Gona - Jumping - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Gona - Jumping

Es el Gona desde la una negro
It's Gona from one, black
Hhhhmmmm la aaaaaa
Hhhhmmmm the aaaaaa
Dedicado a todas las personas que
Dedicated to all the people who
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Danzan como aborigen
They dance like aborigines
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Hea hea
Hea hea
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Danzan como aborigen
They dance like aborigines
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Hea hea
Hea hea
The Best the King, Rastaman, Un indio nacido en el ghetto
The Best the King, Rastaman, An Indian born in the ghetto
Prepara el guantin que van 90 pa tu pecho
Prepare the glove that goes 90 to your chest
Dejalos.!!! Que hablen to los parapetos
Leave them!!! Let all the parapets talk
Que una buena voz siempre va a tener eco
That a good voice will always have an echo
Conocido por la habilidad verbal
Known for verbal ability
La mezcla de Hip Hop con el raggamuffin style
The mix of Hip Hop with the raggamuffin style
Cuando salgo todos saben que van a cantar
When I go out everyone knows they're going to sing
Voy a mi, voy dispuesto a matar...
I go to mine, I am willing to kill...
El mismo bombo la misma caja
The same pump the same box
El mismo sentimiento de lucha pero con más ganas
The same feeling of struggle but with more desire
Que sueno muy 2008 eso es lo que dice el tana
That I sound very 2008 that's what tana says
Así mejor pues no sueno a lo que escucha mi hermana
So much better because I don't sound like what my sister listens to
La rumba la dejo pal vacilon con los panas
I leave the rumba for the fun with the panas
La música es mejor para despegar mis ganas
Music is better to unleash my desires
No soy Mandela como dice Pedro Elias
I'm not Mandela as Pedro Elias says
Pero me gustaría dejarle a mis hijos un mejor mañana
But I would like to leave my children a better tomorrow
Y no hablo de un play 10, unos zapatos nuevos
And I'm not talking about a play 10, new shoes
Un Gobierno nuevo que resuelva lo que yo no puedo, no.
A new Government that solves what I can't, no.
Hablo de ser una ventana a lo escondido
I'm talking about being a window to the hidden
Para que sepan Enfrentarse a una vida de mal paridos
So they know how to face a life of badly born
Tell me
Como para usted esta todo fierere
How is everything fierere for you
Siempre estará firme el HipHop Reggae (ee)
HipHop Reggae will always be firm (ee)
Todo el mundo listo pa' el despegue (gue)
Everyone ready for takeoff (gue)
Tell me
Como para usted esta todo fierere
How is everything fierere for you
Siempre estará firme el HipHop Reggae (ee)
HipHop Reggae will always be firm (ee)
Todo el mundo listo pa' el despegue (gue)
Everyone ready for takeoff (gue)
Párese firme, firme su comandante volvió
Stand firm, firm your commander is back
Y al oírme, oírme todo el mundo al son de mi voz
And hearing me, hearing me the whole world to the sound of my voice
Dedicado aquel personaje que traicionó
Dedicated to that character who betrayed
Y siempre mintió por esa cosa que los apunta
And always lied about that thing that points at them
No paso de moda pues nunca lo fui
I'm not out of style because I never was
Saludo a la people que veo por ahí
Greetings to the people I see out there
Al menor de la calle un billete le di
I gave the youngest on the street a ticket
Así sea que mañana se vuelva asesino
Even if tomorrow he becomes a murderer
Yo se que la muerte anda detrás de mi
I know death is after me
Cuidado que mañana te tocará a ti
Be careful tomorrow it will touch you
Pero mientras tanto yo tomaré mikiri
But meanwhile I will take mikiri
Mikiri mikiri waaaaaa
Mikiri mikiri waaaaaa
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Danzan como aborigen
They dance like aborigines
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Hea hea
Hea hea
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Danzan como aborigen
They dance like aborigines
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Hea hea
Hea hea
Me vivo la calle soy casi invisible
I live the street I am almost invisible
Preparo el sonido con el tiempo indestructible
I prepare the sound with time indestructible
Soy como un impacto de un alto calibre
I'm like a high caliber impact
Yo no uso cadena casi siempre soy libre
I don't wear a chain I'm almost always free
Yo vine a brincar, yo vine pa' que vibren
I came to jump, I came for them to vibrate
Yo vine a librarte del grillete que te inhibe
I came to free you from the shackle that inhibits you
No more trouble, no more war, vine porque sigue
No more trouble, no more war, I came because it continues
La gente reclama paz eso es indiscutible
People demand peace that is indisputable
Pa' hablarte claro estaba como frustrado
To be honest with you I was like frustrated
Y es que con tanto comercio y competencia me sentía quemao(aahh)
And it's that with so much commerce and competition I felt burned (aahh)
Por eso he vuelto a los brazo del underground
That's why I've returned to the arms of the underground
Porque un hijo vuelve a mami si anda mal encaminaaao...
Because a son returns to mommy if he is on the wrong track...
Y me arrepentí por casi dejarme por el mundo mongolo en el que me metí
And I regretted almost letting myself be taken by the mongolo world I got into
Pero lo natural siempre pensé en mi
But the natural I always thought of me
Porque el concreto no puede con la raíz
Because concrete can't do it with the root
Cuando no le caigo bien a alguien lo tengo muy claro
When I don't like someone, I'm very clear
Se cuando chocan, cuando notan que a nada le paro
I know when they collide, when they notice that I don't stop at anything
No tengo flow estúpido no soy niño caro
I don't have stupid flow I'm not an expensive kid
Lo que tengo es sed de vida y voy por el 5to trago aahh
What I have is a thirst for life and I'm going for the 5th drink aahh
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Danzan como aborigen
They dance like aborigines
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Hea hea
Hea hea
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Danzan como aborigen
They dance like aborigines
Everybody move around and jumping
Everybody move around and jumping
Hea hea
Hea hea

Writer(s): German Romero

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