Grupo Niche - Corazon Sin Corazon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Grupo Niche - Corazon Sin Corazon

Corazon Sin Corazon
Heart Without a Heart
Es el fin cuando sientes que la soledad es u'nica
It's the end when you feel that loneliness is the only thing
Si solo tu la sientes tan real por algo sera'
If only you feel it so real, it must be for a reason
Mira tus manos vaci'as es que no hay vuelta atra's
Look at your empty hands, there's no turning back
Sientes que te pesa el cuerpo tu agoni'a agonica
You feel the weight of your body, your agonizing agony
La gente que transita por la calle en tu ciudad
The people passing by on the street in your city
Te preguntas por que brillan Tu' no tienes sombra
You wonder why they shine, you have no shadow
Te sientes gallina en el corral y ma's que nada te acorralan
You feel like a chicken in the coop, and more than anything, you're cornered
Pensamientos paranoias que te atrofian.
Thoughts, paranoia that atrophy you.
Yo se que digo ya he pasado malos ratos malos tratos
I know what I'm saying, I've been through bad times, bad treatment
De personas que me hicieron sentir asco
From people who made me feel disgusted
Y hazme caso si te digo que he vivido cada di'a
And listen to me if I tell you that I have lived every day
Con heridas que sangraban Y pensaba "Yo no valgo"
With bleeding wounds and I thought "I'm not worth it"
Y es que la vida no te lleva a la salida
And it's that life doesn't take you to the exit
Que esperabas ver al final del camino en tus hui'das
That you expected to see at the end of the road in your escapes
Tu vida, vera's, chico es lo que toca
Your life, you'll see, girl, is what it is
Poco a poco alza la vista hazte fuerte como una roca.
Little by little, raise your eyes, become strong as a rock.
Hoy veo entre la estacio'n de "Abando"
Today I see among the "Abando" station
Los trenes que pasan personas odiando
The trains that pass by, people hating
La sociedad cambio' el color y se volvio' tan fri'a
Society changed color and became so cold
Agacho mi cabeza mientras solo sigo andando
I lower my head while I just keep walking
Y es que el fin es un final esta' en tu vida
And it's that the end is an ending, it's in your life
Hasta en las cosas ma's sencillas Se complica cada di'a
Even in the simplest things, it gets complicated every day
Solo tienes que ajustar tu vista ajustar tu mira
You just have to adjust your sight, adjust your aim
Mirar desde otro prisma para encontrar la salida
Look from another prism to find the way out
IkerPlan & Gransan:
IkerPlan & Gransan:
Hay tantas cosas que no puedes controlar
There are so many things you can't control
Si tienes miedos Es por que eres tan real
If you have fears, it's because you're so real
Y cada paso que te aleja ma's del final
And every step that takes you further from the end
Cada di'a de tu vida sientete especial
Every day of your life, feel special
Cada meta que no creas alcanzar
Every goal you don't think you can reach
Cada instante que te plantees terminar
Every moment you consider ending
Cierra los ojos y respira como nunca
Close your eyes and breathe like never before
Confi'a en ti eres una persona u'nica
Trust yourself, you're a unique person
Eres u'nico y que nadie te diga lo contrario
You are unique and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Cua'nto tiempo pasas a diario intentado ser otro
How much time do you spend daily trying to be someone else
Cuántas veces has mirado ese cristal desorientado
How many times have you looked at that glass disoriented
Intentando componer los pedazos de un espejo roto.
Trying to mend the pieces of a broken mirror.
Tener miedos es normal y yo el primero
Having fears is normal, and I'm the first
Pero a veces miento como tu aunque me creo sincero
But sometimes I lie like you, even though I think I'm sincere
Para espantar las sombras que veo cuando miro
To scare away the shadows I see when I look
Como en el tren de Sen en el viaje de Chihiro.
Like on Sen's train in Spirited Away.
Y es dificil que te afecte la basura que te llega
And it's hard for the garbage that comes to you to affect you
Cuando pasas media vida sumergido en este foso
When you spend half your life submerged in this pit
Pero hacerlo por amor al arte ya no da dinero
But doing it for the love of art no longer brings money
Y hacerlo para aplacar el odio lo hace peligroso
And doing it to appease hatred makes it dangerous
Se que tambie'n tienes tu guerra contra el mundo
I know you also have your war against the world
Atrapado en el eco de los gritos de ese cuarto
Trapped in the echo of the screams of that room
Yo podri'a contarte los amigos que he tenido en realidad
I could tell you about the friends I've actually had
Con dedos de una mano y aun asi' me sobran tantos
With the fingers of one hand and still I have so many left over
Me preocupa ma's no perder la imaginacio'n para contar un cuento,
I'm more worried about not losing the imagination to tell a story,
Por la noche a mis pequeños que tratar de anteponer mis prioridades a las suyas roba'ndoles su comida por poder cumplir mis sueños
At night to my little ones than trying to put my priorities before theirs, stealing their food to fulfill my dreams
De niño me dormi'a con el ruido de los trenes
As a child I fell asleep to the sound of trains
Ya no me busco en google para ver que esta'n hablando,
I no longer google myself to see what they're talking about,
Dedicado a los que quieren silenciar mi rap gritando
Dedicated to those who want to silence my rap by yelling
Y siguen pensando que Onyx es su marca de sartenes.
And still think that Onyx is their brand of pans.

Writer(s): Varela Martinez Jairo

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