Guess Who feat. Spike - Tu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Guess Who feat. Spike - Tu

Asculaţi acum, ascultaţi acum
Listen now, listen now
Fragmente din ...
Fragments from ...
Începem cu ...
We start with ...
Tu, o te duci dracu
You, you're going to hell
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laşi
You drink, you smoke, you take you don't leave them
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
You come, you go, you come back
Tu nu spui nu
You don't say no
Băi cre′ c-am pus prea mult (hai mă)
Man, I think I put too much (come on)
Credeam pot duc mai mult (fugi mă)
I thought I could take more (run)
Puteam pun pariu că-s viu
I could bet I'm alive
Când am căzut şi am spus: sunt varză (ştiu)
When I fell and said: I'm toast (I know)
Eşti de comă, nu mai eşti om,
You're comatose, you're not human anymore, man
Tu n-o arzi cu jumate de normă
You don't burn with a half measure
Rulezi şi fumezi până adormi,
You roll and smoke until you fall asleep, man
Munceşti când eşti treaz pentru un ban
You work when you're awake for a penny
Da' de forma
But in good shape
O mori
You're gonna die, man
Da, dar n-au trecut nici 5 minute
Yeah, but not even 5 minutes have passed
Nu-i mai e nici dracu în stare ajute
Nobody can help me anymore
Şi mi se-nvârte capu elicea
And my head is spinning like a propeller
Ştii ceva?
You know something?
Io nu cred mai plec de-aicea (clar)
I don't think I'm leaving here anymore (clear)
Şi-asta ţi-au spus-o cu toţii
And everyone told you that
În proporţii mari toţi idioţii
In large proportions all the idiots
Consumăm proporţii mari ca hipioţii
We consume large proportions like hippies
Cu toţii, facă şi dealerul un ban cinstit
All of us, so that the dealer also makes an honest penny
Wow, eu văd gagici în halat
Wow, I see chicks in robes
Care leagă de-un pat pe roţi şi tirează palmat
Who tie me to a bed on wheels and drag me palmately
Eu nu mai ştiu de unde-am plecat îţi spun
I don't know where I left, I tell you
Da pot jur încă suntem pe drum
But I can swear we're still on the road
viaţa-i grea la oraş, daaa
Because life is hard in the city, yeah
Se vând kile de hashh... paaaa
Kilos of hash are sold... paaa
La revedere, vere, mi-am făcut provizii car
Goodbye, bro, I got my supplies, I'm taking them
Bun, şi mergem iar prin pustietate
Good, and we're going back through the wilderness
Faruri sparte, în spate două stricate
Broken headlights, two broken in the back
Mergem prin noapte dotaţi cu de toate
We go through the night equipped with everything
Prin bezna de-afară şi e foarte tare frate
Through the darkness outside and it's very cool bro
Brusc, am stive de motive în plus gust
Suddenly, I have stacks of reasons to taste more
Din fiecare fel de drog expus la preţ redus
From every kind of drug exposed at a reduced price
Despachetat, preparat şi propus
Unpacked, prepared and proposed
cine spune nu-i, mai bine când ai un cui, la tine
Because who says it's not better when you have a joint on you
Stai puţin pe loc, hai rulează-l pe tot
Stay put for a bit, come on roll it up
Şi derulează filmul în timp ce-i dai foc.
And the film unfolds as you set it on fire.
Tu, o te duci dracu
You, you're going to hell
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laşi
You drink, you smoke, you take you don't leave them
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
You come, you go, you come back
Tu nu spui nu (tu, tu, tu)
You don't say no (you, you, you)
Tu, o te duci dracu
You, you're going to hell
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laşi
You drink, you smoke, you take you don't leave them
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
You come, you go, you come back
Tu nu spui nu (tu, tu, tu)
You don't say no (you, you, you)
Cred c-ai pus prea mult (wow)
I think you put too much (wow)
Şi nu mai pot
And I can't anymore
Stai puţin
Wait a minute
I'm waiting
Bă, vezi
Bro, do you see me?
Te cred
I believe you
You believe me
I hear you
You listen to me
Te văd
I see you
Eşti praf
You're wasted
Credeam mi-eşti prieten
I thought you were my friend
Stai păi cum, prietene
Wait, how, friend?
Credeam că-i ban
I thought it was money
Întoarce capul, uite fetele
Turn your head, look at the girls
Am încuiat în baie, două pi**e
I locked two chicks in the bathroom
Vino repede
Come quickly
Zici sunt bune?
You saying they're good?
Vai, dar cum se freacă cu buretele
Oh, but how they rub with the sponge
Da mergem de ceva timp pe stradă
Yeah, we've been walking down the street for a while
Nu văd nici urmă de pradă
I don't see any sign of prey
Facem paradă de modă
We're having a fashion show
Cu tine dacă te prindem
With you if we catch you
Numa′ totu-i o iluzie
Only it's all an illusion
Şi trezesc fără trag vreo concluzie
And I wake up without drawing any conclusion
E doar în capul nostru
It's just in our heads
ştiu, şi cunosc filmul ăsta pe de rost
I know, and I know this movie by heart
Ca pe Tatăl nostru
Like Our Father
Acum hai tragem linie
Now let's draw the line
Eu nu iau
I don't take
Hai ne punem poftă-n cui
Let's put our craving in a nail
Io nu vreau
I don't want to
Hai vărsăm măcar o lacrimă
Let's shed at least one tear
Da' io nu beau
But I don't drink
Apar deja problemele de parcă ne lipseau
Problems already appear as if we lacked them
Că-n spate-i nino nino nino nino nino
Because behind is nino nino nino nino nino
Vine garda
The guard is coming
Nu trage dracu pe dreapta
Don't pull over, damn it
Avem prea mult la noi s-ascundem ... paaa
We have too much on us to hide ... paaa
Tu, o te duci dracu
You, you're going to hell
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laşi
You drink, you smoke, you take you don't leave them
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
You come, you go, you come back
Tu nu spuï nu (tu, tu, tu)
You don't say no (you, you, you)
Tu, o te duci dracu
You, you're going to hell
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laşi
You drink, you smoke, you take you don't leave them
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
You come, you go, you come back
Tu nu spuï nu (tu, tu, tu)
You don't say no (you, you, you)

Writer(s): Agresiv, Guess Who, Spike

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