Gleb - Off - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gleb - Off

Yea, yea, raz
Yea, yea, one
Život je ťažký ako slon
Life is hard like an elephant
Preto chlastáme jak galaxia Y
That's why we drink like galaxy Y
Ty si dnu ja som von, ty si off ja som on
You're in, I'm out, you're off, I'm on
Správam sa jak mongol, no na micu kopem gól
I act like a Mongol, but on the mic I score a goal
A nezachráni ťa ani požičané auto v klipe
And even a borrowed car in the video won't save you
Robíš hudbu tak ako keby si ju nenávidel
You make music like you hate it
Keď skúšaš doubletime na živo zomieraš na beate
When you try doubletime live you die on the beat
Spotená červená hlava, udýchaný flow a tvoja show je slabá, hala bala spravím z teba šalát
Sweaty red head, breathless flow and your show is weak, bala bala I'll make a salad out of you
Kamarát ale nie som hejter, budem rád keď ti to výjde
Dude, but I'm not a hater, I'll be glad if you make it
A necháš si tých svojich slabomyselných fans
And you keep those weak-minded fans of yours
Oni potrebujú rozum, moji potrebujú bars
They need brains, mine need bars
Moshpit a stagedive to ty nemáš
Moshpit and stagedive, you don't have that
Idem rhymes a punchs, ty mudruješ jak kňaz
I go rhymes and punchs, you talk wisdom like a priest
Výdych nádych, tvrdé náklady
Exhale inhale, hard costs
Pálime bary, Mohamed Ali
We burn bars, Mohamed Ali
čumia na nás ako malí
They stare at us like kids
Si tak planý, keď sa na stagy tváriš jak Amík
You're so bland, when you act like an American on stage
Aj tak si chabý a slabý jak slovenský dabing
You're still poor and weak like Slovak dubbing
Rozdiel medzi nami a vami je, že ste na micu lamy
The difference between us and you is that you are lamas on the mic
Sadáme do káry, púšťame drumy
We get in the car, we play drums
Môj flow je umenie moe, Salvador Dali
My flow is my art, Salvador Dali
Chcem za neho dostať balík, míňať zarobené money, na Bali
I want to get a package for it, spend the money I earned in Bali
A smiať sa z vás ako Bugs Bunny
And laugh at you like Bugs Bunny
Nechápu čo robím celý deň
I don't understand what I'm doing all day
Vypínam mobil, púšťam bomby celý deň
I turn off my phone, drop bombs all day
Počúvame kurva tvrdý stuff celý deň
We listen to fucking hard stuff all day
Vy máte za to nervy na nás celý deň, celý deň
You're annoyed with us all day, all day
Nechápu čo robím celý deň
I don't understand what I'm doing all day
Vypínam mobil, púšťam bomby celý deň
I turn off my phone, drop bombs all day
Počúvame kurva tvrdý stuff celý deň
We listen to fucking hard stuff all day
Vy máte za to nervy na nás celý deň, celý deň
You're annoyed with us all day, all day
Nechápu čo robím celý deň
I don't understand what I'm doing all day
Vypínam mobil, púšťam bomby celý deň
I turn off my phone, drop bombs all day
Počúvame kurva tvrdý stuff celý deň
We listen to fucking hard stuff all day
Vy máte za to nervy na nás celý deň, celý deň
You're annoyed with us all day, all day
Sereš ma ako suseda Magda
You're annoying me like my neighbour Magda
Na bare máš väčšiu sekeru ako Ragnar
You have a bigger axe at the bar than Ragnar
Nepúšťaj mi slovenský rap, dostaneš na tvár
Don't play me Slovak rap, you'll get slapped in the face
Vyradím tvoj tím teroristu Allah akbar
I will eliminate your terrorist team Allah akbar
Vo svojej detskej izbe si top MC
You're the top MC in your childhood bedroom
Šikanuješ mladšieho brata
You bully your younger brother
Lebo odmieta zdielať tvoj klip
Because he refuses to share your video
Pozývaš svoju škaredú hoe na kelímkový panák
You're inviting your ugly hoe for a cup shot
Si smutný že nemáš koncerty
You're sad you don't have concerts
Okej predám ti xanax
Okay, I'll sell you xanax
Slovenský MC's žijú ako americkí rockeri
Slovak MC's live like American rockers
Budia sa v Trebišove na komunistickom hostely
They wake up in Trebišov in a communist hostel
V spoločnej izbe, s opitým Rumunom
In a shared room, with a drunk Romanian
Ktorý čumí a pičuje v ruke s rumom
Who stares and eavesdrops with rum in his hand
Na izbe nefunguje sprcha a smrdia nohy
The shower doesn't work in the room and their feet stink
Každý deň sa modlíš, otravuješ aj boha
Every day you pray, you even annoy god
Boh miluje všetkých rovnako, okrem teba
God loves everyone equally, except you
Stále mám flow ktorý ti zlomí krk, Segal
I still have a flow that will break your neck, Segal
Výdych nádych, tvrdé náklady
Exhale inhale, hard costs
Pálime bary, Mohamed Ali
We burn bars, Mohamed Ali
čumia na nás ako malí
They stare at us like kids
Si tak planý, keď sa na stagy tváriš jak Amík
You're so bland, when you act like an American on stage
Aj tak si chabý a slabý jak slovenský dabing
You're still poor and weak like Slovak dubbing
Rozdiel medzi nami a vami je, že ste na micu lamy
The difference between us and you is that you are lamas on the mic
Sadáme do káry, púšťame drumy
We get in the car, we play drums
Môj flow je umenie moe, Salvador Dali
My flow is my art, Salvador Dali
Chcem za neho dostať balík, míňať zarobené money, na Bali
I want to get a package for it, spend the money I earned in Bali
A smiať sa z vás ako Bugs Bunny
And laugh at you like Bugs Bunny
Nechápu čo robím celý deň
I don't understand what I'm doing all day
Vypínam mobil, púšťam bomby celý deň
I turn off my phone, drop bombs all day
Počúvame kurva tvrdý stuff celý deň
We listen to fucking hard stuff all day
Vy máte za to nervy na nás celý deň, celý deň
You're annoyed with us all day, all day
Nechápu čo robím celý deň
I don't understand what I'm doing all day
Vypínam mobil, púšťam bomby celý deň
I turn off my phone, drop bombs all day
Počúvame kurva tvrdý stuff celý deň
We listen to fucking hard stuff all day
Vy máte za to nervy na nás celý deň, celý deň
You're annoyed with us all day, all day
Nechápu čo robím celý deň
I don't understand what I'm doing all day
Vypínam mobil, púšťam bomby celý deň
I turn off my phone, drop bombs all day
Počúvame kurva tvrdý stuff celý deň
We listen to fucking hard stuff all day
Vy máte za to nervy na nás celý deň, celý deň
You're annoyed with us all day, all day

Writer(s): Gleb Veselov

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