Guaco - Ella - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Guaco - Ella

Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no entender
Not to understand
Que ella es todo lo busco
That she's everything I look for
En una mujer
In a woman
Ella es bella
She's beautiful
Y lo que no le gusta
And what she doesn't like
Te lo dice en la cara, de frente
She tells you to your face, directly
Por la calle
Down the street
Caminamos juntos
We walk together
(De frente por la vida
(Facing life head-on
Siempre me pregunto)
I always ask myself)
Si hubiera seguido con
If I had continued with
Mi vida aquella
That old life of mine
Me hubiera perdido el estar
I would have missed being
Con ella
With her
Ilusiones que se encierran
Illusions that are enclosed
En los corazones
In hearts
Creando emociones
Creating emotions
Que son bendiciones
That are blessings
El milagro que aniquila
The miracle that annihilates
Los fantasmas del pasado
The ghosts of the past
Sumergida aquí
Submerged here
En mi vida en ella
In my life, in her
Te colaste
You snuck in
Como una bandida
Like a bandit
Yo soy tu guarida
I am your refuge
Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no adivinar
Not to guess
Que cualquier otra
That any other
Escogencia no habría
Choice wouldn't have
Estado mal
Been bad
Pero nada comparado
But nothing compared
A ella
To her
Y pensar por un minuto
And to think for a minute
La vida sin ella
Life without her
Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no entender
Not to understand
Que ella es todo
That she's everything
Lo que busco en una mujer
I look for in a woman
Y al mirarme
And when she looks at me
Ella me tiene entre
She holds me between
Sus manos y es
Her hands and that's
Por eso que la amo
Why I love her
Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no entender
Not to understand
Que ella es todo lo que busco
That she's everything I look for
La que yo buscaba
The one I was looking for
Como la soñaba
Just like I dreamed of
La encontré y no
I found her and I don't
Me preocupo
Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no entender
Not to understand
Que ella es todo
That she's everything
Lo que busco en una mujer
I look for in a woman
Ella es dueña
She owns
De mi mundo
My world
Con sus besos, sus caricias
With her kisses, her caresses
Que son todas para
That are all for me
Si es así, me canso
If that's the case, I'll never tire
Me canso
Never tire
Me canso
Never tire
Y si no avanzo
And if I don't move forward
Estaría sin rumbo
I would be without direction
Sin seguir sus huellas
Without following her footsteps
Si hubiera
If I had
Seguido con mi vida aquella
Continued with that old life of mine
Me hubiera perdido
I would have missed
El estar con ella
Being with her
Me hubiera perdido
I would have been lost
En mi vida aquella
In that old life of mine
Y no hubiera tenido
And I wouldn't have had
Esa estrella tan bella
This beautiful star
Ella es ahora
She is now
Mi rayito de luz
My ray of light
Me llena de calma
She fills me with calm
Y me quita la inquietud
And takes away my restlessness
Ella es ahora
She is now
Mi rayito de luz
My ray of light
Me enamora
I'm enamored
Su belleza y me arrebata
By her beauty and captivated
Su virtud
By her virtue
Ella es ahora
She is now
Mi rayito de luz en
My ray of light in the
La sombra
Hace que mi vida se componga
She makes my life mend
Ella es ahora
She is now
Mi rayito de luz en
My ray of light in the
La sombra
Con su cariño
With her love
Me asombra
She amazes me
Ella es ahora
She is now
Mi rayito de luz
My ray of light
Tiene una cara bonita
She has a beautiful face
Y una bonita actitud
And a beautiful attitude
Ella es ahora
She is now
Mi rayito de luz
My ray of light
Hasta el medico
Even the doctor
Me dijo
Told me
Que es buena pa' mi salud
That she's good for my health
Y así
And so
Por siempre
Let's keep
Loving each other
Y así
And so
Por siempre
No hay nada
There's nothing
Que nos detenga
That can stop us
Juntitos seguimos
Together we continue
De frente
Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no entender
Not to understand
Hay que ser
You'd have to be
Muy idiota para no comprender
Very idiotic not to comprehend
Que ella es
That she's
Todo lo que busco
Everything I look for
En una mujer
In a woman
Que la vida me regala
That life gives me
Otra manera de querer
Another way to love
Y encima
And on top of that
Mira bonito
She looks beautiful
Y yo me
And I
Cuando le veo los ojitos
When I see her eyes
Mi mira y yo grito
She looks at me and I scream
Y encima
And on top of that
Mira bonito
She looks beautiful
Que la amo
That I love her
Que la adoro
That I adore her
Y que yo la necesito
And that I need her
Y encima
And on top of that
Mira bonito
She looks beautiful
Pero que
But how
Cuando le
When I
Veo los ojitos
See her eyes
Con sus dos
With her two
Little lights
Y encima
And on top of that
Mira bonito
She looks beautiful
En el infinito
In the infinite
Me tiene lo dulce
She has me with the sweetness
De su querer
Of her love
Hay que ser idiota
You'd have to be an idiot
Para no entender
Not to understand
Que ella es todo lo
That she's everything
Que lo que buscaba
That I was looking for
En una mujer
In a woman
Y siempre supe que era ella
And I always knew it was her

Writer(s): Jorge Chacin

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