Guzman - Md - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Guzman - Md

Malk keddab talf aji ghir swel ma3arf 3lik walo
You're just a gossiping old lady, you know nothing, my dear
W nta 3arf kolchi, chkon fina l'9owad?
And you think you know everything, who's the real fool here?
Guz' f'rap b7al chi ultra messagat w tifowat
I drop truth bombs in my raps like I'm a walking megaphone
Drabto f'Diib tay3awek koulchi sem3o kayghawet
You're just a sheep following the crowd, it's all a game
Kifach puta f'frachi ou nta na3ss f'sedari dyal blassa
You're a little slut in your fancy clothes, while I'm the real man of the streets
Fi9 a Diib a sa7bi yakma yss7ab lik yeddik chi pitassa
Watch out, my friend, if you mess with me, I'll punch you in the face
Lssani AK kola kelma 9assda rassek ki l'9ortassa
My tongue is an AK, every word is a bullet, you'll feel the sting
Ntaya 3ziz 3la l'osstada tabla lowla f l'medrassa
You're the teacher's pet, always the first to answer in class
F'rap netbe3 lik motallat f'wjhek dyal Mikasa
In rap, I'll drop bombs on you, like Mikasa's thunder spears
S7abek chakkin fik zamel 3amerhom chafouk m3a chi sata
Your friends are laughing at you, seeing you with that scumbag
7efid l'Morpho weld l'Pause Flow, lyoma ghandfeno
Listen to the Morpho Kid, the Pause Flow, today we're going to knock you out
Fach katbghi t'rappi a zebbi katadir pause l l'flow
Want to rap? You can barely keep up with the flow
L'3ayb ra 9rib tkon rajel ra s3ib, lyouma 3erss Diib
It's a shame to be a coward, it's better to be strong, today Diib is pissed
Ana asslan ghir berrani jit, w ghanmchi ghrib
I'm just a stranger here, and I'll leave as a stranger
Kanban rich wakha m9awda 3lia w 7ta Dirham f'jib
We may be rich, but I'm still broke, not a single Dirham in my pocket
Semini l'ghoul nhark 7it 9assit serra7 w na3ja ou dib
They call me the Ghoul, because I'm the one who hunts at night, the one who saves
Baghi t9otlo a weld l'7ram?
You want to chat, little boy?
Galt lik 7wih ma t9etloch a zbi
I told you, I don't like talking to you, honey
Dir 3a9lk a weldi lah yerdi 3lik
Go and pray, my boy, may God forgive you
Matsswel 3liya 7ta chi zamel ra kamlin ky3rfoni
Don't ask me about my friends, they all know me well
Nhar anbghik an9ssdk l'darkom maghande9 maghan'sonner
When I want to break your bones, don't come crying to me
Salit l'clash à l'époque 9bel ma ntaya t'beda
I started the clash back in the day, before you were even born
Sarfek daba 9bal ghada w f'wedni t7aji b7al jedda
Get lost now, before you end up like your grandmother
Ghatb9a m3adeb f'7yatk ti9 bya jamais gha terta7
You'll be punished in your grave, you'll never find peace
Rappek dyal sba7 bekri, yawmiyat l'fella7
Your rap is like cheap breakfast, the daily grind
Weld bouna Adam 3aynih dima garenha f'tfa7
Son of Adam, always looking down
F'had rap li masarf9touch tba3to ki della7
In this rap I don't touch you, I just spit on you
Mabghitoch mauve bghito ikon rose, ou ykoun bnin ki l'macaron
You don't want to die, you want to be a rose, soft and beautiful
Trja3 f'taxi ka3ya li hezitha l'bar7 men darhom
I'm riding in a stolen taxi, bought with stolen money
Matkdebch 3liya sir ra 3arf bach menfoukh dak l'ballon
Don't lie to me, I know why you're so full of hot air
Owl Gang, la famille d'abord (Yeah) à la vie à la mort
Owl Gang, family first (Yeah) to the death
Nta ghatmout lyoum 7it l'bare7 kenti à la mode
You're going to die today, like the fashion of yesterday
Khditi ra7tek ana jit yallah serbi daba noud
I'm taking your place, step aside, let's see
Kharj men studio ka3i b7alla Jesse kharj men labo
I'm leaving the studio, like Jesse leaving the lab
Wgaft bzzaf w jrit bzzaf ta rjli tabo
I've been running so much, my legs are tired
7elmo ytiro f'ssma ga3 li b7ali ta7o f l7efra
He wants to fly, but he doesn't know he's already in the grave
Ma t7rgch l'film matgolch liya ghda chno ghaytra
Don't tell me the future, I don't care
Homa ghayssaliw wana jamais 3chiri tssalili l7ejra
They'll screw me over, but I'll never betray my friends
Kliti ta fkerchek a weld l97ba b9alik gha lghobra
You think you're smart, but you're just a clown

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