H16 feat. Moja Reč - Na Dne - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction H16 feat. Moja Reč - Na Dne

Na Dne
At The Bottom
Možno sa ti zdá,
Maybe it seems to you,
že celý život lietam si hore,
That my whole life I'm flying high,
Ale časy, ked som na dne.
But there are times when I'm at the bottom.
Milión problémov,
A million problems,
Visí ich nadomnou celé more
A whole sea of them hanging over me
A všetko na hlavu mi spadne.
And everything comes crashing down.
Ne, že nemám silu ísť,
No, it's not that I don't have the strength to go,
Ja ani nevládzem vstať,
I can't even get up,
Niečo mi energiu kradne
Something steals my energy
Cítim sa prázdny ako vákuum
I feel empty like a vacuum
A chystám sa vzdať
And I'm already preparing to give up
A modlím sa nech niečo vo mne zažne.
And I pray for something to ignite within me.
Stovky priateľov,
Hundreds of friends,
Nevidím tu jediného,
I don't see a single one here,
Jeden protivník a všade vidím iba jeho,
One enemy and I see only him everywhere,
Démoni ma pokúšajú, nechcú nevinného.
Demons tempt me, they don't want the innocent.
Veriť, že stále bude krásne,
To believe that it will always be beautiful,
To je chyba, lebo pekné chvíle zmiznú
That's a mistake, because the beautiful moments will disappear
Aj keď chcel by si ich zdržať.
Even if you want to hold onto them.
Tak to proste chodí,
That's just how it goes,
Niekedy musí aj pršať.
Sometimes it has to rain too.
Žalúdok v kŕči,
Stomach in cramps,
Miesto jedla ideš grcať,
Instead of food you go to vomit,
Dva xanaxy a víno,
Two Xanax and wine,
Jak dlho to môže trvať. (haa?!)
How long can this last? (huh?!)
Opýtaj sa tvojej duše, odpovie ti,
Ask your soul, it will answer you,
Aj v tej búrke nad mrakmi slnko svieti,
Even in that storm above the clouds the sun shines,
Aj cez najväčšiu rieku, niekde vedie most,
Even across the biggest river, there's a bridge somewhere,
Aj bez toho tvojho smútku na svete dosť.
Even without your sadness there's enough in the world.
Jeden veľa sníval a Boh tomu dal,
One dreamed a lot and God gave it to him,
Druhý preklínal, tak asi komu vzal?
The other cursed, so I wonder from whom He took it?
Že póly tak vzdialené,
That the poles are so far apart,
Je tak trochu šialené,
Is a little crazy,
No všetko spolu hrá,
But everything plays together,
Bohu vďaka, bohužiaľ.
Thank God, unfortunately.
Ležím sám jak Andy Kaufman,
I'm lying alone like Andy Kaufman,
A neviem, či ma bude svet niekedy chápať,
And I don't know if the world will ever understand me,
Depka na mne visí ako premočený kabát,
Depression hangs on me like a soaking wet coat,
Tlačí ma do matracu, niesom schopný vstávať.
It pushes me into the mattress, I'm not able to get up.
Smiech je vraj kľúč,
Laughter is the key, they say,
No neviem trafiť zámok, triaška.
But I can't hit the lock, I'm shaking.
Takto to vyzerá, keď je dole maska,
This is what it looks like when the mask is down,
Platím účty za tie žúry, zlá karma.
Paying the bills for those parties, bad karma.
Dve vyhorené oči, zo zrkadla hľadia na mňa.
Two burnt-out eyes stare at me from the mirror.
Sám sebe vyzobávam mozog,
I'm picking out my own brain,
No control, brácho, vráť sa domov,
No control, bro, come back home,
Božská harfa visí nadomnou,
A divine harp hangs above me,
Chcem sa chytiť strún a zahrať niečo normálne, siahnem,
I want to grab the strings and play something normal, I reach,
Ale chytím vzduch.
But I catch air.
Prosím, dneska nie,
Please, not today,
Prosím, urob výnimku,
Please, make an exception,
Prosím, ako malý chlapec o loptu na ihrisku.
Please, like a little boy asking for a ball on the playground.
Môžeš utiecť z basy,
You can escape from prison,
No ako utiecť z hlavy? Click Clack
But how to escape from your head? Click Clack
Toho netvora je nutné zabiť!
This monster needs to be killed!
Tak to zvládni, tak ho zavri,
So handle it, so lock him up,
Prejdi cez búrku stredom,
Go through that storm through the middle,
Trvá to len pár dní.
It only lasts a few days.
Sultán musí niekedy aj k hore,
The sultan must sometimes go uphill too,
A ja ti verím, zdvihni sa hore,
And I believe in you, rise up,
Hlavu hore!
Head up!
Možno sa ti zdá,
Maybe it seems to you,
že celý život lietam si hore,
