HIFI Banda - Tacy Sami - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction HIFI Banda - Tacy Sami

Tacy Sami
We Are the Same
Tak samo rani slowo, jak i brak powagi slow
Empty words hurt just as much as thoughtless actions
My jestesmy tacy sami
We are all the same
Jak caly ten swiat,
Like everyone in this world,
Bo mamy serca i nadzieje, jak kazdy z Was.
Because we have hearts and dreams, just like you.
Tak samo chcemy sie smiac
We all want to laugh the same
I dalej isc bardziej, niz upadac,
And move forward rather than fall,
Cieszyc sie sloncem idac nawet na kolanach
Enjoying the sun even on our knees
To biala flaga na maszt bez podzialow,
This is a white flag on a mast without divisions
To porozumienie rad, religii, jezykow i krajow,
This is an understanding of advice, religions, languages, and countries
To suma bledow i porazek
This is the sum of mistakes and failures
W zestawieniu z prawda, ktora
Compared to the truth that
Lezy posrodku i za chuj nie chce sie ruszac,
Lies in the middle and doesn't want to move for shit
Wiec jesli przeszkadza Ci moj skory kolor,
So if the color of my skin bothers you,
Moja twarz, moj slang, albo moja narodowosc
My face, my slang, or my nationality
I masz problem, ze oddycham Twoim tlenem
And you have a problem with me breathing your oxygen
To zlap go w sloik i przypierdol cene.
Then catch it in a jar and charge a price.
Jesli sie ludzisz, ze wszystko co chcesz mozesz zdobyc
If you delude yourself that you can have everything you want
To zaloz nowe buty i pomysl o tych co stracili nogi.
Then put on new shoes and think about those who have lost their legs.
Niewazne jakie masz wyznanie, kiedy chcesz mnie zabic,
It doesn't matter what your religion is when you want to kill me
Niewazne w jakim mowisz jezyku gdy masz karabin.
It doesn't matter what language you speak when you have a gun.
Tacy Sami, bo mamy uczucia i wspomnienia,
We Are the Same, because we have feelings and memories
Gdy pod naszymi stopami jest taka sama ziemia. / x2
When the same Earth is beneath our feet. / x2
(Tacy Sami) / x2
(We Are the Same) / x2
Kiedy patrzysz mi w oczy i chcesz reke podac
When you look me in the eyes and want to shake my hand
Czy to meczet, czy synagoga,
Whether it's a mosque or a synagogue,
Czy chodzisz do marketu w niedziele, czy do kosciola.
Whether you go to the market on Sundays or to church.
Wiec, glowa do gory,
So, heads up,
Masz prawo do dumy
You have the right to be proud
I do reprezentowania swojej kultury.
And to represent your culture.
Niewazne skory kolor, ani dlugosc wlosow,
The color of your skin or the length of your hair doesn't matter
Liczy sie dobre slowo, a nie kurwa ksztalt oczu.
What matters is a kind word, not the fucking shape of your eyes.
Powod wyglada tak, ze jestesmy rowni,
The reason it looks like we're equal
Bo jeden kolor ma nasza krew,
Is because our blood is the same color,
Ten sam ksztalt - nasze mozgi.
Our brains have the same shape.
Jedyne co nas rozni to ta presja spoleczna,
The only thing that separates us is this social pressure
Stereotypy ktore nam wpajano od dziecka.
The stereotypes we've been taught since childhood.
Murzynek Bambo w Afryce mieszka,
Little Black Sambo lives in Africa
Tak mowila nam na polskim nauczycielka,
That's what our Polish teacher used to tell us
Ale teraz ta jedza co slucha radia i ksiedza
But now this chick who listens to the radio and the priest
Mowi murzynowi, zeby z Polski spieprzal (przestan!)
Tells the black man to get out of Poland (stop!)
Jedyny komentarz, jaki tutaj sie nasuwa:
The only comment that comes to mind here is:
Przestanmy patrzec na innych,
Let's stop looking at others
Zacznijmy ich sluchac. (sluchaj)
Let's start listening to them. (listen)
Z poludnia na polnoc, z zachodu na wschod
From south to north, from west to east
To dla wszystkich moich braci i siostr.
This is for all my brothers and sisters.
Niewazne jakie masz wyznanie, kiedy chcesz mnie zabic,
It doesn't matter what your religion is when you want to kill me
Niewazne w jakim mowisz jezyku gdy masz karabin.
It doesn't matter what language you speak when you have a gun.
Tacy Sami, bo mamy uczucia i wspomnienia,
We Are the Same, because we have feelings and memories
Gdy pod naszymi stopami jest taka sama ziemia. / x2
When the same Earth is beneath our feet. / x2

Writer(s): Patryk Skoczylas, Lukasz Bulat-mironowicz, Aleksander Kowalski

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