Espero que muy bien, ya tu lo hayas pensado, por qué aunque regreses yo ya te olvidado
I hope you've thought about it, because even if you come back, I've already forgotten you
Me hiciste tantas cosas, perdí la pasciencia, pero aprendí a vivir sin tener tu presencia
You did so many things to me, I lost my patience, but I learned to live without you
Tómalo bien en cuenta ya no te regreses
Take it into account, don't come back
Evitame la pena de que te desprecie
Spare me the trouble of despising you
Te dije corazon, mide muy bien tus pasos, si dejas a mí amor no hayaras otros brazos
I told you, darling, measure your steps well, if you leave my love you won't find other arms
Te van a dar con todo, serás un fracaso te partirán el alma y te harán mil pedazos
They'll hit you with everything, you'll be a failure, they'll break your soul and tear you to pieces
Estaba hasta el copete de estarte aguantando
I was fed up with putting up with you
Nunca te dije vete, pero te has marchado
I never told you to go, but you left
Y vuelvo a repetirte que ya no regreses
And I repeat, don't come back
Evitame la pena de que te desprecie
Spare me the trouble of despising you
Te dije corazón mide muy bien tus pasos, si dejas a mí amor no hayaras otros brazos, te van a dar con todo, serás un fracaso, te partirán el alma y harán mil pedazos
I told you, darling, measure your steps well, if you leave my love you won't find other arms, they'll hit you with everything, you'll be a failure, they'll break your soul and tear you to pieces
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