Guaco - Si Usted la Viera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Guaco - Si Usted la Viera

Si Usted la Viera
She If You Saw Her
El confesor me dice que: "no te quiera"
The confessor tells me: "Don't love her"
Y yo le digo: "padre, ¡si usted la viera!"
And I say to him: "Father, if you only saw her!"
Dice que: "tus amores me vuelven loco
He says: "Your love is driving me crazy"
Que a mi deber no atiendo, que duermo poco"
That I don't pay attention to my duties, that I get little sleep
"Que duermo poco"
"That I get little sleep"
Dice que: "nuestras muchas conversaciones
He says: "Your many conversations"
Fomentan en la aldea murmuraciones"
Foments gossip in the village."
Dice que: "no quererte, fácil me fuera"
He says: "It would be easier for me not to love you,
Y yo le digo: "padre, ¡si usted la viera!"
And I say to him: "Father, if you only saw her!"
"¡Si usted la viera!"
"If you only saw her!"
En vano le aseguro que: "eres tan pura
In vain I assure him that: "She is so pure
Hay que rezar delante de tu hermosura
I have to pray before your beauty
Que eres gentil airosa cual azucena
That you are as graceful as a lily
Que nacen de tus labios nardo y verbena
That spikenard and verbena grow from your lips
Que son lluvias de mayo tus frondos risos
That your lush laughter is like a rain in May
Y que vivir no puedo sin tus hechizos"
And that I cannot live without your enchantments
Él me dice muy hosco que: "es gran quimera"
He tells me sullenly that: "It's a great illusion
Y yo le digo: "padre, ¡si usted la viera!"
And I say to him: "Father, if you only saw her!"
Confesando que el alma tengo en tus ojos
Confessing that I have my soul in your eyes,
Me dijo el padre cura con mil enojos
The priest said to me with a thousand resentments,
"Que un pecado tan grande no perdonaba
"That he would not forgive such a great sin,
Y que si te quería me condenaba"
And that if I loved you he would condemn me"
"¡Me condenaba!"
"He would condemn me!
Entonces con amante dulce arrebato
Then with a sweet loving rapture
Del pecho en que lo llevo saque un retrato
From the chest where I carry it I took a portrait
Y el cura ve tu imagen, luz y alma mía
And the priest sees your image, light and soul of mine
Contemplándolo absorto se sonreía
Contemplating it absorbed he smiled
Él sonreía
He smiled
"Esa que refleja santos amores"
"That one indeed reflects holy loves"
Creyó que eras la Virgen de los Dolores
He thought you were the Virgin of Sorrows
"Esa que es hermosa, qué luz destella"
"That one is indeed beautiful, what light it shines
Y yo le dije: "padre, ¡pues esta es ella!"
And I said to him: "Father, that is she!"
Olvidado ya el cura de su corona
The priest forgetting his crown,
Dijo abriendo los ojos: "linda persona
Said opening his eyes: "Beautiful person
Si es buena como hermosa que en paz te quiera"
If she is as good as she is beautiful, may she love you in peace
Y yo le digo: "padre, ¡si usted la viera!"
And I say to him: "Father, if you only saw her!"
"Esa que refleja santos amores"
"That one indeed reflects holy loves"
Creyó que eras la Virgen de los Dolores
He thought you were the Virgin of Sorrows
"Esa que es hermosa, qué luz destella"
"That one is indeed beautiful, what light it shines
Y yo le dije: "padre, ¡pues esta es ella""
And I said to him: "Father, that is she""
Olvidado ya el cura de su corona
The priest forgetting his crown,
Dijo abriendo los ojos: "linda persona
Said opening his eyes: "Beautiful person
Si es buena como hermosa que en paz te quiera"
If she is as good as she is beautiful, may she love you in peace
Y yo le digo: "padre, ¡si usted..."
And I say to him: "Father, if you only..."
"¡Si usted la viera!"
"If you only saw her!"
Let us pray...

Writer(s): Eusebio Blanco, Jorge Luis Chacin

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