Governors - Ihesi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Governors - Ihesi

Edonon geldirik, begiak itxita nago,
My dear, I'm fleeing, echoes of the city are dying,
Kaleetako hotsak entzuten saiatzen.
Trying to listen to the noises of the streets.
Zein neke, desio, amodio edo oinazek,
What worries, desires, love or resentment,
Urratzen dute hemengo biztanleen izateak?
Guides the nature of the inhabitants here?
Baina ez da ezer, ez da ezer entzuten,
But nothing, nothing can be heard,
Urrunean isiltasuna eskatzen didatenen garrasiak.
The screams of those asking for silence in the distance.
Beldur naiz, ihesi noa!
I'm scared, I'm running away!
Ahoa itxi eta aurrera noa,
Keeping my mouth shut and moving forward,
Hango mendi horretatik aranen eta
Wanting to climb that mountain over there and
Pertsonen koloreak ikusi nahian.
See the colors of its people.
Leku hau izango al da nirea... Be(g)i(ra)tu eta...
Will this place be mine... Look and...
Laino eta izaki gris, ez dago besterik.
Gray clouds and beings, nothing else.
Urrunean argia eskaintzen didatenen iluntasun sakona.
In the distance, the deep darkness of those offering me light.
Beldur naiz, ihesi noa!
I'm scared, I'm running away!
Ez dut ezer ulertzen, kaleek ez dute hitz egiten.
I don't understand anything, the streets don't speak.
Zergatik inork ez du, gogoratzen kolore ezberdinez, kolore anitzez
Why doesn't anyone remember the different colors, the many colors
Zituztela bizitzak janzten.
That used to dress their lives.
Bat-batean ezezagun bat huts honetan, galduta ematen du, ni bezala.
Suddenly a stranger, seems lost in this void, just like me.
Bere eskua hartzen saiatzen naiz, agian biok batera...
I try to take his hand, maybe together we can...
Baina beste norbaitek,
But someone else,
Kolpatzen nauenak, esaten dit ezezaguna gaitza dela.
The one who hits me, tells me that the stranger is bad.
Ni laguntzeko kolpeak?
Blows to help me?
Beldur naiz, ihesi noa! Banoa!
I'm scared, I'm running away! I'm leaving!
Beldur naiz, ihes, ihesi noa! Banoa!
I'm scared, escape, escape! I'm leaving!
Beldur naiz, ihes, ihesi noa!
I'm scared, escape, escape!
Urteak igaro dira. Oraindik nago ihesean,
Years have passed. I'm still fleeing,
Baina gero eta beldur gutxiago daukat.
But now I'm less and less afraid.
Orain bainaiz grisa... Itxita aho eta begiak...
Now even I'm gray... Mouth and eyes closed...
Ihesean... Ihesean!
In escape... In escape!
Ez dut pentsatuko laster, beldurrik ez sentitzeko.
I won't think for a while, to avoid feeling fear.
Nahiz eta horrek hasieran bilatzen nengoena ere ahaztea suposatu,
Even if that implies forgetting what I was originally looking for,
Eta horrela ihesa bukatu,
And that's how the escape will end,
Nire ihesa bukatu...
My escape will end...

Writer(s): Juan A. Corral, Keu Agirretxea

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