HANA - 如果你明白 - 劇集 "機場特警” 片尾曲 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction HANA - 如果你明白 - 劇集 "機場特警” 片尾曲

如果你明白 - 劇集 "機場特警” 片尾曲
If You Know - Theme Song from TV Series "Airport Strikers"
不拖手 不分手的一對
A couple who doesn't hold hands or break up,
得不到 不擔心將失去
Unfazed by the thought of loss,
想不通 不多想 方會安睡
For peace of mind, we don't think too much,
一顆心 不交出不婉拒
A heart that's not given or rejected,
當分開 沒強笑沒流淚
When we part, there are no forced smiles or tears,
於身邊 不走開不進取
We stay close but don't advance,
若習慣平淡似水 一直伴隨
If we get used to a life as calm as water, it'll stay that way,
It's best to keep our thoughts to ourselves,
一個美夢 敢不敢去追
Do we dare chase a beautiful dream?
站在你面前 你若是明白我
Standing before you, if you understand me,
同伴有千個 都相信你最多
Of all the companions, you're the one I trust the most,
My love for you is a song I've yet to sing,
In truth, I'm afraid of making mistakes,
現在與未來 你若是陪著我
In the present and the future, if you're with me,
長路有風雨 想依靠你最多
Through the storms of life, you're the one I want by my side,
Even in the darkest of nights, you'll light up my sky,
I am the luckiest one,
逝去有過坎坷 記印永遠反鎖
The setbacks we've faced will fade away, forever locked in memory,
迷途但是有你 即使闖了大禍
Though I may stray, you'll be there, even if I make a mess,
The first to come to my rescue,
多一些 少一些 都不對
A little more, a little less, it's never quite right,
好知己 跟相戀 的差距
The difference between a close friend and a lover,
當分開 猜想她 跟你相聚
When we part, I wonder if you're with her,
But I understand,
一顆心 未交出怎婉拒
A heart that's not given, how can it be rejected?
想觸摸 又怕痛或流淚
I want to reach out, but I fear the pain or tears,
這不安 像盜竊的罪
This unease feels like a stolen sin,
漸習慣平淡似水 一直伴隨
We're growing accustomed to a life as calm as water, it'll stay that way,
It's best to keep our thoughts to ourselves,
一個美夢 這樣陶醉 為何又怕追
A beautiful dream, why do I revel in it, yet fear the chase?
站在你面前 你若是明白我
Standing before you, if you understand me,
同伴有千個 都相信你最多
Of all the companions, you're the one I trust the most,
My love for you is a song I've yet to sing,
In truth, I'm afraid of making mistakes,
現在與未來 你若是陪著我
In the present and the future, if you're with me,
長路有風雨 想依靠你最多
Through the storms of life, you're the one I want by my side,
Even in the darkest of nights, you'll light up my sky,
In truth, I have been happy,
逝去有過坎坷 記印永遠反鎖
The setbacks we've faced will fade away, forever locked in memory,
來年但願有你 每次傷心與闖禍
I hope you'll be there next year, through every heartbreak and misstep,
The first to embrace me,

Writer(s): Mei Xian Zhang, Luo Qiang Xu

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