Grydo - Snehuliak (feat. Samm734) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Grydo - Snehuliak (feat. Samm734)

Snehuliak (feat. Samm734)
Snowman (feat. Samm734)
(Your words cut deep)
(Your words cut deep)
(Deeper than any blade)
(Deeper than any blade)
Citim sa jak snehuliak ked zivot na mna prsi
I feel like a snowman when life pours down on me
Yeah nemam nic v mojom hrudnom kosi
Yeah I have nothing in my chest
A tak sa roztapam zaziva
And so I melt alive
Vo vrecku sativa
In a bag of sativa
Pomaly nevnimam
I'm slowly losing consciousness
Kiez by som dodychal
If only I could catch my breath
A ten hrudny kos je prazdny ako moje fuckin dms
And that rib cage is as empty as my fuckin DMs
Pozeram tam ako keby este nieco pride
I look there as if something else will come
No ale neprichadza tam uz vobec vobec nic yeeah
But nothing comes there at all yeah
Mal by som zvyknut ako pred tym to uz nebude
I should get used to how it won't be the same
Mal by som sa konecne trochu vyspat
I should finally get some sleep
Celu noc zase iba premyslam
I've been thinking all night again
Takze zase asi nestiham
So I guess I won't make it again
A do tretice vsetko najhorsie
And worst of all, for the third time
Kedy sa ten kolotoc rozbije
When will this merry-go-round break
A nastane chvila kedy zabudnem
And will the time come when I forget
A krv z mojho chrbta sa vymyje
And the blood from my back will be washed away
Ale jazvy navzdy ostanu
But the scars will remain forever
Prislo to tak nahle
It came so suddenly
Bolo to tak krasne
It was so beautiful
Dokym to trvalo
While it lasted
Ale jazvy navzdy ostanu
But the scars will remain forever
Prislo to tak nahle
It came so suddenly
Mohlo to byt krajsie
It could have been more beautiful
Nieco vo mne zomrelo
Something in me died
A vsetky vety ktore hovorim su neskutocne prazdne
And all the sentences I say are incredibly empty
Stale young no ale vyhoreny myslim to fakt vazne
Still young but I'm burned out, I mean it
Neexistuje uz nic po com prestanem byvat na dne
There's nothing left that will make me stop living on the bottom
Dali ste mi svet do ruk sleduj jak bezdovodne padnem
You gave me the world, watch me fall without reason
Ziadny plan a ziadna nadej
No plan and no hope
Kazdy den je iba klam ved
Every day is just a lie you know
Samo prestan je to trapne
Just stop, it's embarrassing
Nevrav nic ved ja to fakt viem
Don't say anything, I know
Som odsudeny na seba
I'm a slave to myself
Pills su biele vino lacne
Pills are cheap white wine
Nic ine mi uz netreba
I don't need anything else
Radsej ma sleduj ako zomrem
You'd rather watch me die
Oh my god ja chcel by som byt snehuliak
Oh my god I wish I was a snowman
A roztopit sa po zime uz nemam dovod vstat
And melt after winter I have no reason to get up
Neznasam sa na seba pozerat
I hate looking at myself
Nic mi nejde bez hudby som strateny no a to fakt
I suck at everything without music I'm lost, that's a fact
Miloval som kazdeho
I loved everyone
A teraz zacal nenavidiet
And now I've started to hate
Kazdy upload ktory vyjde
Every upload that comes out
Je dookola to iste
Is the same thing over and over
Pozeram da dozrkadla
I look in the mirror
Som len pozer ktory bledne
I'm just a look that fades
Ako luka na jesen
Like a meadow in autumn
Neviem ze co som si to myslel
I don't know what I thought
Ale jazvy navzdy ostanu
But the scars will remain forever
Prislo to tak nahle
It came so suddenly
Bolo to tak krasne
It was so beautiful
Dokym to trvalo
While it lasted
Ale jazvy navzdy ostanu
But the scars will remain forever
Prislo to tak nahle
It came so suddenly
Mohlo to byt krajsie
It could have been more beautiful
Nieco vo mne zomrelo
Something in me died
(You are listening to)
(You are listening to)
(Su-Su-Suicide Music)
(Su-Su-Suicide Music)

Writer(s): Grynn Kudo

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