Gran Rah - Warning - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gran Rah - Warning

Yo ¿Qué pasa Veiderr?
Yo, what's up, Veiderr?
¿Qué pasa Gran Rah?
What's up, Gran Rah?
Sí, esto es Warning, así va
Yes, this is Warning, here we go.
No pueden, no saben, no deben, no valen
They can't, they don't know, they shouldn't, they're not worth it.
Que quieren a buenos raperos, oye, dejen a los que saben yo
They want good rappers, hey, leave it to those who know, I…
Hey-Hey, diles que vengan por mi
Hey-Hey, tell them to come get me.
Hey-Hey, tengo más flow que money
Hey-Hey, I got more flow than money.
Hey-Hey, tu grupo haciendo el Tony
Hey-Hey, your group is doing the Tony.
Warning MC, esto es fuck the police
Warning MC, this is fuck the police.
Hey-Hey, diles que vengan por mi
Hey-Hey, tell them to come get me.
Hey-Hey, tengo más flow que money
Hey-Hey, I got more flow than money.
Hey-Hey, tu grupo haciendo el Tony
Hey-Hey, your group is doing the Tony.
Warning MC, esto es fuck the police
Warning MC, this is fuck the police.
Fuck, fuck you rapper too
Fuck, fuck you rapper too.
Quieres cash, money, fumar camel Te-
You want cash, money, smoke Camel, ha-
Ner los pantalones más anchos que MC Hammer
ve pants wider than MC Hammer.
Voy de oreja en oreja dejando el polen-acaso no ven
I go from ear to ear leaving the pollen—can't they see?
Hago rap para alivianar la vida, brother
I rap to ease life, brother.
Fomes son con sus flow simplones lost
Fools they are, with their simple flows, lost.
De estos dos MC son mucho mejores yo
These two MCs are much better, I...
Tengo hectáreas de jardines en mi orgullo porque
I have acres of gardens in my pride because
To's esos amigos tuyos no paran ni dejan de lanzarme flores
All those friends of yours don't stop throwing flowers at me.
No, señores, no quiero fama (no, no)
No, gentlemen, I don't want fame (no, no).
Quiero ser el mejor en la rap rama. No more drama
I want to be the best in the rap branch. No more drama.
Es al son del rap frente al Mic Sansón
It's to the sound of rap, in front of the mic, Samson.
Saca el skill donde dejo el nivel en llama (Warning)
Take out the skill, where I leave the level in flames (Warning).
Yo, ya sabe'
Yo, you know.
Esto MC, no podrás pasar por aquí
This MC, you won't be able to get through here.
No, ya sabe'
No, you know.
Donde está Veiderr, dícelo
Where's Veiderr, tell him.
Warning, peligo, y cuida'o con este par de MC
Warning, danger, and watch out for this pair of MCs.
Pásame el papel y el lápiz de tu escrito mi elixir
Pass me the paper and pencil of your writing, my elixir.
Empuño el MIC, alguna vez lo vi tirao en la street
I hold the MIC, I once saw it thrown on the street.
Aprendí que un infeliz se siente bien en su forma de vestir
I learned that a miserable person feels good in the way they dress.
Explícito lenguaje mueve el engranaje
Explicit language moves the gear.
Tus rimas son por canje anarquista vesti'o de ángel
Your rhymes are for an anarchist dressed as an angel.
Se me funde la falange cuando entono el canto en serio
My phalanx melts when I seriously intone the chant.
no tení remedio, te vai zumba'o pal cementerio
You had no remedy, you're going to the cemetery dancing.
No como vivo, si no, como lo que veo
I don't eat to live, but rather what I see.
Muchos son la moda blinblineo, cualquier cosa al peo
Many are the blinkered fashion, anything goes.
Movimiento de Morfeo con la táctica espectacular
Morpheus' movement with spectacular tactics.
Si ven a estos dos aprieten sus mandíbula
If you see these two, clench your jaw.
Hey-Hey, diles que vengan por mi
Hey-Hey, tell them to come get me.
Hey-Hey, tengo más flow que money
