Glen Campbell - Brenda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Glen Campbell - Brenda

Letra de la canción
Song lyrics
No se que hacer cuando por fin decido no volverte a ver
I don't know what to do when I finally decide not to see you again
No se que hacer me das un beso y ya sueño con volver
I don't know what to do, you kiss me and I already dream of coming back
No se que hacer a mi cabeza tu le has hecho enloquecer
I don't know what to do, my head you have made it go crazy
No se que hacer eres veneno y el antídoto mujer
I don't know what to do, you are poison and the antidote, woman
De la cabeza a los pies
From head to toe
De nuevo has vuelto a enamorarme en cuerpo y alma mi bien
You've made me fall in love again in body and soul, my sweetheart
Te basta solo con mirarme tal vez por eso no me crees
You only need to look at me, maybe that's why you don't believe me
Que solamente seré tuyo de la cabeza a los pies
That I'll only be yours from head to toe
De la cabeza a los pies
From head to toe
De pronto me has hecho ser otro en cuerpo y alma mi bien
Suddenly you've made me be another in body and soul, my sweetheart
Lo conseguiste poco a poco tal vez por eso no me crees
You've achieved it little by little, maybe that's why you don't believe me
Que sin querer me has vuelto loco de la cabeza a los pies
That without wanting to, you've driven me crazy from head to toe
No se porque tu amor me deja ciego y sin saber que hacer
I don't know why your love makes me blind and not knowing what to do
No se porque me tiembla el cuerpo cuando rosas con mi piel
I don't know why my body trembles when you caress my skin
No se porque me basta con que mires tu para entender
I don't know why all I need is for you to look at me to understand
No se porque si estas delante todo me sale al revés
I don't know why if you're in front of me everything goes wrong
De la cabeza a los pies
From head to toe
De nuevo has vuelto a enamorarme en cuerpo y alma mi bien
You've made me fall in love again in body and soul, my sweetheart
Lo conseguiste poco a poco tal vez por eso no me crees
You've achieved it little by little, maybe that's why you don't believe me
Que solamente seré tuyo de la cabeza a los pies
That I'll only be yours from head to toe
De la cabeza a los pies
From head to toe
De pronto me has hecho ser otro en cuerpo y alma mi bien
Suddenly you've made me be another in body and soul, my sweetheart
Lo conseguiste poco a poco tal vez por eso no me crees
You've achieved it little by little, maybe that's why you don't believe me
Que sin querer me has vuelto loco de la cabeza a los pies
That without wanting to, you've driven me crazy from head to toe
De la cabeza a los pies me has hecho enloquecer
From head to toe you've driven me crazy
Me vuelvo loco con tus besos que muchas veces no encuentro que hacer
I go crazy with your kisses that many times I don't know what to do
De la cabeza a los pies me has hecho enloquecer
From head to toe you've driven me crazy
Me basta solo con mirarte para volver a enamorarme
All I need is to look at you to fall in love again
De la cabeza a los pies me has hecho enloquecer
From head to toe you've driven me crazy
Dan tus manos las caricias que le hacen falta a mi piel
Your hands give the caresses that my skin needs
De la cabeza a los pies me has hecho enloquecer
From head to toe you've driven me crazy
Loco por sentir esa pasión que me provoca tu amor
Mad to feel that passion that your love provokes in me
De la cabeza a los pies me has hecho enloquecer
From head to toe you've driven me crazy
No se porque tu amor me deja ciego y sin saber que voy hacer
I don't know why your love makes me blind and not knowing what to do
De la cabeza a los pies me has hecho enloquecer
From head to toe you've driven me crazy
Por eso siempre seré tuyo de la cabeza a los pies
That's why I will always be yours from head to toe

Writer(s): Edward Jr. Holland

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