Granuja - No Sabemos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Granuja - No Sabemos

No Sabemos
We Don't Know
¿Dónde estamos? ¿Pa' donde vamos?
Where are we? Pa' where are we going?
No lo sabemos
We don't know
Si no nos vemos, ya ni nos conocemos
If we don't see each other, we don't even know each other anymore
Pa' remediarlo nada hacemos
To 'remedy it we do nothing
Ni nos inmutamos, pero mutamos
We don't even flinch, but we mutate
Quítale el mute, si no no repercute
Remove the mute, otherwise it does not affect
Jíbaro en scooter, Yonki en mini cooper
Jíbaro on scooter, Junkie on mini cooper
El man no es súper, siempre lo supe, no se discute
The man is not super, I always knew that, it is not discussed
Si pa' arriba escupes, y te cae en la cara, no te emputes
If you spit up, and it falls on your face, don't push yourself
Es el juego del dominio, del exterminio
It's the game of domination, of extermination
No creo en escrutinios
I don't believe in scrutiny.
Solo somos simios, en condominios, sombreros de aluminio
We're just apes, in condos, tinfoil hats
El hombre solo es otro animal sin raciocinio
Man is just another animal without reasoning
Del cielo caen cantaros de lluvia ácida, no cantan pájaros
Songs of acid rain are falling from the sky, birds are not singing
El agua a chorros no es tan plácida
The gushing water is not so placid
No hay quién hidrate esta tierra árida
There is no one to hydrate this arid land
Temperatura cálida pa' una piel pálida
Warm temperature for pale skin
Muchos no se encuentran
Many are not found
No se atreven y no entran
They dare not and do not enter
No abren la puerta, no se despiertan
They don't open the door, they don't wake up
Vida incierta, se desconciertan
Uncertain life, they get confused
No están alertas
They are not alert
Esos se venden por cualquier oferta
Those are sold for any offer
¿Quienes somos? no sabemos
Who are we? we don't know
Si no lo vimos no lo conocemos
If we didn't see him we don't know him
¿Qué es la vida? si no la vemos
What is life? if we don't see her
Donde acaba no la conocemos
Where she ends up we don't know her
¿Quienes somos? no sabemos
Who are we? we don't know
Si no lo vimos no lo conocemos
If we didn't see him we don't know him
¿Qué es la vida? si no la vemos
What is life? if we don't see her
Donde acaba no la conocemos
Where she ends up we don't know her
Secuelas nunca fueron buenas
Sequels were never good
Hay excepciones, y decepciones
There are exceptions, and disappointments
El que arranca no se frena
The one who starts does not slow down
Actuar sin emociones, buen negocio
Acting without emotions, good business
La vida no la enseñan en ninguna escuela
Life is not taught in any school
Vivir sin normas, bajo las sombras, quebrar las hormas
Living without rules, under the shadows, breaking the lasts
Cuanta atención puede tener quien desinforma
How much attention can someone have who deforms
Hay buenas intenciones pero luego se deforman
There are good intentions but then they get deformed
La vida me enseño a escoger, lo que no sirve estorba
Life taught me to choose, what doesn't work gets in the way
Ha pasado el tiempo y llegan los años conocidos son extraños
Time has passed and the known years are coming are strange
Parte del engaño en la viña
Part of the deception in the vineyard
Sigo tranquilo, no es tanto el daño
I'm still calm, it's not so much the damage
Superé cada peldaño sobrado de una riña, de rapiñas
I overcame every step left over from a quarrel, from rapine
Hombre escoria, mala memoria
Scum man, bad memory
Balas sin trayectoria
Bullets without trajectory
Vía irrisoria
Derisory way
Morir sin saborear la gloria
To die without tasting the glory
El placebo ni la euforia
The placebo and the euphoria
El destino aquí no existe si la muerte es aleatoria
Fate doesn't exist here if death is random
¿Quienes somos? no sabemos
Who are we? we don't know
Si no lo vimos no lo conocemos
If we didn't see him we don't know him
¿Qué es la vida? si no la vemos
What is life? if we don't see her
Donde acaba no la conocemos
Where she ends up we don't know her
¿Quienes somos? no sabemos
Who are we? we don't know
Si no lo vimos no lo conocemos
If we didn't see him we don't know him
¿Qué es la vida? si no la vemos
What is life? if we don't see her
Donde acaba no la conocemos
Where she ends up we don't know her

Writer(s): Mateo Montano Jaramillo

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