Grupo 5 - Tributo a la Cumbia: Carmen/ La Canoa rancha/ A Mover la colita/ Pollera colora'/ La Piragua/ Boquita colora' - En Vivo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Grupo 5 - Tributo a la Cumbia: Carmen/ La Canoa rancha/ A Mover la colita/ Pollera colora'/ La Piragua/ Boquita colora' - En Vivo

Tributo a la Cumbia: Carmen/ La Canoa rancha/ A Mover la colita/ Pollera colora'/ La Piragua/ Boquita colora' - En Vivo
Tribute to Cumbia: Carmen/ La Canoa rancha/ A Mover la colita/ Pollera colora'/ La Piragua/ Boquita colora' - Live
Y ahora viene, ¿qué es lo que hay?
And now it comes, what is it?
Esto es para ti, escúchalos
This is for you, listen to them
Y ahora viene el Grupo 5
And now comes Grupo 5
Con el tributo a la cumbia
With the tribute to cumbia
Falta poquito
Just a little bit left
Ya llega el 2022
2022 is coming
Está cerquita, está en la esquina
It's close, it's around the corner
¡Oye, qué rico!
Oh, how good!
¡Eso, dale p'allá!
Yeah, give it all!
Tributo a la cumbia
Tribute to cumbia
Carmen, se me perdió la cadenita
Carmen, I lost my chain
Con el Cristo de Nazareno
With the Christ of Nazarene
Que me regalaste, Carmen, que me regalaste
That you gave me, Carmen, that you gave me
Que me regalaste
That you gave me
Carmen, por eso no voy a olvidarte
Carmen, that's why I won't forget you
Si ahora te llevo dentro, Carmen, muy dentro de mi pecho
If now I carry you inside, Carmen, deep inside my chest
A ti y al Nazareno, Carmen
You and the Nazarene, Carmen
A ti y al Nazareno
You and the Nazarene
¡Oye, qué rico!
Oh, how good!
Y las palmas, y las palmas
And the palms, and the palms
Y las manitos arriba, ¡hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
And little hands up, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Falta poquito, Christian
Just a little bit left, Christian
Pedrito Loli, dale
Pedrito Loli, give it to them
En esta canoa ranchá
In this ranch canoe
Que me mandaste a traer
That you sent me to bring
Ya viene rompiendo el agua solo por venirte a ver
It's already breaking the water just to come see you
En esta canoa ranchá (¿qué?)
In this ranch canoe (what?)
Que me mandaste a traer
That you sent me to bring
Ya viene rompiendo el agua solo por venirte a ver
It's already breaking the water just to come see you
Mira cómo baila
Look how she dances
Allá en casita, ¡y cómo!
There at home, and how!
Adiós canoa (me voy veté)
Goodbye canoe (I'm going to see you)
Moviendo la aurora me voy veté
Moving the dawn, I'm going to see you
Rayando la luna Me voy beté
Scratching the moon I'm going to see you
Canoíta, adiós Me voy beté
Canoe, goodbye, I'm going to see you
¿Y esos panes pa qué son?
What are those breads for?
Pa comerlos con café
To eat them with coffee
¿Y esos panes pa qué son?
What are those breads for?
Pa comerlos con café
To eat them with coffee
Las manos arriba
Hands up
Y con las manos para arriba, todo el mundo con las palmas, mi gente
And with hands up, everyone with the palms, my people
¡Sa, sa, hey, hey!
Sa, sa, hey, hey!
¿Y ahora quién? ¿Cómo?
And now who? How?
A ver, a ver (a ver, a ver)
Let's see, let's see (let's see, let's see)
A mover la colita (esa colita, esa colita)
To move the tail (that tail, that tail)
Si no la mueves se te va a poner malita (repítelo otra vez)
If you don't move it, it's going to get sick (say it again)
A ver, a ver (dale, dale)
Let's see, let's see (come on, come on)
A mover la colita (ahí nomás)
To move the tail (right there)
Si no la mueves se te va a poner malita
If you don't move it, it's going to get sick
La mueve el tiburón y la mueve la ballena
The shark moves it and the whale moves it
La mueve el cocodrilo y Tarzán allá en la selva
The crocodile moves it and Tarzan there in the jungle
A mover la colita, que está de moda
To move the tail, it's fashionable
A mover la colita y es popular
To move the tail and it's popular
Y esa mano para arriba, todo el mundo con las palmas, mi gente
And that hand up, everyone with the palms, my people
¡Sa, sa, hey, hey, sa!
Sa, sa, hey, hey, sa!
¡Se viene el Año Nuevo!
The New Year is coming!
Muévete en casita
Move at home
Hey, latina
Hey, Latina
Grupo 5
Grupo 5
¡Ay! Al sonar los tambores
Oh! When the drums sound
Esa negra se amaña
That black woman gets ready
Y al sonar de la caña
And at the sound of the cane
Van brindando sus amores
They are toasting their loves
Y es negra Soledad
And it's black Soledad
La que goza mi cumbia
The one who enjoys my cumbia
Es la negra salamuña, qué caramba
It's the black salamuña, what the heck
Con su pollera colorá
With her colored skirt
De aquí p'allá, de allá p'acá, qué buena está
From here to there, from there to here, how good it is
Con su pollera colorá
With her colored skirt
Ay, mira cómo baila, mira cómo mueve esa pollera colorá
Oh, look how she dances, look how she moves that colored skirt
Con su pollera colorá
With her colored skirt
