Ludob jebe, robia šialene veci a ničia vlastny svet, ľudstvo je skazene, je chore ako besny pes.Ten kdo ma peniaze, ma moc a ma pravo veta
. žijeme v svete v ktorom pravda neznamena vela
. Žabomyšie spory, nasilie a všade zloba.
People are fucked up, doing crazy things and destroying their own world, humanity is corrupted, sick like a rabid dog. Those with money have power and the right to veto. We live in a world where truth doesn't mean much. Petty quarrels, violence and malice everywhere.
Su miesta na ktorých tečie krv viac jak pitna voda, spodnych deväťdesiat percent a hornych desať, taka je naša doba, spravodlivosť miesto nema .Tak veľa ľudi stava hradby ale malokto mosty, asi preto je ťažke veriť že nejsu sprosti, nosia masky a klamu sami sebe
There are places where blood flows more than drinking water, the bottom ninety percent and the top ten, that's our time, justice has no place. So many people build walls but few build bridges, that's probably why it's hard to believe they're not stupid, they wear masks and lie to themselves.
ľuďom jebe, ľuďom jebe, ne len tu ale na celom svete
. ľudia su chamtivi, zlomyselni a zavistlivi
People are fucked up, people are fucked up, not just here but all over the world. People are greedy, malicious and envious.
Svoje chyby nevidia nikdy, no radi sudia inych
They never see their own mistakes, but they love to judge others.
Keď ide o peniaze, vtedy zase vidia iba seba (iba seba) a vtedy česť neznamena vela ...
When it comes to money, then they only see themselves (only themselves) and then honor doesn't mean much...
Zda sa to len mne alebo aj tebe? (čo?)
Is it just me or you too? (what?)
Niekedy mam pocit, že ľuďom jebe (mhm)
Sometimes I feel like people are fucked up (mhm)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Je to fakt, niekedy sa pytam kam to cele speje (kam to speje)
It's a fact, sometimes I wonder where it's all going (where it's going)
Povedz čo sa kurva deje (čo sa deje)
Tell me what the fuck is going on (what's going on)
Zda sa to len mne alebo aj tebe? (čo?)
Is it just me or you too? (what?)
Niekedy mam pocit, že luďom jebe (mhm)
Sometimes I feel like people are fucked up (mhm)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Je to v piči, niekedy sa pytam kam to cele speje (kam to speje)
It's fucked up, sometimes I wonder where it's all going (where it's going)
Povedz čo sa kurva deje (čo sa deje)
Tell me what the fuck is going on (what's going on)
Pamätate sa keď padli dvojičky?
Remember when the Twin Towers fell?
Nikto netušil že lietadla rozjebu vežičky
No one knew that planes would destroy the towers
A všetky tie vojny a zlo na tomto svete
And all the wars and evil in this world
čo k tomu môžem povedať, ľuďom jebe
What can I say, people are fucked up
Niektorym zo života, inym z roboty
Some from life, others from work
Lebo maju malo aj keď makaju jak kokoti
Because they have little even though they work like idiots
A bohati už nevedia že čo od dobroty
And the rich don't know what to do with their goodness
Maju domy a jachty obrovskej hodnoty
They have houses and yachts of enormous value
Politici stale sľubuju lepšie časy
Politicians keep promising better times
Pritom im ide iba o jedno
- ovladať masy
Yet they only care about one thing
- controlling the masses
Chcu ziskať moc a kontakty
They want to gain power and contacts
Robia biznisy a podpisuju kontrakty
They do business and sign contracts
Mame policajny štat ktory si ťa preveri
We have a police state that will check you out
Do budov a škôl inštaluju kamery
They install cameras in buildings and schools
Odpočuvaju a nahravaju všetky hovory
They eavesdrop and record all conversations
Nezabudni že ťa počuju keď s niekym hovoriš
Don't forget that they hear you when you talk to someone
Zda sa to len mne alebo aj tebe? (čo?)
Is it just me or you too? (what?)
Niekedy mam pocit, že ľuďom jebe (mhm)
Sometimes I feel like people are fucked up (mhm)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Je to fakt, niekedy sa pytam kam to cele speje (kam to speje)
It's a fact, sometimes I wonder where it's all going (where it's going)
Povedz čo sa kurva deje (čo sa deje)
Tell me what the fuck is going on (what's going on)
Zda sa to len mne alebo aj tebe? (čo?)
Is it just me or you too? (what?)
Niekedy mam pocit, že luďom jebe (mhm)
Sometimes I feel like people are fucked up (mhm)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Je to v piči, niekedy sa pytam kam to cele speje (kam to speje)
It's fucked up, sometimes I wonder where it's all going (where it's going)
Povedz čo sa kurva deje
Tell me what the fuck is going on
Ani sa nečudujem že niekomu z toho zadrbe
I don't even wonder why someone gets fucked up from it
Keď vidi meno vlastneho syna vyryte na hrobe
When he sees his own son's name engraved on a grave
život prinaša aj tragedie lebo je raz taky
Life brings tragedies too because it's like that
A da sa pochopiť keď pre ne človek hlavu strati
And it's understandable when a person loses his mind because of them
Nedokažem ale pochopiť že ľuďom jebe
But I can't understand that people are fucked up
Z toľkej nenavisti ktoru citia voči sebe
From so much hatred they feel towards each other
čo sa deje, že musime byť stale vo vojne?
What's going on, that we have to be at war all the time?
Kurva kde je niaka snaha riešiť veci pokojne?
Damn, where is any effort to solve things peacefully?
Ľuďom jebe, stale ženu sa za pachom peňazi
People are fucked up, always chasing the smell of money
Kvôli prachom svojim brachom vedia nohy podraziť
Because of money, they know how to trip their brothers
Je to chamtivosť, však sme blbši ako opice
It's greed, we're stupider than monkeys
ľudska marnivosť už odjakživa nema hranice
Human vanity has always known no bounds
ľuďom jebe, stale zavidia si jeden druhemu
People are fucked up, always envious of each other
Bohatemu vikend v Rime a PNku choremu
A rich weekend in Rome and a sick guy on sick leave
Je to chore že takto vlastne nadavame sebe
It's sick that we actually insult ourselves like this
Ale nemôžem si pomôcť bracho, ľuďom važne jebe
But I can't help it bro, people are really fucked up
Zda sa to len mne alebo aj tebe? (čo?)
Is it just me or you too? (what?)
Niekedy mam pocit, že ľuďom jebe (mhm)
Sometimes I feel like people are fucked up (mhm)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Je to fakt, niekedy sa pytam kam to cele speje (kam to speje)
It's a fact, sometimes I wonder where it's all going (where it's going)
Povedz čo sa kurva deje (čo sa deje)
Tell me what the fuck is going on (what's going on)
Zda sa to len mne alebo aj tebe? (čo?)
Is it just me or you too? (what?)
Niekedy mam pocit, že luďom jebe (mhm)
Sometimes I feel like people are fucked up (mhm)
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Je to v piči, niekedy sa pytam kam to cele speje (kam to speje)
It's fucked up, sometimes I wonder where it's all going (where it's going)
Povedz čo sa kurva deje (čo sa deje)
Tell me what the fuck is going on (what's going on)
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