Gordo Sarkasmus - Qué Se Yo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gordo Sarkasmus - Qué Se Yo

Qué Se Yo
What Do I Know
Los gordos
The fat guys
Tienen ese que se yo
Have that certain something
Le dijeron que era bueno
They told him he was good
Y se lo creyo
And he believed it
Y se desmayo
And he passed out
Cuando lo entendio
When he realized
El gordo no se midio
The fat boy didn't measure up
Cuando pregunto
When he asked
Ese rap tan pelle quien te lo enseño
Who taught you that lame rap
Si se yo
If I know
Responda bien
Answer correctly
A su papa
To his father
No soy tupac
I'm not Tupac
Para papa
For daddy
Si vos chupas
If you suck
Y no cucas
And don't snort
Oh dear
Lo talo ya que soy caballo
I'll cut him down since I'm a horse
Desde mayo a mayo
From May to May
Quitame ya la plata
Take the money from me already
Que si no la piel me rallo
Otherwise I'll scratch my skin
I'll explode
Cuando escucho ese rap de niña
When I hear that little girl rap
No interumpan esos rapers
Don't interrupt those rappers
Porque estan jalando piña
Because they're smoking weed
Yo comprando moña
I'm buying pot
Para emacar este regalo
To wrap this gift
Y embolberlo en un cuero
And wrap it in leather
Pa pegarlo y disfrutarlo
To glue it and enjoy it
Soy un emperador
I am an emperor
Como Julio Cesar rimador
Like Julius Caesar, the rhymer
Con destreza
With dexterity
Que destroza su cabeza
That destroys his head
Como un rey de simio alteza
Like a king of simian highness
Masticame las cerezas
Chew the cherries for me
Por que ya no tienen fuerza
Because they don't have the strength anymore
Pa esta carga que le espesa
For this heavy load
Son el doble claro
They're the obvious double
Si tienen doble moral
If they have double standards
No llegan ni hacer mi tag
They can't even do my tag
Por que lo hacen doblemente mal
Because they do it doubly badly
Dos pajaros de un tiro
Two birds with one stone
O diez tiros para un pajaro
Or ten shots for one bird
Tu rap es una mierda
Your rap is crap
Y una farsa como Albaro
And a sham like Albaro
No abuce
Don't abuse
Que no hay luz en verde
That there's no green light
Pa este cruce
For this crossing
Y pasan los buses
And the buses pass by
Y los dias
And the days
Y los años
And the years
Y la ropa que me puse
And the clothes I put on
Sos un perdedor
You're a loser
Un loser
A loser
Desde siempre lo supuse
I've always suspected it
Que se yo
What do I know
Tienen ese no se que
They have that certain something
A ese Mc lo pise
I stepped on that MC
Mas madera que Jose
More wood than Jose
Y no peque
And I didn't sin
Lo confieso
I confess
Sobrealimento un ser obeso
I overfed an obese being
Los trago en un bosteso
I swallow them in a yawn
Su rap esta en los huesos
Their rap is in the bones
Estos son
These are
No son otros
They are not others
Rap del gordo que lo encorba
Rap of the fat man who bends him
Lanzo curbas
I throw curves
Entre ondas
Between waves
Dejan sordos los que estorban
They leave the annoying ones deaf
Usan cabezas como peras de boxeo
They use heads like boxing pears
No creo en nada
I don't believe in anything
Y vivo siempre el recreo
And I always live the break
Traigo mierda nueva
I bring new crap
Lo practico me implico
I practice, I get involved
Bebiendo rap a pico
Drinking rap at the peak
Y usted
And you
Es tan malo que ni me explico
You're so bad I can't even explain
Quien lo escucha
Who listens to it
Pues la cucha
Well, the bitch
Y sigue la racha en esta trocha
And the lucky streak continues on this path
Mantengase trucha o lo despachan
Stay tuned or you'll be fired
Traigo la abalancha
I bring the avalanche
La presion en la cancha
The pressure on the court
Carga ancha
Heavy load
Siempre dejo el papel con manchas
I always leave the paper with stains
Que grave men
That's serious, man
Tengo mis sentidos agudos
I have my senses sharp
Ya sabe quien gana
You know who wins
Inebitable como un estornudo
Inevitable as a sneeze
Y asi es todo
And that's how it is
Se que no enseño ni ayudo
I know I don't teach or help
Se que si sudo
I know that if I sweat
No le va servir ningun escudo
No shield will serve you
No me acomodo
I don't accommodate
Si sus modos
If your ways
Son los de un pendejo
Are those of a jerk
Incapaz de ver al incapaz que hay el espejo
Unable to see the incapable in the mirror
De reojo miran criticos
Critics look out of the corner of their eye
Gordo rap atipico
Fat rap atypical
Pisos raquiticos
Rickety floors
Raps como un gigante mitico
Raps like a mythical giant
Es la balada abala
It's the abala ballad
No bailo y llevo el tempo
I don't dance and I keep the tempo
Saco cara por mi rap
I stand up for my rap
A usted le sacan el cuerpo.
They'll get rid of you.

Writer(s): Mateo Montano Jaramillo, Sebastian Alvarez Ruiz

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