Gramo Rokkaz feat. Separ, Decko, Strapo & DJ Spinhandz - Si Zvonil?! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gramo Rokkaz feat. Separ, Decko, Strapo & DJ Spinhandz - Si Zvonil?!

Si Zvonil?!
You Rang?!
Len čo dieťa prejde rosou rán
As soon as a child walks through the morning dew
Začne vnímať reč a sa hlási
It begins to perceive speech and already makes itself known
Iba neskôr chápe zmysel krásny
Only later does it understand the beautiful meaning
Že vyrieklo slovko
That the word was uttered
Zrazu detský úsmev z tváre stratí
Suddenly, the child's smile disappears from their face
Si zvonil?!
You rang?!
Tvoja jeblá homo-hudba, jebo, môj rap neskrotí
Your fucking homo-music, yo, can't tame my rap
A že nevieš kdo som, Bambi, tak to mi iba lichotí
And if you don't know who I am, Bambi, then it flatters me
Takí kokoti jak ty sa so mnou môžu len vyfotiť
Fucking idiots like you can only take a picture with me
Si napiču jak nikdo, nemôžeš ma hodnotiť
You're fucked up like no other, you can't judge me
A nazývaš ma feťákom ty nakazená piča?
And you call me a junkie, you infected bitch?
Tak sa radšej priznaj ľudom k rokom užívania pika
So you better confess to the people about the years of using pike
Ja som otoľko lepší jak ty, že by si mi mal vykať
I'm so much better than you that you should address me formally
Tvoje čísla môžem jebať, jebem sám na seba klikať
I can fuck your numbers, I'm clicking on myself
Zmena mena na YouTube
Change of name on YouTube
Názory píšete sami
You write the opinions yourself
Keď sa objaví negatívny je hneď zablokovaný
When a negative one appears, it's blocked immediately
A moja technika kokot ťa zadusí jak pytón
And my rooster technique will choke you like a python
3x hádaj jebo kto je v tomto celom favoritom
Guess three times, yo, who is the favorite in all of this
Som jak vyjebaný obor proti zasraným hobitom
I'm like a fucking giant against fucking hobbits
Verdikt jasný jak vybrať trenky proti slipom
The verdict is clear as choosing boxers over briefs
Checkuj dva, štyri, šesť, osem, desať
Check two, four, six, eight, ten
Hluchý ťa počúva a nevie s tým prestať
A deaf person listens to you and can't stop
Vraj vyrástli na Dramatikz, more, to je strašné
They say they grew up on Dramatikz, man, that's terrible
Vedia že si vážim ľudí, ale toto je fakt na smiech
They know I respect people, but this is really laughable
Keby si chcel vedieť tuleň jak fungujú šlachy
If you wanted to know, seal, how tendons work
Predvediem ti rýchlo
I'll show you quickly
Zo mňa uvidíš len rozmazané fľaky lietať vzduchom
You'll only see blurry spots flying through the air from me
Není dopriané pampúchom
Not achievable with a pacifier
Môžeš iba ticho závidieť s tým tlstým bruchom
You can only silently envy with that fat belly
A ozaj diky, že nás iba vďaka tebe všetci poznajú
And really, thanks, that everyone knows us only because of you
Ty jediný si popiči, teba všetci počúvajú
You're the only one who's a moron, everyone listens to you
Niesom sólista na Youtube
I'm not a soloist on YouTube
Kdo chce ma pozná dobre
Who wants to know me well
Môžme sa hádať jak deti o tatrovku v školke
We can argue like children about a Tatra truck in kindergarten
Som suchý šeredný hrobár a toto je tvoj pohreb
I'm a dry, gray gravedigger, and this is your funeral
Sprav drep, pička, treba ťa opreť
Do a squat, bitch, you need to be propped up
Celé to stojí na tom
The whole thing is based on
že zakrývaš fakty, ty taktik
that you're covering up the facts, you tactician
Není to úprimné degeš - to vidí každý
It's not a sincere diss - everyone sees that
Len kvákaš pičoviny, jak male žabky
You're just croaking bullshit like little frogs
Ja to nemienim riešiť
I'm not going to deal with this anymore
Toto posledné riadky!
These are the last lines!
Ty si ten najväčší kokot a po stranách máš svý kulky
You are the biggest dick and you have your balls on the sides
Jsou dva typy kouli velke statečný koule a sesvrklí buzerantsky koule
There are two types of balls: big, brave balls and shrunken, faggy balls
Kokoti jdu vpřed a maji jasnou vidinu ale jsou vrhli, a se hrnou
The dicks go forward and have a clear vision but they are collapsed, and they are already pouring
Do akce a ty si myslíš žes ucitil fame ale trochu sis to poplet
Into action, and you think you felt the fame but you got it a little mixed up
Jako kokot si to rozmyslíš, scvrkávaš se a tvý koulky
