Guanaco - Oro Negro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Guanaco - Oro Negro

Oro Negro
Black Gold
Manos cansadas se sumergen en el rio
Weary hands dip into the river
Se le van, remojan frente y su cuerpo abatido
They come away wet, their brow and body worn
Los pies descalzos buscan refugio seguro
Bare feet search for a safe haven
Escalofrios, contracciones viene en camino
Shivering, contractions are coming
En medio del dolor ella conserva la calma
Amidst the pain, she remains calm
La niña sera mujer guarda la dicha en el alma
The girl will be a woman, guarding her joy in her soul
Brillo en sus ojos, pero no hay lagrimas
There's a sparkle in her eyes, but no tears
La selva lo resguarda
The jungle gives her shelter
El broto del dolor de su madre
The fruit of her mother's sorrow
Sumido en llantos,
Bathed in tears,
Cerca de una laguna
Near a lagoon
Cayo bañando en sangre, en el suelo no habia cuna,
She lies bathed in blood, there was no crib on the floor
Ella le envio su cuerpo con manzas aguas de vertiente pura
She sent her body along with soft flowing spring water
Lo sujeto en brazos,
She held him in her arms,
Le enseño el significado de la dulzura
She taught him the meaning of gentleness
Lo cubrio en su lecho, bebio de su pecho
She covered him in her bed, he drank from her breast
Le enseño que la tierra es su casa y que el cielo es su lecho
She taught him that the earth is his home and that the sky is his bed
Insectos cantaron una cancion,
Insects sang a song,
Aves dibujaron en sus ojos fascinacion
Birds painted fascination in her eyes
El sol lo calento, la luna lo acompaño
The sun warmed him, the moon kept him company
La selva lo sano lo alimento
The jungle healed him and fed him
Brindo abundacia pa' todo su pueblo
It bestowed abundance upon all her people
Generaciones de paz crecieron
Generations of peace have grown
Hasta que el rio trajo aguas con veneno
Until the river brought contaminated water
Oro negro, intoxicando su suelo, el progreso asechando y corrompiendo
Black gold, intoxicating its soil, progress lurking and corrupting
Anulando una vez mas destruyendo
Quashing once more, destroying
"Politicos vendiendo a su pueblo"
"Politicians selling out their people"
Trans nacionales entraron sin pedir permiso
Transnationals entered without permission
Mancharon el rio de oro negro, intoxicaron a sus hijos
They stained the river with black gold, poisoned her children
Transformaron la riqueza en pobreza
They transformed wealth into poverty
Se repartieron el botin politico sobre una mesa
They divided the political loot over a table
Un grupo de nativos vs. una empresa
A group of natives vs. a company
El peso del billete vs. la inocencia
The weight of money vs. innocence
El cancer ronda donde una vez hubo vida
Cancer stalks where life once abounded
La Tierra sangra profunda herida
The Earth bleeds deep wounds
La miseria, el hambre, la expropiación, la enagenación, su cultura batida
Misery, hunger, expropriation, alienation, their culture is beaten
Empresarios gringos comprando ministros, sicarios economicospagando jueces y al fisco
Gringo businessmen buying ministers, economic hitmen paying judges and the treasury
Y los diarios no publican nada,
And the newspapers don't publish anything
La poblacion ignora la mina de oro en la que estas sentada,
The population is unaware of the gold mine you're sitting on,
La televisión muestra la version desenfocada
Television shows the out-of-focus version
Que el mundo se entere que nuestra selva fue violada
Let the world know that our jungle has been violated
Texaco-Chevron mancho el territorio sucoya de negro, vistio de luto y cancer a todo un pueblo
Texaco-Chevron stained the Sucoya territory black, dressed an entire people in mourning and cancer
No hay dinero en el mundo que pague las vidas perdidas, las especies extintas.
There is no money in the world that can pay for the lives lost, the extinct species.
El ruido y la peste de pozos petroleros emanando toxico veneno
The noise and stench of oil wells emitting toxic venom
Un juicio de la gente sencilla contra los dueños del mundo entero
A trial of ordinary people against the owners of the whole world
Exigimos que esta historia no se repita, que generaciones futurasbno lo permitan
We demand that this story not be repeated, that future generations will not allow it
Somos un pueblo pequeño pero nadie nos calla
We are a small people but no one can silence us
Me remito al poder de la palabra, de la gente humilde es la unica arma
I refer to the power of words, the humble people's only weapon
Hoy la disparo como una metralla
Today I fire it like a machine gun
Que ni arrancandonos la lengua esta historia será olvidada
May this story never be forgotten, even if they tear out our tongues
Que quede claro que ni arrancandonosbla lengua esta historia nunca jamas sera olvidada
Let it be clear that even if they tear out our tongues, this story will never, ever be forgotten.

Writer(s): Peguero Domingo

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