Si supieras la locura que por ti mi amor yo estoy viviendo.
If you only knew the madness that I'm living for your love, my love.
Si supieras del dolor que por tu amor yo estoy sintiendo, regresarias a mi lado aquí otra vez.
If you only knew of the pain that I'm feeling for your love, you would come back to my side here again.
Si supieras, de lo poco que sabía del amor que te tenía, y que jamás llegué a pensar que alguna vez te perdería, hasta ese día en que al buscar...
If you only knew how little I knew about the love I had for you, and that I never thought I would ever lose you, until that day when I looked for you...
No te encontré.
I didn't find you.
Si supieras que en las noches me desvelo por tu amor pues pusiste tu alegría en mi dolor.
If you only knew that I stay up at night for your love because you put your joy in my pain.
Si supieras que en el parque aun me encuentro con el vendedor, y me ofrece aquella flor, y pregunta por los dos.
If you only knew that I still meet the vendor in the park, and he offers me that flower, and asks about the two of us.
Si supieras que he vagado solo por ahí, intentando darle a otras el amor que yo te dí.
If you only knew that I've wandered around alone, trying to give others the love that I gave you.
Si supieras que ninguna ha llenado en mi, el espacio que he guardado...
If you only knew that none have filled the space in me that I've saved...
Solo para ti.
Just for you.
Si supieras que he tenido gente alrededor, que tomados de la mano hablaban del amor.
If you only knew that I've had people around me, holding hands and talking about love.
Si supieras que se amaban como tu y yo.
If you only knew that they loved each other like you and I.
Si supieras volverias...
If you only knew, you would come back...
Junto a mi.
With me.
Si supieras de estas cosas.
If you only knew these things.
Si supieras volverias.
If you only knew, you would come back.
Si supieras tu estarias...
If you only knew, you would be...
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