Grasu XXL feat. Maximilian & Spike - Didaia (TraLaLa) [feat. Maximilian & Spike] - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Grasu XXL feat. Maximilian & Spike - Didaia (TraLaLa) [feat. Maximilian & Spike]

Didaia (TraLaLa) [feat. Maximilian & Spike]
Didaia (TraLaLa) [feat. Maximilian & Spike]
eşti nebun, gen TraLaLa?
Are you crazy, like TraLaLa?
Ştiai fumăm doar LaLaLa?
Did you know that we smoke only LaLaLa?
Sari cu gura prin pa mea
Be careful, or you'll end up in my mouth
Dă-te în sz eşti roz-lila
Get lost, you're a pale little loser
Eu negru ca Roger Miller
I'm as dark as Roger Miller
Rachet-rus gen kak dela.
Crazy as hell, like a Russian.
Vaya Con Dios ney-na-na
Vaya Con Dios ney-na-na
N-ai destula viaţă te joci cu moa.
You don't have enough life to mess with me.
Vierme, nimic mai mult
You're a worm, nothing more
Nu te acult, n-am ce aud
I don't listen to you, there's nothing to hear
Mult căcat prea des aud
I hear too much crap
Din Calafat în Năsăut...
From Calafat to Nasaud...
Hai ft, Grasu X, din Bacău rupt.
Come on and be a bitch, Grasu X, from Bacau.
Când eu strig, băieţii aud
When I shout, the boys hear
Sunt deja pe la Ajud.
They're already on their way to Ajud.
E 85, fac rapu din 95
It's 85, I've been rapping since 95
De al dracu n-ai cum să-l stingi
You can't put the devil out
Care are cm vreo doi trei inch.
Which is about two or three inches long.
Bich... iau pe "Kalmahar"
Bitch... I'll take you on "Kalmahar"
Maxi o arde TraLaLa
Maxi is on fire TraLaLa
Grasu o arde TraLaLa
Grasu is on fire TraLaLa
Spike o arde TraLaLa.
Spike is on fire TraLaLa.
Numai tu în pa mea...
Only you in my way...
Stai bosuflat, te uiţi ca prostu
You're standing there like an idiot
Ai vrea fii in locul nostru.
You wish you were in our place.
Faci pe deşteptul, faci pe prostu!
You're acting smart, you're acting dumb!
Tot încerci, dar nu văd rostul.
You keep trying, but I don't see the point.
Brrre, hai las-o moartă
Brrre, come on, let it go
E târziu, nu se mai poartă
It's late, it's out of style
Nu vrei să-nţelegi o dată
You don't want to understand once and for all
La dracu, a naibii soartă.
Damn, what a hell of a destiny.
Vor ştie dacă sunt sandilau
They want to know if I'm from Sandila
Bre tu zile că-s de la Bacău.
Tell them I'm from Bacau.
Instabil emoţional, ori la bal, ori la spital.
Emotionally unstable, either at the ball or in the hospital.
Maxi o arde...
Maxi is on fire...
Grasu o arde TraLaLa
Grasu is on fire TraLaLa
Spike o arde TraLaLa
Spike is on fire TraLaLa
Numai tu in pa mea.
Only you in my way.
Grasu o arde TraLaLa
Grasu is on fire TraLaLa
Maxi o arde...
Maxi is on fire...
Guess o arde...
Guess is on fire...
Numai tu în... pa mea...
Only you in... my way...
Am auzit tu eşti cel mai tare, mi se rupe
I heard you're the best, but I don't care
(Da, dar...) Lasă-mă termin frate
(Yes, but...) Let me finish, dear
Nu întrerupe.
Don't interrupt me.
Fraierii nu ştiu nimeni nu corupe
Losers don't know that no one can bribe me
Şi fanii care iubesc
And the fans who love me
Păi vină pupe.
Well, let them come and kiss me.
Zi câte secunde mai am
Tell me how many seconds I have left
Trebuie rulez un program.
I need to run a program.
Chiar dacă nu eram
Even if I wasn't
Căram nişte dume, păream...
I would rap some words, I seemed...
Dar ce credeai c-o frecam?
But what did you think I was rubbing?
Da-mi volum, te scoatem pe geam
Turn up the volume, let's throw you out the window
Ce vrei o pauză? N-am!
What do you want, a break? I don't have one!
Şi eu băiat finuţ
And I'm a nice boy
Dar ei credeau ca mi-e frică.
But they thought I was scared.
Mi se rupe pa, nu mai pot de oftică
Damn, I can't stand this
Tre fac o emisiune despre asta vasăzică
I have to do a show about this, for God's sake
Am nevoie de un juriu.
I need a jury.
Cine-i târâtură mică?
Who's the little creep?
Pot s-o ţin aşa până se strică
I can keep this up until it breaks
Nu mai pune deja fac risipă
I'm wasting my time
Dar vezi în echipă.
But let's see me in a team.
Haterii n-au ce zică
The haters have nothing to say
Frate sunt ţiplă dar informaţia e prea rapidă
Brother, I'm cool, but the information is too fast
Stai aşa, băi cum adică?
Wait, what do you mean?
Cum adică, nu-i clar, nu ştii unde suntem?
What do you mean, it's not clear, don't you know where we are?
Vrei mai repede, vrei mai încet
You want it faster, you want it slower
Dar ce, ne fm?
What, are we the radio?
Ia treaba ca atare, du-te frate la plimbare
Take it as it is, go for a walk, bro
Asta nu mai e de tine, vezi că-i ora de culcare.
This is not your business anymore, it's time for bed.
Cocalari în apărare care sar
Gangstas in defense who jump
De zici că-i doare, dumă pentru fiecare
You'd think they're in pain, a word for everyone
Treaba aia ameţitoare, ştii nu ţi se pare
That dizzying thing, you know it's not your imagination
Nu-mi trebuie vreo confirmare
I don't need any confirmation
Ştiu sunt bun la asta
I know I'm good at this
Cel mai tare din parcare
The best in the parking lot
Vrrum, vrrum...
Vrrum, vrrum...
Maxi o arde TraLaLa
Maxi is on fire TraLaLa
Grasu o arde TraLaLa
Grasu is on fire TraLaLa
Spike o arde TraLaLa.
Spike is on fire TraLaLa.
Numai tu în pa mea...
Only you in my way...
Maxi o arde TraLaLa
Maxi is on fire TraLaLa
Grasu o arde TraLaLa
Grasu is on fire TraLaLa
Spike o arde TraLaLa.
Spike is on fire TraLaLa.
Numai tu în pa mea...
Only you in my way...

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