As a dick, you're already thinking about it, you're shrinking and your balls
Se scvrkávaji stebou
Are shrinking with you
Tento track by mnel urychlit vaše scvrknutí
This track should accelerate your shrinkage
Takže na toto som čakal šašo tie tri týždne?
So this is what I was waiting for, clown, those three weeks?
Sranduješ, to nemyslíš vážne
You're kidding, you're not serious
Vylial si sa jak Dunaj, veď to bol lovesong!
You poured out like the Danube, it was a love song!
Pri tom počúvaní skoro spal som
I almost fell asleep listening to it
Tak povedz ty ľuďom jak je to s prípadom v Trnave
So tell the people how it is with the case in Trnava
Kto potom plakal Strapovi na ramene?
Who was crying on Strapo's shoulder afterwards?
Nechcel si aby to tak ďaleko zašlo
You didn't want it to go that far
Mein Gott?
Mein Gott?
Du bist arschloch!
Du bist arschloch!
Sa oháňaš jak malý že sme traja
You're bragging like a little boy that there are three of us
Chcel si GR, dali sme len dvaja
You wanted GR, only two of us gave it
Buď rád že dala len tretina, a ty si sám
Be glad that only a third gave it, and you're alone
Kde je teraz tvoja super skupina?
Where is your supergroup now?
Si jak béčkovy film v kine
You're like a B-movie in the cinema
Zlý príklad pre deti na scéne
A bad example for children on stage
Píšeš Dramatikz Army nech stiahnu skladby
You're writing to the Dramatikz Army to take down the tracks
A vyprávaš že každý fanúšik ti je vzácny
And you're telling us that every fan is precious to you
Jaká show?
What show?
Si pustil bobek?
You dropped a clanger?
Ťa opierdzim jak starý šulek
I'll fuck you up like an old dick
Viem že ťa bijú v tvojom meste
I know they beat you in your city
Tváriš sa statočne, a vieš o tom že máš kerku opačne?
You act brave, and you know you have a church the other way around?
Matikár, šlabikár, slabý kár
Math teacher, primer, weak car
Další milión ľudí si ma teraz nakliká
Another million people will click on me now
Tak neplač kurvička
So don't cry anymore, little whore
Prepudruj si nos, a tanczy na LKamu jak tatarsky sos
Powder your nose and dance to LKamu like Tartar sauce
Kdo som?
Who am I?
Čo som?
What am I?
Kde som?
Where am I?
Kokot jebe ti?
Dick is fucking you?
Radikála ovládajú ilumináti, ty mi neveríš?
The radicals are controlled by the Illuminati, don't you believe me?
Pozri jak manipuluje ľudí, všetci žerú jeho hovno a mega im chutí
Look how he manipulates people, everyone eats his shit and it tastes mega
Zdravím Yakshu a Tina ostali ste rovnakí
Greetings to Yaksha and Tina, you stayed the same
Iba Idea je špina vašej kapely
Only Idea is the scum of your band
Naďalej počítajte s tým že vás pozdravím
Keep in mind that I will greet you
Ale aj pochopím že vy budete na mňa nasraní
But I will also understand that you will be pissed off at me
Sorry, že som prišiel aj keď ma nikdo nezavolal
Sorry I came even though no one called me
Ale Paťo neodpovedal keď som ho pozdravoval
But Pat didn't answer when I greeted him
A ja hrozne chcem aby to všetci vedeli
And I really want everyone to know that
Že malý Idea dneska iné levely
That little Idea has different levels today
Hovorí môjmu DJovi, že je fašista a potom nenené ja nič, ja bukvica
He tells my DJ that he is a fascist and then I am nothing, I am a sissy
Kukni sa na seba ty sfetovaný narcista
Look at yourself, you drugged-up narcissist
Ty niesi MC ty si kalkulátor, šachista
You are not an MC, you are a calculator, a chess player
Za svoj fame môžeš denne ďakovať len
You can thank every day for your fame only
Yakshovi a tomu, že si celej scéne fajčil kokoty
Yaksha and the fact that you sucked everyone's dicks on the whole scene
A ty to vieš a nehovor mi, že to nevidíš a necítiš
And you know that, and don't tell me you don't see and feel it
Každý deň ťa to sere hneď jak sa zobudíš
Every day it pisses you off as soon as you wake up
A nedissuješ nás, dissuješ len seba
And you're not dissing us, you're only dissing yourself
Lebo vieš, že si jediný koho tu neni treba
Because you know you're the only one who's not needed here
Si nafúknutá bublina a kradneš texty
You are an inflated bubble and you steal lyrics
A ani nevieš jak ma sere, že mám s tebou veci
And you don't even know how much it pisses me off that I have things with you

Writer(s): Jozef Moravcik, Michael Kmeť, Peter Klamo, Tomas Lacko

Gramo Rokkaz feat. Separ, Decko, Strapo & DJ Spinhandz - V
date de sortie

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