Greis - So Leid - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Greis - So Leid

So Leid
So Sorry
We de nume chönsch d'Zyt vergässe
We often forget time beautifully
Widr mau e Tag wo nüt isch gloffe
Another day where nothing went right
Scho so fest im Hinterträffe, s'isch eh scho zspät
Already so far behind, it's already too late
O we'd itz würdsch afa
Oh, if you would just start now
Und du seisch es sig nid so schwär
And you say it's not that hard
Im Chopf weisch scho genau wi's sött wärde
In your head, you already know exactly how it should be
We nume nid so verbisse wärsch
If only you weren't so tense
Wär nid jede Schritt sonee riise Bärg
If every step wasn't such a huge mountain
Immer wider gisch dr Friste bis se de glych verschiebsch
Again and again, you give yourself deadlines, only to postpone them
Und trousch dr geng wi weniger je meh Zyt verstricht
And you trust yourself less and less the more time passes
Hesch di scho so viu säuber enttüscht,
You've already disappointed yourself so much,
Das d'irgendwie o findsch
That you somehow think
Du heigsches gar nid besser verdient aus verzwiflet zsi
You don't deserve any better than to be desperate
Und lydeschaftlich bisch am blocke und am nörgle
And you're passionately blocking and nagging
Und egau was machsch es längt dr nie, geng öppis wo di stört
And no matter what you do, it's never enough, there's always something that bothers you
U we de mau öppis glingt
And if something works out
Seisch es sig us Glück und nid wäg dir, nid wäg dire Leistig
You say it's because of luck and not because of you, not because of your effort
Gäu, s'isch flauschig mit dir alei im Säubstmitleid
Come on, it's cozy with you alone in self-pity
We de grad nid z'stand bringsch was d'esch planet,
When you can't manage what you planned,
Aues in Frag steusch und denn, de-de g'raatsch in Panik
You question everything and then, there you go, you panic
Und findsch aues schlimm und tragisch
And you find everything bad and tragic
We'd Angst hesch dr Ärnst vom Läbe fändi äbe itzt de a
When you're afraid the seriousness of life is starting right now
De tuet's mir leid, bisch e verloren fau,
Then I'm sorry, you're a lost cause,
Chasch würlech nüt meh mache
You really can't do anything anymore
Und es tuet dr so leid und es tuet mir so leid
And you feel so sorry for yourself and I feel so sorry for you
Dass' dr so leid tuet,
That you feel so sorry for yourself,
Es tuet mer so leid, und es tuet dr so leid
I feel so sorry for you, and you feel so sorry for yourself
Und du tuesch mer so leid dass' dr so leid tuesch,
And I feel so sorry for you that you feel so sorry for yourself,
Du tuesch dr so leid
You feel so sorry for yourself
Hesch immer Stress und bisch im Hetze nid guet
You're always stressed and not good in a hurry
Und denoch machsch immer aues nur uf di letzti Minute
And yet you always do everything at the last minute
Und ds schaffe faut dr schwär, schisst di a di meisti Zyt
And work is hard for you, most of the time it sucks
Aber di meisti Zyt vom Schaffe verbringsch drmit nid aazfah
But most of the time you spend working, you don't even start
Auso was isch das wo schwärfaut?
So what is it that's so hard?
Wosch itz würlech ernsthaft dr räst vo dim Läbe
Do you really want to postpone the rest of your life
Uf unbestimmti Zyt verschiebe?
Vilech hesch ja rächt, vilech isches besser
Maybe you're right, maybe it's better
Und solang's dr witter schlächt geit, weisch ämu was d'hesch
And as long as you continue to feel bad, you always know what you have
U we'd würdsch handle, was würsch nähr mache mit au däm Glück
And if you were to act, what would you do with all that happiness
Usser ir Angst läbe du chönsches jederzyt widr verlüre
Except live in fear that you could lose it again at any time
Es cah immer zum Unfau cho, owe'd di nie i Gfahr begisch
An accident can always happen, even if you never put yourself in danger
Und egau wiviu Farbe gisch, es blybt immer aues Unvoukomme
And no matter how much color you give, everything always remains imperfect
Und es tuet dr so leid und es tuet mir so leid
And you feel so sorry for yourself and I feel so sorry for you
Dass' dr so leid tuet,
That you feel so sorry for yourself,
Es tuet mer so leid, und es tuet dr so leid
I feel so sorry for you, and you feel so sorry for yourself
Und du tuesch mer so leid dass' dr so leid tuesch,
And I feel so sorry for you that you feel so sorry for yourself,
Du tuesch dr so leid
You feel so sorry for yourself
Ote une touche de soleil, une touche de sommeil
Just a touch of sunshine, a touch of sleep
Quand le soleil couche, une touche de sommeil
When the sun sets, a touch of sleep
Jeuste une touche de soleil, une couche de sommeil
Just a touch of sunshine, a layer of sleep
Quand le soleil couche, tu touches le soleil
When the sun sets, you touch the sun

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