H16 - Pusy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction H16 - Pusy

Svetu vládnu pusy,
Pussies rule the world,
Čo dokážu chlapi pre tie pusy,
What men do for those pussies,
Koľkí hlavu stratili pre tie pusy,
How many lost their heads for those pussies,
Pusy pusy, muž len spraví, čo musí,
Pussies, pussies, a man just does what he must,
No svetu vládnu pusy.
But pussies rule the world.
Čo dokážu chlapi pre tie pusy,
What men do for those pussies,
Ďalší hlavu stratil pre tie pusy,
Another one lost his head for those pussies,
Pusy pusy
Pussies, pussies
Myslel si, že love, ale nie.
He thought it was love, but no.
Svetu vládnu pusy.
Pussies rule the world.
Mám 99 problémov, z nich ani jedna bitch.
I got 99 problems, but ain't a bitch one.
Si bohatý, slávny, ale keď nemáš pusy nemáš nič.
You're rich, famous, but without pussy, you got nothing.
Ten sex bez toho ostatného ti aj tak nedá nič,
That sex without the rest won't give you anything,
Len ta ničí, s tebou cvičí, máš pussy pussy, ale si o to viacej dole,
Just destroys you, plays with you, you got pussy, pussy, but you're even more down,
Rozkoš strieda bolesť, pýcha strieda pád, stále v jednom kole.
Pleasure alternates with pain, pride alternates with fall, constantly in one cycle.
Ale jedna pusa hore, len jedna pusa, povedz, jedna pusa a konec a všetko zrazu nove, všetko lepšie a celý žiariš a nikdy si nechcel svadbu a sa vidíš pri oltári, keď máte pusy, mate vsetko, ste milionári a potom vám aj to dieťa žiari, úsmev v tvári a nemá sváry, a keď vyrastie bude legendárny.
But one kiss above, just one kiss, tell me, one kiss and it's over and everything's suddenly new, everything's better and you're all glowing and you never wanted a wedding and you already see yourself at the altar, when you have pussies, you have everything, you're millionaires and then even your child shines, has a smile on their face and no quarrels, and when they grow up, they'll be legendary.
Nemusím učiť sa pusy dávať, ale facky dostávať.
I don't have to learn to give kisses, but to get slaps.
Nemusím učiť sa facky dávať, ale pusy dostávať.
I don't have to learn to give slaps, but to get kisses.
Poznám to, ver mi to zlomené srdce o tom môžem rozprávať.
I know it, believe me, this broken heart, I can talk about it.
Skús vodky pospájať a začneš rozdávať.
Try putting vodkas together and you'll start giving them out.
Čo dokážu chlapi pre tie pusy,
What men do for those pussies,
Koľkí hlavu stratili pre tie pusy,
How many lost their heads for those pussies,
Pusy pusy
Pussies, pussies
Muž len spravi, čo musí.
A man just does what he must.
No svetu vládnu pusy.
But pussies rule the world.
Čo dokáže chlap pre tie pusy,
What a man can do for those pussies,
Ďalší hlavu stratil pre tie pusy,
Another one lost his head for those pussies,
Pusy pusy
Pussies, pussies
Myslel si, že love, ale nie.
He thought it was love, but no.
Svetu vládnu.
They rule the world.
Pusy pusy pusy namotáš sa hneď, jak ju skúsis, jak droga zrazu musíš, ten svet sa len okolo nej krúti.
Pussies, pussies, pussies, you get hooked right away, as soon as you try it, like a drug, suddenly you have to, the world just revolves around it.
Si mladý, chceš si užiť, nevidíš žiadne mínusy, len plusy, tak naháňaš tie kusy, chceš dostať viac než len pusy.
You're young, you want to enjoy yourself, you don't see any minuses, only pluses, so you chase those pieces, you want to get more than just pussies.
Viac ako len pár bozkov, chceš ju celú mať teraz hneď, kvôli nej si sa zbláznil, ved kvôli nej si jak bezmozeg.
More than just a few kisses, you want to have her all right now, you're crazy about her, because of her you're like a brainless one.
Znudený z tých diskoték, nočný život je zrazu wake, teraz chceš byť len s jednou, aj keď mohol by si mať ďalších 5.
Bored of those discos, nightlife is suddenly awake, now you want to be with just one, even though you could have 5 more.
Nemyslíš na inú, pussy tak dobrá, že chceš byť len s ňou a vziať si ju za ženu.
You don't think of another, pussy so good that you just want to be with her and marry her.
Muži vedia robiť šialené veci, ak ide o vagínu, zahodia všetko čo majú a odídu, opustia rodinu.
Men can do crazy things when it comes to vagina, they'll throw away everything they have and leave, abandon their family.
Čo všetko si ochotný spraviť, ak nájdeš tu pravú, jedinú?
What are you willing to do if you find the right one, the only one?
Čo všetko si ochotný spraviť, ak nájdeš tu pravú, jedinú?
What are you willing to do if you find the right one, the only one?
jedinú pussy.
That one and only pussy.
Pusy, všetko pre tie pusy,
Pussies, everything for those pussies,
Svetu vládnu pusy, pusy,
