Gossos - Voldria Dir-te - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gossos - Voldria Dir-te

Voldria Dir-te
I'd Like To Tell You
Voldria dir-te que tu ets part de tot el que jo faig
I'd like to tell you that you are a part of everything that I do
Que hi ha una llei que ens uneix per molt que ens vulguin separats
That there's a law that unites us, however much they want to separate us
Que viure ha de ser més simple però ens ho anem tot complicant
That living has to be more simple, but we go about complicating everything
La solitud ens aïlla i ens anem desconnectant
Solitude isolates us and we become disconnected
Ara és el temps
Now is the time
De recollir
To gather
Allò que has anat sembrant
What you have been sowing
Al llarg del camí
Along the way
Ara és el moment
Now is the moment
Moment d'agrair
Moment to give thanks
Fes-ho per tu
Do it for yourself
Fes-ho per mi
Do it for me
Quan veus sortir el sol
When you see the sun rise
Quan veus fer-se nit
When you see night fall
Pensa en el planeta blau
Think of the blue planet
Que ens ha acollit
That has welcomed us
Obre els ulls
Open your eyes wide
Desperta els teus sentits
Awaken your senses
Això és part de tu
This is a part of you
Això és part de mi
This is a part of me
Voldria dir-te que tu ets part de tot el que jo faig
I'd like to tell you that you are a part of everything that I do
Que hi ha una llei que ens uneix per molt que ens vulguin separats
That there's a law that unites us, however much they want to separate us
Que viure ha de ser més simple però ens ho anem tot complicant
That living has to be more simple, but we go about complicating everything
Hi ha molta gent que segueix el corrent
There are many people who follow the current
Hi ha molta gent que no és indiferent
There are many people who are not indifferent
Muntanyes de sal
Mountains of salt
I rius de dolçor
And rivers of sweetness
La terra ens abraça fort
The earth embraces us tightly
I ens ho dóna tot
And gives us everything
No podem dubtar
We cannot hesitate
Ens cal el valor
We need the courage
Ara et toca a tu
Now it's your turn
Ara em toca a mi
Now it's my turn
Guerreres del món
Warriors of the world
I fills de la llum
And children of the light
És hora d'anar tots junts
It's time for us all to go together
I no defallir
And not to falter
No cal marxar lluny
No need to go far away
Tot ho tens aquí
You have it all here
Comença per tu
Start with yourself
Començo per mi
I start with myself
Voldria dir-te que tu ets part de tot el que jo faig
I'd like to tell you that you are a part of everything that I do
Que hi ha una llei que ens uneix per molt que ens vulguin separats
That there's a law that unites us, however much they want to separate us
Que viure ha de ser més simple però ens ho anem tot complicant
That living has to be more simple, but we go about complicating everything
La solitud ens aïlla i ens anem desconnectant
Solitude isolates us and we become disconnected
Voldria dir-te que tu ets part de tot el que jo faig
I'd like to tell you that you are a part of everything that I do
Que hi ha una llei que ens uneix per molt que ens vulguin separats
That there's a law that unites us, however much they want to separate us
Que viure ha de ser més simple però ens ho anem tot complicant
That living has to be more simple, but we go about complicating everything
Hi ha molta gent que segueix el corrent
There are many people who follow the current
Hi ha molta gent que no és indiferent
There are many people who are not indifferent
Tanca els ulls, és un moment
Close your eyes, it's a moment
Vull que escoltis de veritat
I want you to really listen
Totes les veus que sents a dintre
All the voices you hear inside
Totes les que et van parlant
All those who are talking to you
És una trampa de la ment
It's a trap of the mind
Que en manté ben despistat
That keeps it very confused
Perquè no puguis mai entendre
Because you can never understand
Qui ets tu de veritat
Who you really are
Tanca els ulls, és un moment
Close your eyes, it's a moment
Vull que escoltis de veritat
I want you to really listen
Totes les veus que sents a dintre
All the voices you hear inside
Totes les que et van parlant
All those who are talking to you
És una trampa de la ment
It's a trap of the mind
Que en manté ben despistat
That keeps it very confused
Perquè no puguis mai entendre
Because you can never understand
Qui ets tu de veritat
Who you really are
Voldria dir-te que tu ets part de tot el que jo faig
I'd like to tell you that you are a part of everything that I do
Que hi ha una llei que ens uneix per molt que ens vulguin separats
That there's a law that unites us, however much they want to separate us
Que viure ha de ser més simple però ens ho anem tot complicant
That living has to be more simple, but we go about complicating everything
Hi ha molta gent que segueix el corrent
There are many people who follow the current
Hi ha molta gent que no és indiferent
There are many people who are not indifferent

Writer(s): Santiago Serratosa Lopez, Oriol Farre Llort, Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Roger Farre Llort, Juan Jose Muã‘oz Garcia

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