazy-E, rest in peace
Boys in the hood, Eazy-E, rest in peace
V ruke pracovná zmluva, hudba je moja full time práca
In my hand, an employment contract, music is my full-time job
Viem byť profesionál rovnako ako viem byť punkáč
I can be professional just as I can be a punk
Včera som ti nedal feat a dneska ideš hate
Yesterday I didn't give you a feat and today you're hating
Nehajte ma žiť, nehajte ma robiť svoju vec
Let me live, let me do my thing
Skúste ma mať v pi- rovnako ako ja vás
Try to love me - the same way I love you
Viem, že je to skoro nemožné, no ja verím, že to dáš
I know it's almost impossible, but I believe you can do it
Skúste ma mať v pi- rovnako ako ja vás
Try to love me - the same way I love you
Viem, že je to skoro nemožné, no ja verím, že to dáš
I know it's almost impossible, but I believe you can do it
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov, okej
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors, okay
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov, okej
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors, okay
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass
Couch and bass, couch and bass
Okej, okej, yeah
Okay, okay, yeah
Bone Thugs Harmony
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Spitujem flow jak oni
I'm spitting flow like them
Slabí MCs v agónií
Weak MCs are in agony
Debilná hudba pre balkóny
Stupid music for balconies
Naser všetkých susedov
Piss off all the neighbors
Na micu idem juicy flow
On the mic I'm going juicy flow
Killing mode ako G.I. Joe
Killing mode like G.I. Joe
Killing mode ako G, yeah
Killing mode like G, yeah
Bone Thugs Harmony
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Spitujem flow jak oni
I'm spitting flow like them
Slabí MC's v agónií
Weak MCs are in agony
Debilná hudba pre balkóny
Stupid music for balconies
Naser všetkých susedov
Piss off all the neighbors
Na micu idem juicy flow
On the mic I'm going juicy flow
Killing mode ako G.I. Joe
Killing mode like G.I. Joe
Killing mode ako G
Killing mode like G
Starosta tvojho mesta, mi zrušil dlhoplánovaný koncert
The mayor of your town canceled my long-planned concert
Ževraj to čo sa deje v klube a pred ním, to je hrozné
He says that what's going on in the club and in front of it is terrible
Potagované steny, bordel,
Tagged walls, mess,
Rozbité záchody a okná
Broken toilets and windows
Úprimne vtedy som to zobral ako ten najväčší kompliment,
Honestly, at the time, I took it as the biggest compliment,
Veď anarchia shit,
Because anarchy shit,
To je dobrý smer
That's a good direction
No keby starí páni v office
But if those old men in the office
Vedeli, že jeden z najväčších a tajných Glebových snov
Knew that one of Gleb's biggest and secret dreams
Je mať konečne kľudnú a sofistikovanú show
Is to finally have a quiet and sophisticated show
Na ktorej všetci sedia,
Where everyone is sitting,
Maximálne stoja
Standing at most
Kývu hlavami a potichu so mnou idú slová
Nodding their heads and quietly following my words
No ja pálim bary ako vojak
But I fire bars like a soldier
Takže sen ostane snom
So the dream will remain a dream
Pustím basu, varím kašu, go go go
I blast the bass, I'm cooking porridge, go go go
Včera mi prišla správa od fanúšika z malého mesta za Banskou
Yesterday I got a message from a fan from a small town behind Banská
Píše, že triedu plnú náckov
He writes that he has a class full of Nazis
Keby vedeli, že počúva moje CD, tak dostane facky
If they knew he was listening to my CD, he'd get slapped
Ževraj si kúpil merch, ale bojí sa ho nosiť
He says he bought merch, but he's afraid to wear it
Pýta sa ma čo robiť
He asks me what he should do
Ja mu odpisujem, ser na nich,
I write back to him, fuck them,
Robím antihudbu pre pravých
I make anti-music for the real ones
Pre takých ako ty, pre outsidera, ktorý stojí v tieni
For people like you, for the outsider who stands in the shadows
Zrazu dôjde za haterom a ten debil ide k zemi, yeah
Suddenly he comes at the hater and that idiot goes to the ground, yeah
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov, okej
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors, okay
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov, okej
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors, okay
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov, okej
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors, okay
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč a bass, gauč a bass naser susedov
Couch and bass, couch and bass piss off the neighbors
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch, couch, couch
Naser susedov
Piss off the neighbors
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch, couch, couch
Naser susedov
Piss off the neighbors
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch, couch, couch
Naser susedov
Piss off the neighbors
Gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč, gauč
Couch, couch, couch, couch, couch, couch
Naser susedov
Piss off the neighbors

Writer(s): Komander Ground

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