Pussies rule the world, pussies,
Myslel si, že love, ale nie.
He thought it was love, but no.
Svetu vládnu pusy.
Pussies rule the world.
Okej, yeah, ej, yeah, yeah...
Okay, yeah, hey, yeah, yeah...
Vidím ju kráčať, a hádaj o čom snívam
I see her walking, and guess what I'm dreaming of
Že začína sa leto nám
That summer is starting for us
Ona tým riflám dáva nový význam
She gives those jeans a new meaning
Na to ja rád sa namotám
I'd love to get hooked on that
Aj keď musím odložiť svoje krídla
Even if I have to put my wings aside
Keď sa v jej labyrinte zamotám
When I get lost in her labyrinth
Energia, keď ju cítim
Energy when I feel her
Eufória, keď ma chytí
Euphoria when she grabs me
Moje ruky na jej riti
My hands on her ass
Mám ju
I have her
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her
Nechýba mi nič, mám ju, mám ju, yeah
I don't miss anything, I have her, I have her, yeah
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju, ju
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her, her
Mám ju, mám ju...
I have her, I have her...
A vraj každý si niekoho vziať
And they say everyone should marry someone
Všetci pýtajú sa, či mám ju
Everyone asks if I already have her
Neviem, prečo by som mal niekoho mať
I don't know why I should have someone
Nechystám šach mat, oni riešia moju dámu
I'm not preparing checkmate, they're dealing with my queen
Ale kto nájde silu, nikdy nebude slabý
But whoever finds strength will never be weak again
Kto hľadá princeznú, nebozkáva tie žaby
Whoever looks for a princess doesn't kiss those frogs
Útek na Miami ako slovenské baby
Escape to Miami like Slovak girls
To zlato je zabité, ale diamant navždy
That gold is killed, but a diamond forever
Mám ju
I have her
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her
Nechýba mi nič, mám ju, mám ju, yeah
I don't miss anything, I have her, I have her, yeah
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, yeah
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, yeah
Mám ju, mám ju...
I have her, I have her...
Mám ju, ona ma, sila požehnaná
I have her, she has me, that blessed power
Jak voda, čo sa o to moje telo stará
Like the water that cares for my body
Jak moja milá mama, jak moja malá Zara
Like my dear mom, like my little Zara
Jak moja H16-ka crew legendárna
Like my legendary H16 crew
Moja H16-ka crew legendárna
My legendary H16 crew
Jak voda, čo sa o to tvoje telo stará
Like the water that cares for your body
Jak moja milá mama, jak moja malá Zara
Like my dear mom, like my little Zara
Mám ju, ona ma, sila požehnaná
I have her, she has me, blessed power
Mám ju
I have her
Nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju
I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her
Nechýba mi nič, mám ju, mám ju, yeah
I don't miss anything, I have her, I have her, yeah
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her
Mám ju, mám ju...
I have her, I have her...
Ďakujem jej každú minútu
I thank her every minute
Zachránila ma a dala zmysel môjmu životu
She saved me and gave my life meaning
Ona ukázala mi slobodu
She showed me that freedom
Vzala ma na miesta, o ktorých som predtým nepočul
She took me to places I'd never heard of before
Áno, stále mám hudbu, mám ju
Yes, I still have that music, I have her
Tak isto jak vieru a motiváciu
As well as faith and motivation
Ísť dopredu a zdolať každú komplikáciu
To move forward and overcome every complication
Jeden z tých, o vychováva novú generáciu, éj
One of those who raises a new generation, hey
Stále mám tu moju rodinu
I still have my family here
Áno, moju famíliu, brata, otca, maminu, éj
Yes, my family, brother, father, mother, hey
A doma, tam mám druhú maminu
And at home, I have a second mom
Ju nevymením za inú, ona mi dala Zarinu,
I won't trade her for another, she gave me Zarina, yeah
A všade, kam sa pozrem samá žena
And everywhere I look, there are only women
Ešte aj jeden z mojich psov musí byť fena
Even one of my dogs has to be a female
Rodina, pre mňa znamená tak veľa
Family, that means so much to me
Cítim sa jak na vrchole sveta
I feel like I'm on top of the world
Ďakujem, že mám ju
Thank you for having her
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her
Nechýba mi nič, mám ju, mám ju, yeah
I don't miss anything, I have her, I have her, yeah
A nechýba mi nič, stačí mi, že mám ju, ju
And I don't miss anything, it's enough that I have her, her
Mám ju
I have her
Leto 16, Leto 16, Leto 16 (mám ju, mám ju)
Summer 16, Summer 16, Summer 16 (I have her, I have her)
Leto 16, Leto 16 (16)
Summer 16, Summer 16 (16)
Mám ju, mám ju, mám ju, mám ju.
I have her, I have her, I have her, I have her.

Writer(s): H16

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