Guess Who - Onoare - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Guess Who - Onoare - Live

Onoare - Live
Honour - Live
A dispărut de mult se pare,
It seems honour has long gone missing,
Orice bun simț, gest sau bună purtare
Any common sense, decency, or good manners you're dismissing
Orice vis neșters din clasele primare
Any dreams left from elementary school seem to fade quickly
Sistemul de om mare e eroare.
The adult system is clearly not working
Țara asta merge singură la vale,
This country is spiraling down on its own,
Cavalerii nu mai au nicio onoare,
The knights have lost all of their honour
Fură organizat într-o mare dezorganizare
They steal in an organized fashion with no order
Si asta e un mare semn de întrebare
This is a big question mark
E lumea a treia, cam aici ai nimerit
This is the third world, you've just stumbled upon it, my dear
Scapa cine poate, restul s-au obisnuit
Save yourself if you can, everyone else has grown accustomed to it
Debransati de la conditii de trait
Disconnected from the conditions of life
Tinerii se intreaba cu ce dracu au gresit
Young people ask themselves what they've done wrong
Am intalnit si romani fericiti, doar pe afara
I've met happy Romanians, but only abroad
Am intalnit si romani pacaliti, cam o tara
I've also met Romanians who've been tricked, almost the entire country
Am intalnit si romani linistiti, prima oara
I've met peaceful Romanians, but that was a while ago
Dar e a nu stiu cata oara cand e o lipsa clara de...
But this is not the first time there's been a clear lack of…
Onoare, e
Honour, it's
Ceva ce multa lume n-are, e
Something many people don't have, it's
Toti se calca in picioare
Everyone steps on each other
Doar pentru atatea lucruri fara valoare
For things that have no value
E vorba de onoare, e
It's about honour, it's
Ceva ce multa lume n-are, e
Something many people don't have, it's
Toti se calca in picioare
Everyone steps on each other
Doar pentru atatea lucruri fara valoare
For things that have no value
Ne-au zis "inchideti ochii, asta e viitorul"
They told us to close our eyes, that this was the future
Si-am iesit in strada aproape tot poporul
And almost everyone took to the streets
Cand am castigat, am gaurit si tricolorul
And when we won, we even put holes in the Romanian flag
Crezi ca am fi facut la fel daca am fi stiut adevarul?
Do you think we would have done the same if we had known the truth?
E ca am inventat si avionul
It's like we invented the plane
Insa toate ne-au zburat din maini la fel ca patrimoniul
But then it fell right out of our hands, like our national heritage
Toti romanii au sarbatorit in doliu
All Romanians celebrated in mourning
Nu au castigat o tara, doar un teritoriu
They hadn't won a country, just a territory
Ca fiecare trage pentru el, pentru cheltuieli
As everyone wants everything for themselves
Pentru inca nu stiu cate primaveri
For who knows how many more springs
Si nu e nimic personal, dar n-a fost vreodata altfel
And this isn't personal, but it's never been any different
Noi nu ne-am ajutat, n-am invatat din greseli
We haven't helped each other, we haven't learned from our mistakes
Sa mor pentru tara? Zi-mi, de ce sa fac asta?
Die for my country? Tell me, why should I do that?
Cand tara asta moare inaintea mea
When this country is dying before my very eyes
Si partea cea mai grea e ca o simte fiecare
And the hardest part is that everyone can feel it
Ca in continuare e o totala lipsa de...
As there's still a complete lack of…
Onoare, e
Honour, it's
Ceva ce multa lume n-are, e
Something many people don't have, it's
Toti se calca in picioare
Everyone steps on each other
Doar pentru atatea lucruri fara valoare
For things that have no value
E vorba de onoare, e
It's about honour, it's
Ceva ce multa lume n-are, e
Something many people don't have, it's
Toti se calca in picioare
Everyone steps on each other
Doar pentru atatea lucruri fara valoare
For things that have no value
Triunghiul Mortii:
The Triangle of Death:
Traim, domnule, intr-o lume fara onoare si fara limite morale.
Sir, we live in a world without honour or morals.
Cum as putea fi fericit? Poate dumneavoastra, oamenii politici,
How can I be happy? Maybe you, the politicians
S-o duceti altfel. Vorbiti de clasa noastra politica, ei bine,
Are doing well. You speak of our political class, well,
Ea confirma ca am ajuns o tara plina de secaturi. O tara minora,
It confirms that we have become a country full of useless people. A minor country,
Cazuta rusinos la examenul de capacitate in fata europei.
That has failed its test of competence in front of Europe.
Aici ne-au adus politicienii ordinari! Hotii,
This is where ordinary politicians have brought us! Thieves,
Improvizati astazi in moralisti.
Who have suddenly become moralists.
Ministrii ce s-au vandut o viata-ntreaga.
Ministers who have sold themselves their entire lives.
Parlamentari contrabandisti. Boala o avem in suflet,
Smuggling parliamentarians. The disease is in our soul,
Exista o epidemie infricosatoare de meningita morala,
There's a terrible epidemic of moral meningitis,
Iar tara trebuia sa ajunga aici tarata pe marginea
And the country was bound to end up here, dragged to the edge of the
Prapastiei de unii conducatori care sunt hoti la drumul mare.
Precipice by some leaders who are highway robbers.
Onoare, e
Honour, it's
Ceva ce multa lume n-are, e
Something many people don't have, it's
Toti se calca in picioare
Everyone steps on each other
Doar pentru atatea lucruri fara valoare
For things that have no value
E vorba de onoare, e
It's about honour, it's
Ceva ce multa lume n-are, e
Something many people don't have, it's
Toti se calca in picioare
Everyone steps on each other
Doar pentru atatea lucruri fara valoare
For things that have no value

Writer(s): Laurentiu Mocanu, Mihai Ghidarcea

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