Grai - A Water Well - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Grai - A Water Well

A Water Well
A Water Well
Из колодезной воды
From the well's murky water
Мертвых глаз взирает мгла.
Dead eyes stare into the haze.
Вниз, на дно, ведут следы
Down below, to the depths, lead the traces
Той, что душу забрала.
Of the one who stole my soul away.
Снится бледное чело,
A pale forehead haunts my dreams,
Сушит горло липкий страх -
Clammy fear dries my throat -
Имя выжжено его
Her name is etched like burning seams,
Алым следом на руках.
A scarlet mark on my arms afloat.
Из колодца холод пьет
From the well, I drink the cold
Черной траурной воды,
Of the black, mourning water's hold,
И на гулких стенах лед
And on the echoing walls, ice unfolds,
Оставляет мрак беды.
Leaving darkness, a story untold.
Зельем сонным мужа опоила,
With a sleeping potion, you drugged your spouse,
Да к колодезю водила.
And led him to the well's dark mouth.
В сердце остро лезвие вонзила,
A sharp blade, you plunged without a doubt,
Да в колодце утопила.
And in the well, you drowned him out.
Видел месяц сквозь седы туманы
The moon witnessed through the gray mists,
От серпа кровавы раны.
Bloody wounds from the sickle's twists.
Всплеск ночную тишину нарушил,
A splash broke the night's silent tryst,
Отпустило тело душу.
His body released, the soul dismissed.
Вечор по лугу да всё гуляла,
Last night, across the meadow you roamed,
Злы коренья собирала;
Gathering evil roots, your heart entombed.
Собирала вечор злы коренья,
You gathered those wicked roots, I've been told,
На темну реку ходила;
And walked towards the river, dark and cold.
Те коренья мыла, вымывала
Those roots you washed, scrubbed clean and white,
Чисто начисто в реке;
Completely pure in the river's light.
А как вымывши коренья,
And once the roots were cleansed from blight,
Сухо насухо сушила;
You dried them thoroughly, with all your might.
Иссушивши злы коренья,
Having dried those evil roots so well,
Мелко намелко стирала;
You ground them finely, a witch's spell.
Намелко стирала злы коренья,
Those wicked roots, you ground so fine,
Да и яду наварила
And brewed a poison, a dark design.

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