That my whole life I'm flying high,
Ale časy, ked som na dne.
But there are times when I'm at the bottom.
Milión problémov,
A million problems,
Visí ich nadomnou celé more
A whole sea of them hanging over me
A všetko na hlavu mi spadne.
And everything comes crashing down.
Ne, že nemám silu ísť,
No, it's not that I don't have the strength to go,
Ja ani nevládzem vstať,
I can't even get up,
Niečo mi energiu kradne
Something steals my energy
Cítim sa prázdny ako vákuum
I feel empty like a vacuum
A chystám sa vzdať
And I'm already preparing to give up
A modlím sa nech niečo vo mne zažne.
And I pray for something to ignite within me.
Cítim, že sa topím,
I feel like I'm drowning,
že som pod vodou,
That I'm underwater,
Myslíš, že som v pohode?
You think I'm okay?
To ani náhodou.
Not a chance.
Jebem si bonga do hlavy,
I'm hitting bongs in my head,
Aby som zabudol.
To forget.
Cigy mi nechutia,
Cigarettes don't taste good,
No dymím jednu za druhou,
But I'm smoking one after another,
Dneska nevychádzam z izby,
I'm not leaving my room today,
Nechcem vidieť nikoho,
I don't want to see anyone,
Len otupiť tie zmysly,
Just to dull those senses,
Nepomáha žiadna hudba, ani filmy.
No music, no movies help.
Nechcem robiť nič, ani písať žiadne rýmy.
I don't want to do anything, not even write any rhymes.
Presne tak, jebať celý rap, keď nie som
Exactly, fuck all rap, if I'm not
šťastný ja, tak môžem jebať celý svet.
happy, then I can fuck the whole world.
Snažím sa nato negatívne nemyslieť,
I try not to think about it negatively,
No je to ako slučka, aj tak sa to vráti späť.
But it's like a loop, it comes back anyway.
štyri ráno a ja stále neviem zaspať,
It's four in the morning and I still can't fall asleep,
Telo nevládze, no mozog nevie zastáť,
My body is exhausted, but my brain can't stop,
A viem, že mi to robí naschval,
And I know it's doing it on purpose,
Myšlienky v mojej hlave, čierne ako asfalt.
Thoughts in my head, black as asphalt.
Flašky a géčka,
Bottles and Gs,
Prášky po vreckách, versus, čistá hlava, beat a káva,
Pills in my pockets, versus, a clear head, beat and coffee,
Nahratá pecka.
A recorded track.
Tam nejaká slečna, versus, žena môjho života
Some girl there, versus, the woman of my life
Chcel som zistiť kam letím,
I wanted to find out where I'm flying,
No nenašiel som pilota.
But I couldn't find the pilot.
Takže si ďalej idem freestyle,
So I keep freestyling,
A niekde v sebe hľadám to decko z ihriska.
And somewhere inside I'm looking for that kid from the playground.
Navonok OK, vnútri rozbitý,
Outwardly OK, inwardly broken,
Neschopný prejaviť pocity,
Unable to express feelings,
Ani po pol litri vína.
Not even after half a liter of wine.
Nemám chuť robiť nič,
I don't feel like doing anything,
Všetko čo napíšem,
Everything I write,
Je pri moc chorý shit.
Is too sick shit.
Motám sa týmto divným svetom sám, fallout.
I wander through this strange world alone, fallout.
Ďalší deň, ďalší knockout,
Another day, another knockout,
ďalší deň, ďalší pohár do dna,
Another day, another glass to the bottom,
Hank Moody, stretávam pozostatky ľudí,
Hank Moody, I meet the remains of people,
Môj život sa točí ako v mixéri,
My life spins like in a blender,
Môj prostredník je vystretý,
My middle finger is extended,
Mám nebezpečné myšlienky a v žilách nitroglycerin, bang!
I have dangerous thoughts and nitroglycerin in my veins, bang!
Možno sa ti zdá,
Maybe it seems to you,
že celý život lietam si hore,
That my whole life I'm flying high,
Ale časy, ked som na dne.
But there are times when I'm at the bottom.
Milión problémov,
A million problems,
Visí ich nadomnou celé more
A whole sea of them hanging over me
A všetko na hlavu mi spadne.
And everything comes crashing down.
Ne, že nemám silu ísť,
No, it's not that I don't have the strength to go,
Ja ani nevládzem vstať,
I can't even get up,
Niečo mi energiu kradne
Something steals my energy
Cítim sa prázdny ako vákuum
I feel empty like a vacuum
A chystám sa vzdať
And I'm already preparing to give up
A modlím sa nech niečo vo mne zažne.
And I pray for something to ignite within me.

Writer(s): Branislav Korec, Michal Dusicka, Michal Mikuš Grimaso, Michal Pastorok

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