Esa negrita linda, mira, qué sabrosa que está
That pretty black girl, look, how tasty she is
Con su pollera colorá
With her colored skirt
Pa que lo baile México, Perú, Ecuador y Panamá
For Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Panama to dance it
Con su pollera colorá
With her colored skirt
Óyeme, esa pollera (Grupo 5)
Listen to me, that skirt (Grupo 5)
Y ahora (el Grupo 5)
And now (Grupo 5)
Llegó la piragua
The canoe arrived
Era la piragua de Guillermo Cubillos
It was Guillermo Cubillos' canoe
(Era la piragua, era la piragua)
(It was the canoe, it was the canoe)
Era la piragua de Guillermo Cubillos
It was Guillermo Cubillos' canoe
(Era la piragua, era la piragua)
(It was the canoe, it was the canoe)
La piragua
The canoe
La piragua
The canoe
La piragua
The canoe
La piragua
The canoe
That's it!
Ahí nomás
Right there
Pepito Menis (Luis Manuel)
Pepito Menis (Luis Manuel)
¡Toda la gente en sus casas bailando con la mano arriba!
All the people in their houses dancing with their hands up!
¡Sa, sa, sa, sa, sa, sa, sa, sa!
Sa, sa, sa, sa, sa, sa, sa, sa!
Eso, qué rico
That, how good
El Grupo 5
Grupo 5
Ya falta poquito, papito, falta poquito
Just a little bit left, daddy, just a little bit
Ya falta poco, señores, viene el 2022
Just a little bit left, gentlemen, 2022 is coming
El Año Nuevo está cerquita
The New Year is close
Get ready
me tienes tan embrujado con tu sonrisa
You have me so bewitched with your smile
Me tienes tan consentido y enamorado
You have me so spoiled and in love
Cuando salgo todo corriendo, todo es aprisa
When I go out running, everything is in a hurry
Porque quiero en todo momento estar a tu lado
Because I want to be by your side at all times
Pero por nada del mundo me quites la inspiración
But for nothing in the world take away my inspiration
Quiero que me queme el fuego, que me queme su calor
I want the fire to burn me, I want its heat to burn me
Pero por nada del mundo me quites la inspiración
But for nothing in the world take away my inspiration
Quiero que me queme el fuego, que me queme su calor
I want the fire to burn me, I want its heat to burn me
¿Quién le da un besito a papá? (Con esa boquita colorá)
Who gives daddy a kiss? (With that little red mouth)
¿Y quién le dice que lo quiere más? (Con esa boquita colorá)
And who tells him that they love him the most? (With that little red mouth)
Ella siempre lo manda a buscar (con esa boquita colorá)
She always sends him to look for (with that little red mouth)
Le dice "papacito, ven acá" (con esa boquita colorá)
She says "daddy, come here" (with that little red mouth)
Y todo el mundo haciendo la vueltita
And everyone doing the little turn
¿Y cómo dice?
And how do you say?
Ven y dale p'allá
Come and give it all
Ven y goza p'acá
Come and enjoy it here
Ven y dale p'allá
Come and give it all
Ven y goza p'acá
Come and enjoy it here
El Grupo 5
Grupo 5
La gente más alegre levante la mano, levante la mano
The happiest people raise your hand, raise your hand
Palmas arriba, ¡hey, hey, hey!
Palms up, hey, hey, hey!
Ya viene el Año Nuevo
The New Year is coming
Goza aquí, baila allá
Enjoy here, dance there
En Latina, acá
In Latina, here
Latina y el Grupo 5
Latina and Grupo 5
Recibiendo el Año Nuevo
Welcoming the New Year
Y esa vueltecita
And that little turn
¿Quién me da un besito, a papá? (Con esa boquita colorá)
Who gives me a kiss, daddy? (With that little red mouth)
¿Y quién le dice que lo quiere más? (Con esa boquita colorá)
And who tells him that they love him the most? (With that little red mouth)
Ella siempre lo manda a buscar (con esa boquita colorá)
She always sends him to look for (with that little red mouth)
Le dice "papacito, ven acá" (con esa boquita colorá)
She says "daddy, come here" (with that little red mouth)
Come on!
¿Y dónde están las solteras?
And where are the single ladies?
Que levanten la manito las solteras en casita, ahí, ahí
That the single ladies at home raise their hands, there, there
Y ven y dale p'allá
And come and give it all
Goza p'acá
Enjoy here
Pepito Menis, todo el mundo haciendo la vueltita
Pepito Menis, everyone doing the little turn
Esa vueltecita
That little turn
Qué rico, todos mirando el reloj
How nice, everyone looking at the clock
Y nuevamente, Pepito Menis, con la mano para arriba
And again, Pepito Menis, with your hand up
Las palmas arriba
Palms up
Las palmas que suene
Let the palms sound
Las palmas, mi gente, ¡sa, sa!
The palms, my people, sa, sa!
Se viene el Año Nuevo
The New Year is coming
Para todo el Perú y el mundo, Grupo 5
For all of Peru and the world, Grupo 5
¡La vuelta, Pepito!
The turn, Pepito!
¡Nos vamos!
We're leaving!
Javier López
Javier López

Writer(s): Gayle Tonara, Jose Barros, Juan Madera, Lisandro Meza, Luis Alberto Sarmiento, Luis G. Pérez Cedrón, Miguel Orlando Lacopetti, Wilson Choperena

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