Glory - Flor Del Barrio - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Glory - Flor Del Barrio

Flor Del Barrio
Neighborhood Flower
Tu sabes bien que quererte es perder
You know well that to love you is to lose
Tu sabes bien que es dificil cambiar
You know well that it's difficult to change
No todo el tiempo en la vida es placer
Not all the time in life is pleasure
Hay tiempo bueno pa amar y odiar .ay.
There is good time to love and hate, oh yes
Tu sabes bien que quererte es perder
You know well that to love you is to lose
Tu sabes bien que es dificil cambiar
You know well that it's difficult to change
No todo el tiempo en la vida es placer
Not all the time in life is pleasure
Hay tiempo bueno pa amar y odiar .
There is good time to love and hate .
Amar y odiar, amar y odiar, amar y odiar
To love and to hate, to love and to hate, to love and to hate
En todos los barrios hay historias de amor
In all neighborhoods there are love stories
Unos mas felices que otras, otras mas tristes
Some happier than others, some sadder
Yo les voy a contar la historia que yo se
I will tell you the story I know
La de una flor del barrio que poco a poco
That of a neighborhood flower that slowly
Se fue marchitando. La historia de un amor
Was withering, the story of a love
Terrible, tempestuoso, de un cariño de rosas y espinas
Terrible, tempestuous, of a love of roses and thorns
La que yo vi, y no pude evitar vivir en carne viva
The one I saw, and couldn't help but experience firsthand
La chamaquita veia luces por el tipo
The girl saw lights because of the guy
Juegos artificiales, no existia ni un minuto
Fireworks, there wasn't a minute
Que ella no hablara o pensara en el
That she didn't talk or think about him
El amor estaba en su sangre, como un veneno
Love was in her blood, like a poison
Como una enfermedad dulce y amarga
Like a bittersweet illness
Y los meses pasaron, y con ellos llego
And the months passed, and with them came
El horror de una relacion que ya no era saludable
The horror of a relationship that was no longer healthy
Como si en su corazon algun fuego dejara de quemarla
As if in her heart some fire stopped burning
Minuto a minuto, se me alargan las horas
Minute by minute, the hours stretch out
Segundo a segundo ya no hay tiempo de sobra... ay.
Second by second there’s no time left… oh yes
Minuto a minuto, se me alargan las horas
Minute by minute, the hours stretch out
Segundo a segundo ya no hay tiempo de sobra
Second by second there’s no time left
Y aquel amor empezo a engañarla con otras
And that love began to cheat on her with others
A olvidarse de esas fechas importantes
To forget those important dates
Que mantienen viva cualquier relacion
That keep any relationship alive
Y no le pegaba a la chamaquita
And he didn't hit the girl
Pero constantemente le bajaba el autoestima
But he constantly lowered her self-esteem
La ridiculisaba frente de sus amistades
He ridiculed her in front of his friends
La trataba como un objeto de placer
He treated her like an object of pleasure
La llamaba cuando ella estaba cansada
He called her when she was tired
De esperar su llamada.
Of waiting for his call.
Aquella flor del barrio fue marchitandose
That neighborhood flower was withering
Minuto a minuto apagandose,
Minute by minute fading away
Como se apaga el fuego del amor
Like the fire of love goes out
Y jamas cicatrizan los golpes del alma
And the blows to the soul never heal
Ojala y nunca el amor se convierta en odio
Hopefully love will never turn into hatred
Porque el dia que eso pase
Because the day that happens
El amor va estar bien perdido
Love will be truly lost
Tu sabes bien que quererte es perder
You know well that to love you is to lose
Tu sabes bien que es dificil cambiar
You know well that it's difficult to change
No todo el tiempo en la vida es placer
Not all the time in life is pleasure
Hay tiempo bueno pa amar y odiar .ay.
There is good time to love and hate, oh yes
Tu sabes bien que quererte es perder
You know well that to love you is to lose
Tu sabes bien que es dificil cambiar
You know well that it's difficult to change
No todo el tiempo en la vida es placer
Not all the time in life is pleasure
Hay tiempo bueno pa amar y odiar .
There is good time to love and hate .
Amar y odiar, amar y odiar, amar y odiar
To love and to hate, to love and to hate, to love and to hate
Violencia no es solo un golpe
Violence is not just a blow
Es mas que la palabra
It is more than the word
Dolor, lagrimas, autoestima,
Pain, tears, self-esteem,
Cicatrizes que no sanan
Scars that don't heal
Es mas que un asunto de matrimonio
It is more than a marriage matter
Porque hemos podido ser victimas
Because we could have been victims
Desde el primer novio, hasta que pasan cosas
From the first boyfriend, until things happen
Porque el amor jurado se convierte en odio
Because the sworn love turns into hate
No dejes que la flor de la esperanza se marchite
Don't let the flower of hope wither
Aunque solo de ella quede en rueda
Even if only a wheel is left of it
Gallego y Glou - Glory
Gallego and Glou - Glory
Repartiendo semillas
Spreading seeds
Para que cresca la conciencia
So that consciousness grows
Echo tu si sabes hacer esto
Echo, you know how to do this
Puerto Rico, Latinoamerica
Puerto Rico, Latin America
Es tiempo de cambiar!
It's time to change!

Writer(s): Alex Quiles

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