H-Kayne - Haka Dayra - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction H-Kayne - Haka Dayra

Haka Dayra
Haka Dayra
Denya haka dayra wana mali 7ayer
The world is round, it has good and bad.
M9atel m3a zman w dima haka dayer
Fighting with time and it's always like this.
Sa3a ila khedama lmouri ba9i dayer
If my time is working, I'm still around.
M3a chi chwya d z3ama ntir m3a tyayer
With a little bit of excitement, I fly with a bird.
W ras li maydour kodya, men nhar khrejt l donia
And the head that doesn't spin like a screw, since the day I came out to the world
M3a lkhorja m3a lbekya, bayna ghir men lbedya
With leaving and crying, it's clear from the beginning
Nesber w nsaber ma 3endi ma ndir ila khyabt daba tzyan
We wait and wait, I have nothing to do but if disappointment improves
Kont 3arf rassi ghadi nkon ma bin 7bab w 3edyan
I knew I was going to be between lovers and enemies.
W chi tale9 slouggia tesre7, chi ychouf b3id yeah
And some climb the ladder, some see far, yeah.
Lyom ila ka3i yemken gheda ghanfre7
If I'm down today, maybe tomorrow I'll be happy.
Denya haka dayra wakha tjib mha f Suède
The world is like that even if you bring it to Sweden
C′est la vie c'est la vie c′est la vie
C'est la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
Et la vie est ainsi faite, des défaites des victoires
And life is like that, defeats and victories
La même histoire se répète
The same story repeats itself
Ça va vite ça va vite ça va vite
It goes fast, it goes fast, it goes fast
Des hauts et des bas, un nouveau départ la vie nous sépare
Ups and downs, a new beginning life separates us
Mais la mort nous réunit, c'est la vie
But death reunites us, that's life
Denya haka dayra fiha lkhayeb wel mezyan
The world is like that, it has bad and good.
7al w 7wal, mera baki mera fer7an
Ups and downs, sometimes I'm still, sometimes I'm happy.
Mal bab sber ma 3lih z7am
At the door of patience there's no crowd.
Wakha kolchi ra f khbaro
Even though everyone knows what's going on.
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)
Sob7an li taybiyetha f chan, w ysebbe7ha f chan
Glory to Him who improves it sometimes, and worsens it sometimes
B7al walou 7ta nta ghedda, tesbe7 9ima w chan w merchan
Like you, even tomorrow, you'll wake up standing with sweat and profit
Chkoun 3ref ra kolchi momkin, ghir bellati 3lik b nouba
Who knows, maybe everything is possible, but it will happen to you in turn
Ma takhod ghi li mektablk, ghir sber 3ayen bla chouha
Don't take anything but what's meant for you, just be patient without complaining
Tbet tbet w khelli zre3 yenbet, malek malek mabaghich telbed
Repent, repent and let the seed grow, you are yours, you don't want to borrow
B7alk b7al khoutk, koulchi saber koulchi samer
Like you, like your brothers, everyone is patient, everyone is summer
Koulchi baghi jibou 3amer
Everyone wants to get it full
W douri ya denya douri, tji tji
And spin, world, spin, come, come
Ch7al men wa7d daba 7al bibano w tayssayen imta ghatzourih
How many people have opened doors and are waiting for when it will turn
Ghatzourih, ghatzourih
It will turn, it will turn
Ghatzourih, ghatzourih
It will turn, it will turn
Ch7al d7ekt w ch7al bkit, ch7al kreht w ch7al bghit
How much I laughed and how much I cried, how much I hated and how much I loved
Ch7al fre7t w ch7al k3it, ch7al te7t w 3emri chkit
How much I was happy and how much I was hurt, how much I fell and how long I lived
W9eft w 3awd bdit, wakha dem3a f 3ini
I stopped and started again, even with tears in my eyes
Ghanchouf b3id, welli f rez9i ghayjini
I will see far, and what's in my destiny will come to me
Denya haka dayra fiha lkhayeb wel mezyan
The world is like that, it has bad and good.
7al w 7wal, mera baki mera fer7an
Ups and downs, sometimes I'm still, sometimes I'm happy.
Mal bab sber ma 3lih z7am
At the door of patience there's no crowd.
Wakha kolchi ra f khbaro
Even though everyone knows what's going on.
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)
Comme toi des fois j'ai envie de tout plaquer
Like you, sometimes I want to quit everything
Partir sans sac la vie ma mit trop de claques
Leave without a bag, life has slapped me too much
Et j′ai plus de force à force je sens que je vais craquer
And I have no more strength, I feel like I'm going to crack
Comme toi des fois je le moral à zéro
Like you, sometimes my morale is at zero
Mais fréro si je baisse les bras, mes enfants
But brother, if I give up, my children
Qui sera leurs héros quand la vie va les braquer
Who will be their hero when life points a gun at them
Denya ghir tsawer, l3a9a w tdawer
The world just films, reality and turns
Bach tjibha f 90 khask tkoun mdowez tkawer
To bring it in 90 you have to be dodging and dribbling
Merra difa3 merra lhoukoum, yalah a marki l′but
Sometimes defense, sometimes attack, come on, score the goal
Dribli Messi douz Ramos, w serwel Beckenbauer
Messi dribbling past Ramos, and Beckenbauer pants
Denya haka dayra fiha lkhayeb wel mezyan
The world is like that, it has bad and good.
7al w 7wal, mera baki mera fer7an
Ups and downs, sometimes I'm still, sometimes I'm happy.
Mal bab sber ma 3lih z7am
At the door of patience there's no crowd.
Wakha kolchi ra f khbaro
Even though everyone knows what's going on.
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)
Dis-moi le bonheur est passé par où?
Tell me, where has happiness gone?
Dis-moi le bonheur est passé par où?
Tell me, where has happiness gone?
Emmène-moi si tu connais la route emmène-moi
Take me if you know the way, take me
Vas-y dis-moi qui fait tourner la roue
Go ahead, tell me who's turning the wheel
Dis-moi le bonheur est passé par où?
Tell me, where has happiness gone?
Emmène-moi si tu connais la route emmène-moi
Take me if you know the way, take me
Denya haka dayra (haka dayra), semta ra dayra (dayra dayra)
The world is like that (like that), the sign is round (round, round)

H-Kayne - Haka Dayra
Haka Dayra
date de sortie

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