Gran Rah - Hermanas Paredes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gran Rah - Hermanas Paredes

Hermanas Paredes
Sister Walls
Señoras y señores
Ladies and gentlemen
Hermanas paredes, Hermanas paredes
Sister walls, Sister walls
Hermanas paredes, Hermanas paredes
Sister walls, Sister walls
Hermanas, Hermanas, Hermanas, Hermanas Paredes
Sisters, Sisters, Sisters, Sisters Walls
Hermanas paredes son
Sister walls they are
Cada vez que no mueren son
Every time they don't die they are
Mujeres que tienen forma de carceles vienen
Women who have the shape of prisons come
He vuelto con la Fe y el respaldo de las plebes
I have returned with the Faith and the support of the people
Estoy en Pie haciendo que mis rivales se enteren, QUE
I am on Foot making my rivals know THAT
No vengo a competir, Si no a sobrevivir
I didn't come to compete, but to survive
Si quieres competencia veela, mi stylo andar solo sobre mares de calaberas si que ...
If you want competition, watch it, my style walks alone over seas of skulls, so...
Yo no reso oraciones, yo las escribo,
I don't pray prayers, I write them,
Por que Dios estaba ocupao haciendo felices a los ricos
Because God was busy making the rich happy
Que yo no estoy rapiando, estoy pidiendo socorro
That I'm not rapping, I'm asking for help
Por culpa de raperos drogos niños fuman porro
Because of drug rappers, children smoke weed
Me vuelvo un asesino cuando me siento solo
I become a murderer when I feel alone
Si el amor es ciego, por que yo le saque los ojos
If love is blind, why did I gouge out its eyes
todo, todo lo que se escucha
I heard everything, everything that is heard
Que de letras veo pocas, pero famas veo muchas
That I see few lyrics, but I see many fames
10 mc' que estubiera bajo esta capucha
10 mc's that would be under this hood
Pero no, solo soy yo con el hip hop purificando mi alma sucia
But no, it's just me with hip hop purifying my dirty soul
Que pasa contigo, aunque lo creas no no damos abrigos
What's wrong with you, even if you believe it, no, we don't give coats
Solo somos testigos, de tu miedo, de tu ego, de tu juego, de tu mundo paralelo
We are only witnesses, of your fear, of your ego, of your game, of your parallel world
Aqui no brilla el cielo, Nooo!
Here the sky does not shine, Nooo!
¿Que vaz hacer? ... Piensalo bien
What are you going to do? ... Think carefully
Yo, yo, yo, yo no callo y suelo verte caer
I, I, I, I don't shut up and I usually see you fall
Ganar y Perder, Ganar y perder, Ganar y perder
Win and Lose, Win and lose, Win and lose
Hemanas paredes men
Sister walls men
Dentro de esta carcel yo me siento libre
Inside this jail I feel free
Mis palabras matan pistolas, cuhillas y rifles
My words kill guns, knives and rifles
Vengo en el nombre del hip hop para purificarle Men
I come in the name of hip hop to purify you Men
Puente Alto esta conmigo por los siglos de los siglos AMEN!
Puente Alto is with me forever and ever AMEN!
Si el rap chileno esta en pañales, bien, yo lo hago crecer
If Chilean rap is in its infancy, well, I make it grow
Hace años que hago rap serio para alcanzar la madures
I've been doing serious rap for years to reach maturity
Asi, miles de raperos de mierda hablando de la misma mierda en su mierda de cd
Thus, thousands of shitty rappers talking about the same shit on their shitty cd
Hoy muero ahorcao' con un cable canon mato con palabras hermano
Today I die hanged with a cannon cable I kill with words brother
Caen cadaveres con micro en mano cuando escribo y grabo tramo planes grandes para ser el amo
Corpses fall with a mic in hand when I write and record I plan big plans to be the master
Y señor del verso latinoamericano
And lord of the Latin American verse
No voy de malo ni de rudo, yo solo voy sin trucos
I'm not going bad or rude, I'm just going without tricks
Donde quieran cuando quieran les embrujo
Wherever they want whenever they want I bewitch them
Con los puños tipo furo no hacen uno se los juro
With fists like fury they don't make one I swear to you
Quieren verme fallar con apuro
They want to see me fail in a hurry
Y yo aqui sentao frente al micro hechando humo
And I'm here sitting in front of the microphone blowing smoke
Que pasa contigo, aunque lo creas no no damos abrigos
What's wrong with you, even if you believe it, no, we don't give coats
Solo somos testigos, de tu miedo, de tu ego, de tu juego, de tu mundo paralelo
We are only witnesses, of your fear, of your ego, of your game, of your parallel world
Aqui no brilla el cielo, Nooo!
Here the sky does not shine, Nooo!
¿Que vaz hacer? ... Piensalo bien
What are you going to do? ... Think carefully
Yo, yo, yo, yo no callo y suelo verte caer
I, I, I, I don't shut up and I usually see you fall
Ganar y Perder, Ganar y perder, Ganar y perder
Win and Lose, Win and lose, Win and lose
Hermanas paredes armao
Sister walls armed
Con lapices y papeles, yo no pienso perder
With pencils and papers, I don't intend to lose
Mi presente verdugo viene a decapitar tu ayer
My present executioner comes to behead your yesterday
No dejare que mi alma se me seque de sed
I won't let my soul thirst for thirst
No voy a seder deja de hacer rap si no por placer
I'm not going to give in, stop rapping if not for pleasure
No me conformo con el convencer si no con vencer
I'm not satisfied with convincing but with winning
Yo llevo el R A P de corazon como un lavagnier
I carry R A P from the heart like a lavagnier
Y no me pienso vender el rap nacio entre los pobres y asii se va mantener
And I don't intend to sell rap was born among the poor and that's how it's going to stay
Yo lleno tu alma cuando no hay de comer
I fill your soul when there is nothing to eat
Dios me salve de la muerte del aire
God save me from death from the air
Pongo las cosas en orden HH en la sangre
I put things in order HH in the blood
Pongo mi sur en tu norte lo mio es rapiar como antes
I put my south in your north mine is to rap like before
Ya no inporta de donde ni en el idioma que cantes
It doesn't matter where or in what language you sing
Si caigo me asujeto el micro vimo y rimo
If I fall, I fasten the microphone, I see and rhyme
Antes que se quiebren mis ojos de vidrio
Before my glass eyes break
Para mi hacer esta mierda es como hacer primeros auxilios
For me, doing this shit is like doing first aid
Por que mi rap va de boca en boca hasta domicilio
Because my rap goes from mouth to mouth to home

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