Hey-Hey, I got more flow than money.
Hey-Hey, tu grupo haciendo el Tony
Hey-Hey, your group is doing the Tony.
Warning MC, esto es fuck the police
Warning MC, this is fuck the police.
Hey-Hey, diles que vengan por mi
Hey-Hey, tell them to come get me.
Hey-Hey, tengo más flow que money
Hey-Hey, I got more flow than money.
Hey-Hey, tu grupo haciendo el Tony
Hey-Hey, your group is doing the Tony.
Warning MC, esto es fuck the police
Warning MC, this is fuck the police.
Voy a entrar con pateando puertas pa' dejar con boca abierta
I'm going to kick the doors down to leave you speechless.
Con las pistas este monstruo de la tumba se despierta
With the tracks, this monster from the grave awakens.
Manifiesto una supuesta ingesta alcoholica en tu fiesta
I manifest an alleged alcoholic intake at your party.
Las letras se desnudas en donde más uno le aprieta
The lyrics are stripped bare where they are squeezed the most.
Hinchado como aprieta con peinado a lo Capitan Planeta
Swollen, like Captain Planet, with a hairstyle to match.
Pozando pa' la foto, y se te enganchó la jeta
Posing for the photo, and your face got stuck.
Con nosotros no te metas, estamos chatos de caretas
Don't mess with us, we're sick of masks.
De tus largas camisetas y de tus 'tillas proxenetas
Of your long shirts and your pimping 'tillas.
Cada cosa en su sitio, vay a terminar tira'o en el ripio
Everything in its place, you're going to end up thrown in the gutter.
A mi persona flipflop y te caíste al precipicio
Flip-flop to my person and you fell into the abyss.
No me enjuicies que te enjuicio, así es como lo grafico
Don't judge me, I'll judge you, that's how I graph it.
Con los cabros allá en el barrio te ponemos el crucifijo
With the guys back in the hood we'll put the crucifix on you.
(Warning) Como aquí usted aprendiz tenga un buen pasar
(Warning) As here you apprentice have a good time.
No pueden pasar nuestras fronteras, yo
They can't cross our borders, I...
The real shit, hermano. Dícelo Gran Rah
The real shit, brother. Tell them, Gran Rah.
Hey yo
Hey, yo.
Gran Rah en volumen dos, mirá solo es un número
Gran Rah in volume two, look, it's just a number.
Versus energúmenos, fecundando úteros
Versus bullies, fecundating wombs.
Palmas y panderos para estos tristes raperos
Applause and tambourines for these sad rappers.
Para'os en paradero esperando que hayan un bus que los lleve directo al cielo
Standing at the bus stop hoping there's a bus to take them straight to heaven.
Quiero y puedo, si mis rimas se disparan del suelo
I want and I can, if my rhymes shoot off the ground.
Hasta luego, voy, pecas por, malo soy, pa los ra-Peros que dicen ser buenos
So long, I'm going, you sin by, I'm bad, for ra-ppers who claim to be good.
Pero yo tranquilo y sereno tomo el micro y les explico
But I, calm and serene, take the mic and explain to them
Quién es el verdadero. Jocker, Posser, Jefe, domina el macro
Who the real one is. Jocker, Posser, Chief, dominates the macro.
Si no ha perfuma'o un pito respira, master de que flu-
If he hasn't smelled a pussy, he's breathing, master of that flo-
Juntándome con esto' cabro'
getting together with these guys.
El Veiderr, el Jona, El Diego, el Mata y el Bster
Veiderr, Jona, Diego, Mata, and Bster.
Ya sabes de quienes hablo
You know who I'm talking about.
Hey-Hey, diles que vengan por mi
Hey-Hey, tell them to come get me.
Hey-Hey, tengo más flow que money
Hey-Hey, I got more flow than money.
Hey-Hey, tu grupo haciendo el Tony
Hey-Hey, your group is doing the Tony.
Warning MC, esto es fuck the police
Warning MC, this is fuck the police.

Writer(s): Sergio Miranda Nunez

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