Gossos - Día 1 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Gossos - Día 1

Día 1
Day 1
Avui, avui és dia un
Today, today is day one
On comencen les coses
Where things begin
On comença el teu futur
Where your future begins
Avui, avui ja em despertat
Today, today I have awakened
Hem fet una passa
We have taken a step
Cap al lloc que hem somiat
Towards the place we dreamed of
Tot esta bé, no has de patir per mi
Everything is fine, you do not have to worry about me
és la meva aposta, algú en dirà destí
It is my bet, some would call it destiny
Ens retrobarem ara hem de fer camí i tu
We will meet again, now we have to make our way and you
Tu ja ets part de mi
You are already a part of me
Plou, escric en un paper
Rain, I write on a piece of paper
Totes les coses que ja no vull ser
All the things I no longer want to be
Sóc, soc a mig camí
I am, I am halfway there
Demà segueixo l etapa
Tomorrow I will continue the stage
He de pujar fins el cim
I have to climb to the top
Tot esta
Everything is fine
No has de patir per mi
You do not have to worry about me
és la meva vida que amb tu estic compartint
It is my life that I am sharing with you
Com un falcó volant a l'infinit, a les estrelles
Like a hawk flying to infinity, to the stars
és ara o mai
It is now or never
Quiet, un punt dins de l'espai
Quiet, a point in space
On tot és silenci, on tot esta calmat
Where everything is silent, where everything is calm
Obro els ulls, començo un nou dia
I open my eyes, I start a new day
Reescriurem la història
We will rewrite history
Serem possibilitats
We will be possibilities

Writer(s): Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Santiago Serratosa Lopez, Oriol Farre Llort, Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Roger Farre Llort

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