Porq
se
visten
de
negro
les
apodan
las
panteras
y
les
queda
el
nombresito
en
verdad
son
unas
fieras
no
le
temen
al
gobierno
y
se
matan
con
cualquiera
las
panters
tienen
garras
y
muy
filosos
colmillos
y
como
estas
son
humanas
traen
puro
cuerno
de
chibo
los
las
han
enfrentado
ninguno
ha
quedado
vivo
dicen
q
una
es
sinaluence
de
durango
y
michuakan
tierra
de
contrabandistas
ya
se
lo
imaginaran
tres
panteras
eyerbadas
q
bonito
rujiraaan
con
un
viper
en
la
bolsa
celular
y
unas
troconas
con
pistola
en
la
situra
pues
se
ben
retematonas
cargan
puras
ran
del
ano
y
se
miran
muy
perronas
cuando
les
ponen
retenes
por
toas
las
carreteras
porq
son
muy
peligrosas
poreso
la
ley
copera
porq
se
mochan
bonito
con
lo
jefes
las
panteras
son
las
reinas
de
la
droga
yerba
goma
y
heroina
tienen
muy
buenos
contactos
con
la
mafia
de
lachina
mientras
haiga
compradores
el
trafiq
no
ternina
Because
they
dress
in
black,
they
are
nicknamed
the
panthers
and
the
name
suits
them.
They
really
are
fierce.
They
don't
fear
the
government
and
they'll
kill
anyone.
The
panthers
have
claws
and
very
sharp
fangs.
And
as
these
are
humans,
they
carry
only
goat
horns.
Those
who
have
faced
them
have
not
survived.
They
say
that
one
is
from
Sinaloa,
Durango
and
Michoacán,
a
land
of
smugglers,
you
can
already
imagine.
Three
panthers
that
are
always
high,
what
a
nice
roar
they
have.
With
a
viper
in
their
pocket,
a
cell
phone
and
some
trucks,
with
a
gun
in
their
seat,
they
look
really
great.
They
only
carry
big
guns
and
look
very
tough.
When
they
are
stopped
at
checkpoints
on
all
the
highways,
because
they
are
very
dangerous,
the
police
cooperate
because
they
give
the
bosses
a
nice
cut.
The
panthers
are
the
queens
of
drugs,
marijuana,
coke
and
heroin.
They
have
very
good
contacts
with
the
Chinese
mafia.
As
long
as
there
are
buyers,
the
trafficking
will
not
end.