Gossos - Caminant Despert - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gossos - Caminant Despert

Caminant Despert
Awakened Traveler
Avui no calen les paraules
Today words are not needed
He sentit amb força el meu nom
I've heard my name with force
Avui no cal que surtin les estrelles
Today the stars don't need to come out
S'ha fet la llum dintre la foscor
Light has dawned in the darkness
Avui no calen les promeses
Today promises are not needed
No em fan més que nosa al meu cos
They only hinder me
I avui no calen les monedes
And today money is not needed
La sort, avui, juga al meu favor
Luck is playing in my favor today
I observo el nou onatge
And I watch the new wave
En un etern viatge
On an eternal journey
I que el sol sortirà demà
And I know that the sun will rise tomorrow
Aprenc a caminar despert
I'm learning to walk with awareness
Aprenc a caminar despert
I'm learning to walk with awareness
Aprenc a caminar despert
I'm learning to walk with awareness
Tot i que massa sovint no entenc res
Even though I often don't understand a thing
Sento en l'aire un nou paisatge de noves dimensions
I feel in the air a new landscape of new dimensions
Com si tot hagués canviat
As if everything had changed
Per primer cop no em sento sol
For the first time I don't feel alone
Per primer cop no em sento sol
For the first time I don't feel alone
I compto el temps que queda
And I count the time that's left
Ni una passa enrere
Not one step backward
Emprenc un nou camí per davant
I'm setting out on a new path ahead
I observo el nou onatge
And I watch the new wave
En un etern viatge
On an eternal journey
I que el sol sortirà demà
And I know that the sun will rise tomorrow
Aprenc a caminar despert
I'm learning to walk with awareness
Tot i que massa sovint no entenc res
Even though I often don't understand a thing
Aprenc a caminar despert (Avui estem aquí per compartir)
I'm learning to walk with awareness (Today we're here to share)
Aprenc a caminar despert (I fer que tot sigui més fàcil)
I'm learning to walk with awareness (And make everything easier)
Aprenc a caminar despert (Despertant de la profunda nit, ah!)
I'm learning to walk with awareness (Awakening from the deep night, ah!)
Tot i que massa sovint no entenc res
Even though I often don't understand a thing
Aprenc a caminar despert (Surt el sol i tu ets amb mi)
I'm learning to walk with awareness (The sun rises and you're with me)
Aprenc a caminar despert (Descobrint un perfecte paisatge, sí)
I'm learning to walk with awareness (Discovering a perfect landscape, yes)
Aprenc a caminar despert (Per tu i per mi)
I'm learning to walk with awareness (For you and me)
Tot i que massa sovint no entenc res
Even though I often don't understand a thing

Writer(s): Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Santiago Serratosa Lopez, Oriol Farre Llort, Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Roger Farre Llort

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