HOME MADE KAZOKU - マモルベキモノ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction HOME MADE KAZOKU - マモルベキモノ

Things to Protect
誰かの痛みに 心が痛み
My heart aches with the pain of others
写し鏡のようさ 一人一人
Like a mirror, each and every one of us
それぞれが浮かべる あの笑顔
Each one of us carries that smile
守るため 必死に生きてるんだ
We live desperately to protect it
一つでも多く 一つでも多く
One by one, one by one
Yes, I, too, am lonely
My heart carries countless wounds, and I've surrendered countless times
辛酸 嘗めては悲惨
I've tasted hardship and misery
Nobody's special, and sometimes it's lonely
まるで痛みが 試合後の夜に訪れるボクサー
Like the pain that comes to a boxer the night after a match
10カウント 人生は展開 の激しい弁解の余地ない
Ten count, life is a harsh and unforgiving fight
The harsh reality
チャンスは一回 ここにあるのみ
There's only one chance, right here, right now
オレの後ろにはそう セコンドに
Behind me, in my corner
キミがいるから 力また湧き
You give me strength, again and again
立ち上る 倒れるたび
To rise, each time I fall
強くなりてぇ 強くなりてぇ
I want to be strong, I want to be strong
How far can I go as the man I am?
つもりだけで 通用しなくて
Intentions alone are not enough
My ideals keep creating dilemmas
Where am I on the mountain of life?
My dreams are still translucent
I can't even protect the people who matter most to me
見せてやるんだ My Own Way
I'll show you, my own way
Oh この時代に お前と巡り会えたこのGood Timing
Oh, to have met you in this era, this perfect timing
どうせなら出会えて良かったって 思える答えに(I'm Gonna Take You)
We might as well find an answer that makes us think it was good to have met (I'm Gonna Take You)
正解なんてない だから精一杯生きるしかない
There's no right answer, so we have to live our lives to the fullest
キミの悲しむ姿見る ぐらいなら諦めない
I'd rather not give up than see you sad
守るべきもの 譲れないもの
Things to protect, things I can't give up
そのために オレたちは命を燃やす(この灯火は)
That's why we burn our lives (this flame)
風が吹くほど 決して消えない炎
A fire that will never be extinguished, no matter how strong the wind blows
いつだって キミの声は届く(共に同じさ)
Your voice always reaches me (we're the same)
誰かの痛みに 心が痛み
My heart aches with the pain of others
写し鏡のようさ 一人一人
Like a mirror, each and every one of us
それぞれが浮かべる あの笑顔
Each one of us carries that smile
守るため 必死に生きてるんだ
We live desperately to protect it
一つでも多く 一つでも多く
One by one, one by one
仲間がMy Treasure ときにTeacher 救ってくれます
My friends are my treasure, my teachers, my saviors
道外しちゃ またはサッカーのディフェンダー
They keep me on the right path, like soccer defenders
Even if I have to risk my own life, I won't miss my fake
目と目合わせ Man To Man 面と向かって「やめとけ」
Look me in the eye, man to man, and tell me to "stop it"
At that moment, you were probably
傷ついてたんだ はるかにもっと
Hurting much more than I was
独りのやつも 疲れたやつも
To those who are lonely, to those who are tired
Even to those who don't know the meaning of life
見えない明日を 導く活路
I will find a way to guide you to a brighter tomorrow
I will find the best solution
一つでも多く 自分がここまで救われて来たように
One by one, just as I have been saved up until now
一つでも多く その 曇り空の心 晴れ模様に
One by one, I will turn your cloudy heart into a sunny sky
絶対なんてない だけど"絶対"オレしかいない
There are no absolutes, but "absolutely" I'm the only one
I would rather not have been born than live my life being protected by you
守るべきもの 譲れないもの
Things to protect, things I can't give up
そのために オレたちは命を燃やす(この灯火は)
That's why we burn our lives (this flame)
風が吹くほど 決して消えない炎
A fire that will never be extinguished, no matter how strong the wind blows
いつだって キミの声は届く
Your voice always reaches me
家族、友達、愛しい 人たち
Family, friends, loved ones
幸が もたらす 人生の付加価値
The added value of life brought to us by happiness
悩み 悩んで それもドラマチック
Worries, worries, they're also dramatic
泥も 磨けば いつか輝き
Even mud will shine if you polish it
正解なんてない だから精一杯生きるしかない
There's no right answer, so we have to live our lives to the fullest
絶対なんてない だけどこれだけは絶対、、、
There are no absolutes, but this much is absolute
守るべきもの 譲れないもの
Things to protect, things I can't give up
そのために オレたちは命を燃やす(この灯火は)
That's why we burn our lives (this flame)
風が吹くほど 決して消えない炎
A fire that will never be extinguished, no matter how strong the wind blows
いつだって キミの声は届く(共に同じさ)
Your voice always reaches me (we're the same)
誰かの痛みに 心が痛み
My heart aches with the pain of others
写し鏡のようさ 一人一人
Like a mirror, each and every one of us
それぞれが浮かべる あの笑顔
Each one of us carries that smile
守るため 必死に生きてるんだ
We live desperately to protect it
一つでも多く 一つでも多く
One by one, one by one

Writer(s): Kuro, Micro, kuro, micro

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