Gossos - Mira'm Bé - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gossos - Mira'm Bé

Mira'm Bé
Look at Me, Baby
Avui el dia, rere el sol ja s'ha aixecat
Today, the day has risen behind the sun
Els nuvols van depressa i la tempesta ja ha passat
The clouds go fast and the storm has already passed
Rera la porta un mirall m'està mirant
Behind the door a mirror is looking at me
És la dolca rialla que de mi s'està mofant
It is the sweet laughter that makes fun of me
Ella m'odia, el cami serà molt llarg
She hates me, the way will be very long
Marxo depressa i no para de cridar
I walk fast and she doesn't stop calling
Mira'm bé!
Look at me, baby!
La meva vida no val res
My life is worth nothing
Mira'm bé!, Ohh
Look at me, baby!, Ohh
Va arribar la matinada i altre cop al seu costat
The morning came and once again by her side
Sense aquella rialla, les ferides fan molt mal
Without that laughter, the wounds hurt a lot
Ella m'odia, el mati se l'endurà
She hates me, the morning will take her away
I no vol tornar-hi, jo ja que és massa tard
And she doesn't want to go back, I already know it's too late
Mira'm bé!
Look at me, baby!
La meva vida no val res
My life is worth nothing
Mira'm bé!, Ohh
Look at me, baby!, Ohh
Ara toca creure que podem tirar endavant
Now it's time to believe that we can move on
Però és un joc estupid que ens està fent mal
But it is a stupid game that is hurting us
Ja no somio en un amor que s'ha acabat
I no longer dream of a love that is over
Però no sóc res sense tu al meu costat!
But I am nothing without you by my side!
Mira'm bé!
Look at me, baby!
La meva vida no val res
My life is worth nothing
Mira'm bé!, Ohh
Look at me, baby!, Ohh
Mira'm bé!
Look at me, baby!
La meva vida no val res
My life is worth nothing
Mira'm bé!
Look at me, baby!
La meva vida no val res
My life is worth nothing
No val res
It's worth nothing

Writer(s): Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Oriol Farre Llort, Roger Farre Llort

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