Grupo Exterminador - La Pedrada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Grupo Exterminador - La Pedrada

La Pedrada
The Thrown Rock
Oiga señor mandatario
Oh, Mr. President
Le hablo en nombre de la gente
I speak on behalf of the people
Los que le dimos el voto
Those who gave you the vote
Pa′ que fuera presidente
So that you could be president
Haber si no se le olvida
See if you don't forget
Lo que tanto nos promete
What you promised us so much
El pueblo ya esta cansado
The people are tired now
De coperar con el voto
Of voting and cooperating
Hay muchos que se enriquezen
There are many who get rich
A costillas de nosotros
At our expense
Es cuento que no se acaba
It's a story that never ends
Salen unos y entran otros
Some leave and others enter
No esque me ande revelando
It's not that I'm rebelling
Protestar esta de moda
Protesting is in fashion
Aunque al verdad no peca
Though the truth is not a sin
Pero si les incomoda
But if it bothers you
Si no les gusta cantada
If you don't like it sung
Tambien se las chiflo toda
I'll whistle it all for you too
Para ser buen presidente
To be a good president
Hay que torear la pobreza
You have to fight poverty
El que no conoce el hambre
He who does not know hunger
Muy poquito le interesa
Has very little interest
El problema de los pabres
In the problems of the poor
Solo buscan la riqueza
They only seek wealth
Ya cuando llegan al puesto
Once they get to their position
Luegon tiran el sablazo
Then they raise their swords
Y de millones prestados
And the millions borrowed
Disque pa' mover trabajo
Supposedly to create jobs
Asi es como corre el agua
That's how the water flows
Ya sabemos el relajo
We already know the mess
El becerrito da topes
The little calf kicks
Para chuparse la leche
To suck the milk
Y otros ni topes ocupan
And others don't even need kicks
Ya estan chupando billetes
They're already sucking on bills
No es justo tanta injusticia
So much injustice is not fair
Que se le hace a nuestra gente
What is done to our people?
De tanto escuchar los cuentos
From hearing the stories so much
Ya esta cansada la gente
The people are already tired
Vasta de tantas promesas
Enough of so many promises
Oiga señor presidente
Oh, Mr. President
Pongase en nuestro pellejo
Put yourself in our shoes
Viera que gacho se siente
See how horrible it feels
Hay me disculpan señores
I apologize, sirs
Yo ya tire la pedrada
I've already thrown the rock
Hay se agachan si es que pueden
Duck if you can
Pa′ evitar descalabradaz
To avoid skull fractures
Si me escuchan alla arriba
If you hear me up there
No la chiflen, que es cantada
Don't whistle it, it's sung

Writer(s): Francisco Quintero

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