Goyo feat. Funky - Ven (feat. Funky) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Goyo feat. Funky - Ven (feat. Funky)

Ven (feat. Funky)
Come (feat. Funky)
Comenzó la clase
Class has begun,
Y hoy tenemos un profesor invitado
And today we have a guest professor.
Directamente desde funky town, funky
Directly from Funkytown, it's Funky!
Tu no estaras dejando diferente lo q voy a darte
You won't be leaving indifferent to what I'm going to give you,
Asi q abre el oído xq voy a alimentarte
So open your ears because I'm going to feed you.
Con esto lo q busco es solamente es enseñarte
With this, what I'm looking for is simply to teach you
Q yo hablo solo lo q debo para no enrredarte
That I only speak what I should, so as not to confuse you.
Un meteorólogo no te habla de deporte
A meteorologist doesn't talk to you about sports,
Una terapista no te habla de recorte
A therapist doesn't talk to you about haircuts,
Un pelotero no te habla de buceo
A baseball player doesn't talk to you about diving,
Tampoco un futbolista te hablara de boxeo
Nor will a soccer player talk to you about boxing.
No escuchas un psicólogo hablando e' cirugía
You don't hear a psychologist talking about surgery,
No escuchas un bombero q hable como policía
You don't hear a firefighter talking like a policeman,
Y como yo no se como es tu vida y me estas escuchando
And since I don't know what your life is like and you're listening to me,
Yo no hablo de ti pues no sabria lo q estoy hablando
I don't talk about you because I wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
Pa q aprendas para quitar de tus ojos la venda
So you can learn to remove the blindfold from your eyes.
Solo saber de lo q estas hablando
Only know what you're talking about
En la clase q funky y el goyo están dando
In the class that Funky and Goyo are giving.
Pa q aprendas para quitar de tus ojos la venda
So you can learn to remove the blindfold from your eyes.
Solo saber de lo q estas hablando
Only know what you're talking about
En la clase q funky y el Goyo están dando
In the class that Funky and Goyo are giving.
Tienes q saber si algo esta maduro pa comertelo
You have to know if something is ripe to eat it,
Si el jugo no esta dañado pa bebértelo
If the juice isn't spoiled to drink it.
Para comprar tienes q saber cuanto cuesta
To buy, you have to know how much it costs,
El banco si no te conoce tampoco te presta
The bank, if it doesn't know you, won't lend to you.
Tu no te tiras a mojarte si sabes q esta lloviendo
You don't go out to get wet if you know it's raining,
El experto no es experto si no sabe q esta haciendo
The expert isn't an expert if they don't know what they're doing.
Tu no te pones patines si no sabes patinar
You don't put on skates if you don't know how to skate,
Y en el juego si no sabes q te pueden eliminar
And in the game, if you don't know that they can eliminate you.
Solamente lo q yo quiero decir en esta rima
The only thing I want to say in this rhyme
Q la vela a los demás le pasa por encima
Is that the candle passes over others.
Asi cuando tu hablas tienes credibilidad
So when you speak, you have credibility.
Pa q aprendas para quitar de tus ojos la venda
So you can learn to remove the blindfold from your eyes.
Solo saber de lo q estas hablando
Only know what you're talking about
En la clase q funky y el goyo están dando
In the class that Funky and Goyo are giving.
Pa q aprendas para quitar de tus ojos la venda
So you can learn to remove the blindfold from your eyes.
Solo saber de lo q estas hablando
Only know what you're talking about
En la clase q funky y el Goyo están dando
In the class that Funky and Goyo are giving.
Desde funky town ha llegado el especialista
From Funkytown, the specialist has arrived,
Para con Goyo presentarte una nueva revista
To present you with a new magazine, together with Goyo.
Real verdaderamente un clásico
Truly a classic,
Y los principios de este tema son básicos
And the principles of this theme are basic.
Xq seguir un ministerio es fanatismo
Because following a ministry is fanaticism,
Puede sonar igual pero mi hermano no es lo mismo
It may sound the same, but my sister, it's not the same.
Seguir un ministerio te limita ha hablar lo q tu conoces
Following a ministry limits you to speaking what you know,
Y el fanatico repite lo q oye de otras voces
And the fanatic repeats what they hear from other voices.
Pa q aprendas para quitar de tus ojos la venda
So you can learn to remove the blindfold from your eyes.
Solo saber de lo q estas hablando
Only know what you're talking about
En la clase q funky y el goyo están dando
In the class that Funky and Goyo are giving.
Pa q aprendas para quitar de tus ojos la venda
So you can learn to remove the blindfold from your eyes.
Solo saber de lo q estas hablando
Only know what you're talking about
En la clase q funky y el Goyo están dando
In the class that Funky and Goyo are giving.
Termino la clase de hoy
Today's class is over,
Pero tu asignación es buscar en el libro de mateo
But your assignment is to look in the book of Matthew,
Capitulo 12 verciculo del 33 al 37
Chapter 12, verses 33 to 37.
Cuando lo leas entenderas lo q hablamos
When you read it, you will understand what we are talking about.
Mr barrero junto al Goyo llego el tentoca
Mr. Barrero, along with Goyo, the touch has arrived.
Albi estudios
Albi Studios
Sandy nlb
Sandy NLB
Matricúlate pa q aprendas
Enroll so you can learn.

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