Gåte - Horpa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gåte - Horpa

Syster tala te syster
Sister speak to sister thus
Ved sande
By the sea
Vi vi ned til sjoaerå
We will go down to the seashore
Den yngste sette seg ein stein
The youngest sat down on a stone
Ved sande
By the sea
Den eldste skuva ho utfor mein
The oldest pushed her out into the water
Ligg du der å hav du skam
There you can lie with shame
Ved sande
By the sea
Eg vi hava din festarmann
I want to have your bridegroom
Båra bera vent ei viv yvi lande
The waves carry a beautiful woman over the country
Båra bera vent ei viv yvi lande
The waves carry a beautiful woman over the country
Der gjekk tvo pilgrimmar ut med ei å
Two pilgrims went out at midnight
Ved sande
By the sea
Da såg dei likje sanden låg
Then they saw something lying on the sand
Tok dei hennar kvite kropp
They took her white body
Ved sande
By the sea
Gjorde der av ein hårpestokk
They made a harp from it
tala horpa i bryllaupsgard
Then the harp spoke at the wedding
Ved sande
By the sea
Bruri e mi syste
The bride is my sister
Båra bera vent ei viv yvi lande
The waves carry a beautiful woman over the country
Båra bera vent ei viv yvi lande
The waves carry a beautiful woman over the country
Syster ho va ei heks
Sister she was a witch
Bruri meg forgjorde
She cast a spell on my bridegroom
Opp steig bruri raud som blod
The bride stood up as red as blood
Ved sande
By the sea
De stille, horpa ho hev e'ljo
Be quiet, the harp is lying
Da tok dei hårpa å slo mot jord
Then they took the harp and struck it against the ground
Ved sande
By the sea
Der sto up ei Jomfru god
There stood a beautiful maiden

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