HIFI Banda - Noc Nie Daje Snu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction HIFI Banda - Noc Nie Daje Snu

Noc Nie Daje Snu
Sleepless Night
Przez co nie mozemy zasnac
What keeps us from falling asleep
Gdy lysy ksiezyc patrzy na miasto
When the bald moon gazes upon the city
Nie da nam zamknac oczu przed wschodem slonca
It won't let us close our eyes before the sunrise
Nie da nam poczuc ukojenia w zmeczonych kosciach
Won't let us find solace in our weary bones
Tak jak sasiad z dolu nie sypia odkad
Just like the neighbor downstairs hasn't slept since
Jego corka zjadla krazka i skoczyla przez okno
His daughter took a pill and jumped out the window
A syn, gdzies daleko, nie moze spac dlatego
And his son, far away, can't sleep because
Bo mysli o ojczyznie, a musi zarabiac euro
He thinks of his homeland, but has to earn euros
Podczas, gdy w kraju jego brat tez nie spi po nocach
While in his country, his brother also stays up at night
Ma zajecie, wlasnie kradnie radio z Lanosa
He's busy, stealing a radio from a Lanos
W tym momencie, jego zona wyrwana ze snu
At this moment, his wife is startled from sleep
Placzem dziecka, ktore jej jedynym zrodlem szczescia
By the cry of her child, her only source of happiness
Tyle, ze ojcem jest kolezka, zwykly bandzior.
Except the father is a buddy, just a gangster.
Dal jej wtedy sto piecdziesiat, zeby nie dala mu zasnac
He gave her a hundred and fifty then, so she wouldn't let him sleep
I nie zasnal, nawet oka nie zmruzyl na moment
And he didn't sleep, didn't even close his eyes for a moment
Bo od kilkunastu godzin mial na kacie glowe
Because for the past few hours, he had a gun to his head
Miesiac potem nie mogl spac, pekalo mu serce
A month later, he couldn't sleep, his heart was breaking
Pierwsza noc dwudziestu pieciu lat na Bialolece
The first night of twenty-five years in Bialoleka
Cale szczescie, jestem tutaj, gdzie jestem
It's a good thing, I'm here, where I am
I nie moge spac, piszac o zyciu w moim miescie
And I can't sleep, writing about life in my city
Godzina zero, srodmiescie, przejscie
Zero hour, downtown, crosswalk
Pasy i pisk, rodzinny terror, bo smierc
Screech and screams, family terror, because death
Jest jak klapsy na pysk
Is like slaps to the face
Bez zadnej szansy, koniec historii znasz sam
No chance, you know the end of the story yourself
Tak Kawasaki zawijal dwojke dzieciakow na start
That's how Kawasaki wrapped two kids up at the start
Pozniej latarnie i szklo, szansa jest marna,
Later, lampposts and glass, the chance is slim,
Jak chcesz szukac ich nog, albo rak, to raczej dno
If you want to look for their legs or arms, it's the bottom of the barrel
Zobacz, obok kolezka wali radio z Lanosa,
Look, next to him, a buddy is stealing a radio from a Lanos,
I na smierc sie zaklina, ze kurwa nic nie widzial
And swears to death that he didn't see a damn thing
Jego zona na nogach bierze mu szmate
His wife, on her feet, takes a rag from him
Do tego dochodzi trzecia na bladzie
On top of that, the third one is on drugs
On na kwadracie, uczciwie przeglada fotki gdzies na aparacie
He's high, honestly looking through pictures somewhere on a camera
Co go ma od kolezki, co zawinal wczoraj go na drugi swiat
Which he got from a friend, who yesterday took him to the other world
Mial na kacie glowe
He had a gun to his head
Sto piecdziesiat w kielni, dal jej sto piecdziesiat
A hundred and fifty in his pocket, he gave her a hundred and fifty
Zeby byc spokojniejszym
To be calmer
Ona jak ona jest przyzwyczajona
She, as she is, is used to it
Do tych co wpadaja kiedy chca, jak maja pare zlotych
To those who come in whenever they want, if they have a few bucks
Jego orgazm przerwal dziecka krzyk i widok psow
His orgasm was interrupted by a child's scream and the sight of cops
To jedna z tych historii, ktore nie uwzgledniaja snu
It's one of those stories that don't consider sleep
Nie moge spac, wstaje, wychodze z domu
I can't sleep, I get up, I leave the house
Jak Sokus z piatka zawinieta blent
Like Sokus with a five wrapped blunt
Mijam niebieskich, ide
I pass the cops, I keep going
Mijam tych, co chca butelki zamienic na chleb
I pass those who want to exchange bottles for bread
I tak ida niosac swoj niewielki bagaz gdzies
And so they go, carrying their small luggage somewhere
Mamy pod stopami dokladnie ten sam chodnik
We have the exact same pavement under our feet
Ale to mnie niesie echo ich historii
But the echo of their stories carries me
Miga mi swiat przed oczami, jak zolte swiatla na slupach
The world flashes before my eyes, like yellow lights on poles
To liga gigantow, liga tych, co zamiast swiat mowia dupa
This is a league of giants, a league of those who say "ass" instead of "world"
Widzialem wiecej krzywdy w domu, niz poza nim
I've seen more harm at home than outside of it
Ale to nie jest opcja, Boze pozal sie nad nim
But that's not an option, God have mercy on him
To nie pozar, ktory pozarl wszystkich bliskich mi
It's not a fire that consumed all my loved ones
Zebym plakal nad ich losem, albo poszedl w dym
For me to cry over their fate, or go up in smoke
Jedni, nie moga spac, musza kombinowac krasc
Some, can't sleep, have to scheme and steal
Inni chca dilowac, zeby jutro moc spokojnie spac
Others want to deal, so they can sleep peacefully tomorrow
Ja nie musze nic, choc moge wszystko i nic
I don't need anything, although I can have everything and nothing
Moge lezec tu jak oni, albo moge wstac i isc!
I can lie here like them, or I can get up and go!

Writer(s): Agata Molska, Lukasz Bulat-mironowicz, Aleksander Kowalski, Maciej Tkaczyk, Patryk Skoczylas

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