Guess Who feat. Blaga & Mitza - Leu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Guess Who feat. Blaga & Mitza - Leu

N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
Scris de - 16 Mai 2017
Written by - 16 May 2017
Versurile melodiei "Leu", interpretata de Guess Who, Blaga si Mitza
Lyrics of the song "Lion", performed by Guess Who, Blaga and Mitza
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
Si ce e mai de pret, prietene
And what's more precious, my friend
Daca n-o poti numi incredere
If you can't call it trust
Daca nu-i langa tine cine trebuie
If you don't have the right person by your side
Cand nu vine de la sine, cat sa tina atele
When it doesn't come naturally, just enough to hold the threads
Daca nu-i mama, tata, sora, fratele
If it's not your mother, father, sister, brother
Fara laude, zi-mi intai defectele
Without praise, tell me your flaws first
Ca toate fetele nu-s bune la nimic
Because all girls are good for nothing
Invidia creste ca iedera pe zid
Envy grows like ivy on the wall
Majoritatea stau cat marea este blanda
Most of them stand while the sea is calm
Cine ramane langa, cand barca se scufunda
Who stays when the boat sinks
Ca vorbele doar umbla, cand faptele cuvanta
Because words only wander, when deeds speak for themselves
Sa-i multumesti pe toti n-o sa ajunga
Pleasing everyone won't be enough
Oricat suflet pui, putini frati, prieteni destui
No matter how much soul you put in, few brothers, enough friends
Ca toate trec, poate iert, da' se sterg nu pot sa uit
Because everything passes, maybe I forgive, but they are erased, I can't forget
Si ma intreb, cand adevarul nu-ti convine
And I wonder, when the truth doesn't suit you
Oare cati sar pentru tine
How many will jump in for you
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
Sari, sari, sari, sari tu, daca pier eu
Jump, jump, jump, jump in, if I lose
Sari, sari in vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
Jump, jump in a battle with another dragon
Sari, sari, sari, sari tu, daca pier eu
Jump, jump, jump, jump in, if I lose
Sari, sari in vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
Jump, jump in a battle with another dragon
Acum m-am prins, fiecare-i pentru el
Now I get it, everyone is for himself
Da' sa nu pierzi teren, trebuie sa ai nervi de fier
But to stand your ground, you need nerves of steel
Nu vrei sa disperi, nu e loc sa ceri
You don't want to despair, there's no place to ask for
Mai mult decat poti tu sa oferi
More than you can offer
Eu de mic sunt in focus permanent
Since I was a kid, I've been in constant focus
Am mandria mea de leu, o fi de la ascendent
I have my lion's pride, maybe it's from the ascendant
Pe ce pun mana suna zid, ciment
Whatever I lay my hands on, it sounds like wall, cement
Ca asa e jocu', fara regulament
That's how the game is, without rules
E plin de zmei si Ilene Cosanzene
It's full of dragons and Ilene Cosanzenes
De basme prafuite, prea duse la extreme
Of dusty fairy tales, taken to extremes
Nu te teme, pe aici nimic nu-i sigur
Don't be afraid, nothing here is certain
Da' gasesti destui care sa-ti consume timpul
But you'll find enough who'll waste your time
Ce pacat, timpul e important
What a shame, time is important
Da' tu fii baiat galant, asta-i cel mai enervant
But you be a gallant guy, that's the most annoying
Cu totii stim ca frica naste monstri
We all know that fear breeds monsters
Da' e OK cat timp noi avem grija de-ai nostri
But it's OK as long as we take care of our own
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
N-ai tu, las' ca am eu
You don't have it, but I do
Planul si ambitia mea de leu
The plan and my lion's ambition
Sari tu, daca pier eu
You jump in, if I lose
In vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
In a battle with another dragon
Sari, sari, sari, sari tu, daca pier eu
Jump, jump, jump, jump in, if I lose
Sari, sari in vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
Jump, jump in a battle with another dragon
Sari, sari, sari, sari tu, daca pier eu
Jump, jump, jump, jump in, if I lose
Sari, sari in vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
Jump, jump in a battle with another dragon
Nu trece nicio zi pe langa, ma arunc in alta runda
Not a day goes by, I throw myself into another round
Incep sa prind putere, cand speranta lupta
I'm starting to gain strength, when hope fights
Sansa ma saluta, avem aceeasi ruta
Luck greets me, we have the same route
Ambitia ma ajuta, o las oriunde sa ma duca
Ambition helps me, I let it take me anywhere
Ispita sta in umbra, ma asteapta la panda
Temptation lurks in the shadows, waiting for me
N-alerg dupa avere, e pusa la deruta
I don't chase wealth, it's put on the back burner
Pica cine musca, te bagi singur in cusca
He who bites falls, you lock yourself in a cage
Tu esti zmeu, cand jungla asta-i teritoriul meu
You're a dragon, when this jungle is my territory
Sari, sari, sari tu, daca pier eu
Jump, jump, jump in, if I lose
Sari, sari in vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
Jump, jump in a battle with another dragon
Sari, sari, sari tu, daca pier eu
Jump, jump, jump in, if I lose
Sari, sari in vreo lupta cu vreun alt zmeu
Jump, jump in a battle with another dragon

Writer(s): Blaga, Guess Who, Mitza

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