Gossos - No es Nou - traduction des paroles en anglais

No es Nou - Gossostraduction en anglais

No es Nou
Not New
Van ser dies de gloria
They were days of glory
Vam fer nostre el carrer
We made the streets our own
Tots junts una sola cosa
All of us one and the same
El crit de molta gent
The cries of many people
Vull despertar un bon dia
I want to wake up one fine day
He somiat un món diferent
I've dreamed of a different world
No t'ofenguis si et pregunto tu què en penses
Don't be offended if I ask you what you think
Saps que passa, doncs passa que és el teu temps
You know what happens, well it happens that it's your time
Qui vol entrar en un joc ben diferent
Who wants to enter a game that's completely different
Tu pots engegar de seguida
You can start it right now
No és nou, deixa enrere els teus sentiments
It's not new, leave your emotions behind
Perduts ens guanyen la partida
If we lose our way, they'll beat us
Qui vol entrar en un joc ben diferent
Who wants to enter a game that's completely different
Tu pots engegar de seguida
You can start it right now
No és nou, deixa enrere els teus sentiments
It's not new, leave your emotions behind
Perduts ens guanyen la partida
If we lose our way, they'll beat us
Em perdut les maneres
I've lost my manners
Què n'hem fet de l'honor
What have we done with honor
Passegem les mentides
We spread lies
Com si fossin tresors
As if they were treasures
Vull despertar un bon dia
I want to wake up one fine day
Obrir els ulls i veure un mon diferent
Open my eyes and see a different world
Quan et cremes, tu no esperes, fas un bon salt i crides
When you burn, you don't wait, you take a good leap and shout
No t'oblidis que hi ha coses que no poden esperar
Don't forget that there are some things that can't wait
Qui vol entrar en un joc ben diferent
Who wants to enter a game that's completely different
Tu el pots engegar de seguida
You can start it right now
No és nou, deixa enrere els teus sentiments
It's not new, leave your emotions behind
Perduts ens guanyen la partida
If we lose our way, they'll beat us
Qui vol entrar en un joc ben diferent
Who wants to enter a game that's completely different
Tu el pots engegar de seguida
You can start it right now
No és nou, deixa enrere els teus sentiments
It's not new, leave your emotions behind
Perduts ens guanyen la partida
If we lose our way, they'll beat us
Qui vol entrar en un joc ben diferent
Who wants to enter a game that's completely different
Tu el pots engegar de seguida
You can start it right now
No és nou, deixa enrere els teus sentiments
It's not new, leave your emotions behind
Perduts ens guanyen la partida
If we lose our way, they'll beat us
Qui vol entrar en un joc ben diferent
Who wants to enter a game that's completely different
Tu el pots engegar de seguida
You can start it right now
No és nou, deixa enrere els teus sentiments
It's not new, leave your emotions behind
Perduts ens guanyen la partida
If we lose our way, they'll beat us

Writer(s): Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Juan Jose Munoz Garcia

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