Gordo Master - Judas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gordo Master - Judas

Malos. Traidores. Falsos. Te engañan. Te sacuden. Mienten. no tienes amigos. Nadie te quiere. Eres mentiroso
Evil. Traitors. Liars. They deceive you. They shake you down. They lie. You have no friends. Nobody loves you. You're a liar.
Ju-Das, Ju-Das, Ju-Das,
Ju-Das, Ju-Das, Ju-Das,
Te vendes por dinero, tu nunca serás sincero,
You sell yourself for money, you'll never be sincere,
Te pierde el money y el miedo escrúpulo cero,
Money loses you and fear has zero scruples,
Eres un hombre de hielo, un perro ciego,
You are a man of ice, a blind dog,
Da igual a quien morderle, frio en tu interior con pincelas de negro.
It doesn't matter who you bite, cold inside with black brushstrokes.
Envidia es lo que te mueve y te ciega por dentro y pierdes los papeles,
Envy is what moves you and blinds you inside and you lose your papers,
Nunca piensas en lo que tienes,
You never think about what you have,
Lo tuyo es joder siempre a quien no debes,
Your thing is to always screw whoever you shouldn't,
A cada gato brinda y bebes,
You toast and drink to every cat,
Mas jurdeles, mas mierda eres,
The more jurdeles, the more shit you are,
Mas cruel, mas sueños duermes,
The crueler, the more dreams you sleep,
Más gente pierdes, más hondo te metes.
The more people you lose, the deeper you get.
Celos, no quieras seguir
Jealousy, don't want to keep
Engañando a la people que va hacia ti,
Deceiving the people who come to you,
A los compis que solo quieren un cd
To the buddies who just want a cd
Y lo que buscan es reconocimiento en un disc,
And what they are looking for is recognition in a disc,
Bitch, déjalo así,
Bitch, leave it like that,
No te lucres a costa de ningún MC,
Don't profit at the expense of any MC,
Un micro es life, el estudio un dream,
A microphone is life, the studio a dream,
Un escenario, el balcón del king.
A stage, the king's balcony.
Fuego, te asustas del guerrero, l
Fire, you are scared of the warrior, I
Levo tatuao veneno en mi cuello,
Have poison tattooed on my neck,
Vuelve a la cloaca de la que provienes cerdo,
Go back to the sewer you came from, pig,
Cada vez que te tengo delante
Every time I have you in front of me
En mis ojos se puede ver un cementerio.
In my eyes you can see a cemetery.
Serio, solo curro serio, levantar mi imperio, reventar amperios,
Serious, I only work seriously, build my empire, blow up amps,
Conseguí que los trápalas bajen tos pal infierno,
I got the trapalas to go down to hell,
Un cuento, de tu boca solo salen cuentos
A story, only stories come out of your mouth
Yo ya tengo calor a cada intento, elemento,
I'm already hot with every attempt, element,
Tienes mucha labia y paso te pierde el tiempo.
You have a lot of talk and time wastes you.
En esta jungla hay que luchar por conseguí lo más,
In this jungle you have to fight to get the most,
El boquerón de Málaga del Huelín en el West Side,
The Malaga anchovy from Huelín on the West Side,
Las cosas claras julai, esto no es un juego de Bandai,
Things are clear julai, this is not a Bandai game,
Street motherfucker life, don't play.
Street motherfucker life, don't play.
Crema, blin-blin unit represent, don't cry,
Cream, blin-blin unit represent, don't cry,
Tu cara es white cuando llegan los samuráis,
Your face is white when the samurai arrive,
Mi gente ya esta lista si no pagas es lo que hay,
My people are ready if you don't pay that's what there is,
No me vale, insectos este texto os lo mamáis.
It's not worth it to me, insects you suck on this text.
El Gordo trae tu vértigo, soy Krugger in the night,
El Gordo brings your vertigo, I'm Krugger in the night,
Vengo a robarte el sueño, tu fatality,
I come to steal your sleep, your fatality,
Fire fire, suck my dick now.
Fire fire, suck my dick now.
Llego la hora del chulo Judas,
The time of the pimp Judas has come,
Mi estructura causa locura,
My structure causes madness,
En mi mente diabluras,
Devilry in my mind,
Estoy golpeándote en una habitación oscura,
I'm hitting you in a dark room,
Rap de furia augura,
Rap of fury augurs,
Que tu historia acaba en una tumba prematura,
That your story ends in a premature grave,
Tarde o temprano vendrá alguien, la muerte anti-natura.
Sooner or later someone will come, death anti-nature.
En cuestión de tiempo
In a matter of time
Estas en un plan que va mal desde el primer momento,
You are in a plan that goes wrong from the first moment,
No ves que eres un bocas y no miento,
Can't you see that you're a big mouth and I'm not lying,
Tu no cuelas aquí, palabrería al viento,
You don't fit in here, empty words to the wind,
No le quites el pan nadie más, stop,
Don't take the bread from anyone else, stop,
No quieres que te firme cabrón.
You don't want me to sign you bastard.
Falsos de mierda, no mas miaus,
Fake shits, no more miaus,
Espero que termine arruinao, eres un matao.
I hope you end up ruined, you're a loser.
Crema, bling-bling-unit represent, don't cry,
Cream, bling-bling-unit represent, don't cry,
Tu cara es white cuando llegan los samuráis,
Your face is white when the samurai arrive,
Mi gente ya esta lista si no pagas es lo que hay,
My people are ready if you don't pay that's what there is,
El Gordo trae tu vértigo, soy Krugger in the night.
El Gordo brings your vertigo, I'm Krugger in the night.

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