H16 - Oni nevedia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction H16 - Oni nevedia

Oni nevedia
They Don't Know
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Snažím sa im dohovoriť, nech sa naučia,
I'm trying to tell them, learn something new,
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Keď mali dávať pozor, sedeli si na ušiach.
When they should have paid attention, they were deaf and blind, it's true.
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Snažím sa im dohovoriť, nech sa naučia,
I'm trying to tell them, learn something new,
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Keď mali dávať pozor, sedeli si na ušiach.
When they should have paid attention, they were deaf and blind, it's true.
Hip-hop není o tom, čo ti visí doma v skrini,
Hip-hop ain't about the clothes you have in your closet,
Rapera z teba neurobí ani Lamborghini,
A Lamborghini won't turn you into a proper artist,
Nepomôžu ti jointy, blunty ani silné reči,
Joints, blunts, and tough talk won't help you rise,
Vôbec to není o tom, ako uraziť a hrešiť,
It's not about offending or telling lies,
Mainstream, underground, oldschool či newschool,
Mainstream, underground, old school, or new,
Hip-hop žije v Amerike, v Iraku aj v Rusku,
Hip-hop lives in America, Iraq, and Russia too,
Hip-hop žije v luďoch, na uliciach a v kluboch,
Hip-hop lives in people, on the streets, and in the clubs,
Na žúroch a na internete kde ho v zuboch,
At parties, not online where every fool rubs,
Nosí každý jebo, (jebo), s účesom jak EMO, (EMO),
It in their teeth, every poser with an EMO style,
S názormi jak demo, (demo), stratený jak Nemo,
Opinions like a demo, lost like Nemo for a while,
Hip-hop tu bol skôr jak tvoj otec,
Hip-hop was here before your father was born,
Bude dlhšie jak tvoj syn,
It'll be here longer than your son, that's for sure,
Je to viac ako hudba je to životný štýl.
It's more than music, it's a way of life, it's pure.
Presne tak!
That's right!
Ďalší víkend stále ten istý problém,
Another weekend, the same old problem persists,
Oni zase nevedia napísať moje meno dobre,
They still can't write my name right, it truly twists,
Je to furt dokola jak nekonečný príbeh,
It's a never-ending story, going round and round,
Mc Vec, verzus Vec ako DJ,
Mc Vec, versus Vec as a DJ, profound,
Pochop, že je rozdiel rapovať a púšťať dosky,
Understand, there's a difference between rapping and spinning tracks,
Alebo sa mám ozaj premenovať na Dj Trosky?
Or should I really change my name to DJ Scraps?
Pätnásťročný promotér mi ide robiť šnúru,
A fifteen-year-old promoter wants to set up my tour,
Prvá otázka: máte vlastnú aparatúru?
First question: do you have your own equipment, for sure?
Máš obrovské medzery, radšej ostaň doma,
You have huge gaps in your knowledge, better stay at home,
Takisto jak novinár, čo to vie zaklincovať,
Just like the journalist who knows how to nail it with his tone,
S otázkou prečo hip-hop? Alebo čo je to rap?
With questions like, why hip-hop? Or what is rap?
Alebo, kde ďalší členova skupiny Vec?
Or, where are the other members of Vec's group, where they at?
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Snažím sa im dohovoriť, nech sa naučia,
I'm trying to tell them, learn something new,
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Keď mali dávať pozor, sedeli si na ušiach.
When they should have paid attention, they were deaf and blind, it's true.
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Snažím sa im dohovoriť, nech sa naučia,
I'm trying to tell them, learn something new,
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Keď mali dávať pozor, sedeli si na ušiach.
When they should have paid attention, they were deaf and blind, it's true.
Pustím chalankovi beat a nech je hocijako krutý,
I play a beat for a guy, and no matter how dope,
Keď je semplovaný povie, že je ukradnutý,
If it's sampled, he'll say it's stolen, can't cope,
Jebko počúvaj ma chvíľu, sám si ukradnutý,
Listen up, fool, you're the one who's stolen, it's a fact,
Nevieš jak to v rape funguje v tomto si dutý,
You don't know how rap works, you're clueless, that's that,
Nevieš nič jak chalanisko čo nás volá hrať,
You know nothing like the dude who calls us to play,
A v klube len jeden gramofón a jeden majk,
And only has one turntable and one mic, no way,
Volá mi promotér, či prídeme sami,
A promoter calls and asks if we're coming alone,
Alebo či aj Rytmus patrí do skupiny s nami, (ozaj),
Or if Rytmus is also part of our group, on the phone, (seriously),
Niektorí nevedia, niektorí mimo, (úplne),
Some don't know, some are completely out of touch, (totally),
Chlapec si myslí, že Janko je Grimo,
The guy thinks Janko is Grimo, such a klutz,
Na mňa kričí, Dylema nechceš pivo?
He shouts at me, Dylema, don't you want a beer?
A Dušovi zas povedal, že hej nazdar Cigo.
And then tells Dušo, hey, what's up, Gypsy, my dear.
Myslíš si, že vieš jak to chodí v tejto hre,
You think you know how things work in this game,
Ale nevieš ani hovno brácho, nepochop ma zle,
But you don't know shit, bro, don't take it as shame,
Nemôžeš byť underground a vydávať podémy,
You can't be underground and release mainstream hits,
Nemožeš sa hrať na ghetto, keď tu ghetto neni,
You can't play ghetto when there's no ghetto, that's it,
Neviem prečo stále pochopila to len polka scény,
I don't know why only half the scene understands,
A druhá chce byť stále tvrdohlavá ako ženy,
The other half wants to be stubborn like women's demands,
Ja viem, že oni nevedia, že tak obmedzení,
I know they don't know they're so limited,
Práve preto ich mám v piči, nech si na to dojdu sami,
That's why I don't care, let them figure it out, I've committed,
Mne stačí, že ja viem, že robím hudbu pre ľudí,
It's enough for me to know I make music for the people,
A dobrý budem vtedy, keď to niečo v luďoch prebudí,
And I'll be good when I awaken something within, that's equal,
Keď začnú rozmýšlať nad vecami, že jak ich vidím ja,
When they start thinking about things the way I see,
A presne o tomto je brácho pre mňa táto hra.
And that's exactly what this game is all about for me.
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Snažím sa im dohovoriť, nech sa naučia,
I'm trying to tell them, learn something new,
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Keď mali dávať pozor, sedeli si na ušiach.
When they should have paid attention, they were deaf and blind, it's true.
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Snažím sa im dohovoriť, nech sa naučia,
I'm trying to tell them, learn something new,
Myslia si, že vedia, ale ani netušia,
They think they know, but they haven't got a clue,
Keď mali dávať pozor, sedeli si na ušiach.
When they should have paid attention, they were deaf and blind, it's true.
Oukej, H16, Vec, génius Wich!
Okay, H16, Vec, genius Wich!
Oni nevedia ani hovno!
They don't know shit!

Writer(s): Branislav Kovac, Juraj Wertlen, Tomas Pechlak, Michal Dusicka, Branislav Korec

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